7 Secretly Missed Her

"The king is incited by his advisors and several other kingdoms to cooperate in this matter. The king does not want to destroy your kingdom, but only wants to have the Crystal. So that it becomes the most powerful Kingdom and controls all corners of the world. I also did not expect my husband to grant his cooperation. And this happened. Prince ... Forgive us my lord, " said the Queen, her mother Adaline who was sobbing.

"I'm very sorry Queen. I'm sorry I was unable to do anything, I'm just a prince who is still far below the king's orders. I can't possibly go against the rules of the Sadrach Kingdom.

"In that case, grant our one wish before we are sentenced to death," shouted the Queen of Librivia.

"Tell the Queen,"

"Save Adaline. She doesn't know anything about this crime. Don't kill her either. Save her Prince," the Queen pleaded beggingly.

"She is loyal to you, there is no other man besides you in her heart. She loves you very much. Before everything happened like this. There was no day without thinking about you."

"I don't know my Queen, if I can help you. Whether I can save her. All power and decisions are in my father's hands." Shem answered and immediately left them.

Really his heart will not bear to see the two people who were close to him will be punished by death, especially the Queen of Librivia who is very gentle, it is impossible for the Queen to participate in the theft project. It's just that she is the wife of the traitor King who must participate in the punishment. He also thought about Adaline. What should he do to save the girl he loves? Honestly, Shem also feels the same way, nothing can replace Adaline's position in his heart. Although many times he visited other kingdoms. He never fell in love with another princess again, only Adaline was able to fill his heart.

Prince Shem immediately headed to his room. He pondered ... He thought hard ... He secretly missed her.

"Adaline, I have kept a thousand memories, since the time you leaned yourself in my arms. Since then I have instilled a passionate romance that burned my soul, until you were able to make me fall asleep to the passionate love in my chest." He whispered softly looking at her bedroom window. Shem's eyes wander away and ask how she is? It had only been a few hours since he had met the girl, but now he had filled his thoughts.

"Oh yeah. I forgot to ask Abraham to find Adaline food." Shem ran to find one bodyguard. He wanted to give his bodyguard the task of giving food to Abraham. Surely Abraham understood that the food was for Adaline.

Shem immediately searched for some very delicious palace food. He wrapped it tightly and immediately he handed it over to his bodyguard. Not to forget that Shem also wrapped up his sister's dress tightly, to replace Adaline's dress that she had been wearing all day. He did not want any bodyguards to know its contents so that they would not be exposed.

Shem immediately handed it all to his bodyguards. And immediately ordered the guards to leave immediately and ordered to spur the horse quickly. Because this parcel was very important to Abraham.

"Please leave quickly, this is very much needed by Abraham," said Shem.

"Yes, my lord, I am ready to carry out," The guard did not wait much longer. He drove fast as ordered, a few seconds had already disappeared from Shem's eyes.

"How can I forget such an important thing, Adaline must be very hungry. I'm sorry dear, this complicated situation makes my mind full and I can't focus," Shem held his head regretfully.

While in Serafin's royal castle, there is Abraham who is very alert about the situation. He was visited by the guards of the Sadrach Kingdom. It takes about two hours to go to Serafin's territory by horse. The guard immediately entered the castle and looked for Abraham inside.

He called Abraham's name by shouting because he felt the atmosphere in the castle was very quiet. Because Abraham heard his name being called by someone, he opened his sword and searched for the source of the voice cautiously.

When he found out that someone was wearing the Sadrach Kingdom, Abraham again shrouded the sword. He descended the stairs and headed for the guards who had come.

The guard immediately handed over what was sent by Prince Shem.

"This is from the Prince, he said you really need it." said the guard.

"How do you know I am in here ?," asked Abraham suspiciously.

"Prince Shem told me, but what are you doing here Abraham?" investigate the bodyguard.

"I am here because I have to make sure that the Serafin Kingdom is completely paralyzed and there is no more movement. I was also assigned by the Prince to find the missing Serafin Princess, so I am on guard and will rest here. Will you stay here too ? "

"I did not get orders like that, so I will return to the palace right now." the guard said goodbye to Abraham.

"All right, tell the prince, I will stay here until the prince himself comes here again." Abraham's message was brief.

Abraham immediately opened the sizable package, along with the departure of Sadrach's bodyguard. Abraham wondered if this was the package he said I needed it most. He said to himself.

It turned out that there was a little bit of content in the package. There is food and also dresses. Maybe it's for Princess Adaline. He thought at this time. Abraham immediately managed the castle again to the room where Adaline was. He slowly opened the door. He saw that in the room, Adaline looked tired and was fast asleep. Abraham went in anyway and stepped very carefully so that the girl would not be awakened by his arrival. He placed the half-opened package next to the sleeping Adaline.

For a moment he looked at the princess who was closing her eyes. He looked on with pity, but he didn't wait long in the room. He decided to leave Adaline's room and head for the starting position. Keep watch outside that place.