6 Sadrach's Kingdom

"If your father did not betray. Two kingdoms will combine to become a very big and tough Kingdom, even we both must be happy, married and have children. Unfortunately everything has been destroyed because of your father. I'm just trying to save you. Other safety? I can't help. See you Adaline, don't leave here. Abraham will be here soon." Shem immediately walked away from this old castle.

"Abraham? When were you here?" asked Shem, seeing Abraham at the door.

"From earlier my lord, I'm waiting for orders from you" he replied

"Did he hear everything? My game with Adaline earlier ....?" Shem muttered in a questioning heart. Causing Shem's face to turn red with embarrassment.

"Um. You have to protect her. Make sure she is safe from the pursuit of our kingdom. I also want you to keep this secret. She should not be seen by anyone!" Shem ordered firmly.

"Yes, my Lord," replied Abraham, bowing his head. Shem continued to step outside the castle to quickly get on his horse. He must quickly get to the palace. It seemed that his time with Adaline was quite time-consuming. He did not know how many hours he had accompanied Adaline earlier? What is clear now that he spurred his horse quickly followed by several guards from behind.

"Tok ... Tok ... Tok ..."

"Excuse me, I want to enter my lady," said Abraham as he knocked on the door.

"Princess, may I come in?" Abraham knocked on the door of this castle room. Adaline immediately opened it.

"Yes, Abraham,"

"I brought food, my lady. I am sure you are hungry." Abraham gave a sack of food to Adaline as well as a bottle of water. There was fruit as well as a few slices of bread. Adaline was indeed very hungry, how could he think of food in such a tense state.

"Thank you Abraham, is this from Shem?" Adaline walks past Abraham.

"No, sorry I took the initiative myself, because maybe the princess is hungry, so I don't know what kind of food the Princess usually has? The prince didn't tell me either, so I've taken whatever's there, sorry if you don't like it, my Princess"

"Thank you very much Abraham, this is bread and fruit, anyone will like this food, so will I," replied Adaline.

"I want to sit outside this room Abraham, inside keeps me cramped." She walked out of the dark room. She sat on the floor with the Commander of the prince Shem.

"Come on, accompany me to eat, don't hesitate." The girl offered Abraham.

"I have eaten, my lady, it is all for you." Abraham watched Adaline eat all the food voraciously. from morning until late evening she did not eat anything.

"Is the war over?" he asked.

"It's your Majesty, we have your kingdom surrounded, and there is no way we can do any more.

"Did you hear what happened to my Father and Mother?" Adaline asked again.

"I do not know, Princess. Maybe Prince Shem will know tomorrow, because today he is in the palace. And me? I do not know at all the palace news because my job is here, guarding you and monitoring the movement of your people and soldiers." Abraham's explanation was passed on to her.

Meanwhile far away on the other side. The Royal Palace of Sadrach was very excited about its success in banning the King and Queen Serafin. King Ignatius and Queen of Librivia. The two of them became prisoners who were sentenced to death, as was Adaline's younger brother, Prince Andrew. Who was still ten years old.

"Do you have the last wish before your head leaves your body?" Said King Theophilus furiously.

"No, even if I give my request, you can't possibly grant it." answered King Ignatius. King Ignatius looked so strong, but the Queen of Librivia cried incessantly.

"We will soon find your daughter and you can go to Hell together as a family, Ignasius! This is the punishment you deserve BREAKER !!!" Cried King Theophilus.

"THE PRINCE HAS ARRIVED !!!" shouted one of the guards. The king suddenly ran to meet his son.

"Where is your future wife? She is being awaited by her family to go to Hell together!" King Theophilus was furious.

"Um ... still being sought by Abraham, Father" replied the Prince.

"Didn't I hear earlier that Abraham had caught her first?" Argued his father.

"Yes, at first, but suddenly the Serafin knights seized his Princess, Father. Abraham was defeated because there were still many opponents in the palace,"

"Where is he now ?!" snapped the King.

"He's still there Father, monitoring the situation and trying to find Princess Adaline, along with several guards and soldiers also on guard.

The King looks very disappointed, he really wants today to execute this Serafin royal family in public, beheaded and his head will be used as a display in a special palace museum, but it looks like the King should be heartened to wait for a member of his rival kingdom, who is still at large and has not been found.

"Are the King and Queen Serafin here, Father?" asked Shem to his father.

"Yes! Only the daughter remains!" replied the father.

Shem immediately ran towards the detention room which was surrounded by very tight security. Shem saw with his own eyes, the two people of great influence were kneeling helpless and very sad.

King Ignatius looked still full of vengeance and anger, while the Queen was only teary-eyed staring at him as he slowly approached the two of them.

Shem felt unworthy of speaking to King Ignatius, his heart was also very disappointed and hurt by his attitude of betrayal to his Kingdom, to him. Himself and Adaline had to bear the consequences because of Adaline's father's fatal mistake. Shem immediately looked at the tearful Queen of Librivia.

"What happened to my Queen? How could it be like this? Why do you guys want to destroy my Kingdom? If the Red Xavier Crystal is not in its place, then the Sadrach Kingdom will be destroyed." Shem took the Queen of Librivia's two hands. He kissed the hand.