18 Love Feeling

Shem released the kiss from Adaline, both of them still staring at each other, Shem then touched Adaline's chin, he kissed her again more gently. Adaline welcomed him warmly. Beautiful kiss during the day. Under the lush green trees. Shem then smiled and blindly the girl became embarassed. The two of them just tasted their first kiss on their first love too.

"I love you Adaline, can this seventeen years old teenager fall in love with you? Fiveteen years old girl?" asked Prince Shem.

"I don't know the Prince, may I ask my mother first?"

"Don't you say, I'll be embarrassed. Don't you like me?" He shook his head.

"I like you, I feel comfortable when I'm with you, but I'm afraid my parents will be angry,"

"We'll just live until we grow up, then you can tell your mother." Shem also didn't dare confess his feelings to his parents. He felt too young, he was afraid that his next meeting with Adaline would be banned by the King. Vice versa, Shem forbids Adaline to tell about his kiss earlier to Adaline's mother, He is very afraid that Adaline is also forbidden to see him again.

The two of them continued through the forest. To witness its beauty. Adaline and Shem take a walk together enjoying their time together.

"Mooom ... Mom ..." Adaline ran to find and hugged her mother quickly. After she came home from the forest earlier.

"Hi honey, what's wrong with you?" asked her mother.

"Mom, I want to tell you something. Mom. Prince Shem kissed me as we rode into our beautiful Forest. He said he loved me?" Adaline continues to tell the Queen of Librivia about the incident. Because she felt confused. On the one hand she was terrified and on the other she was delighted.

"Really? Did the Prince fall in love with you, but you are too young, dear. Wait for your age to be more mature, later you will know whether you really love each other or just love monkeys."

"Are you going to stop me from playing with him after this?" Adaline immediately sat on her mother's lap.

"Of course not, dear. You can play and meet him, but remember Mother's message, he must not ask for anything from you but a kiss. Okay ?! The prince must not touch your other body. Because Mother will be very angry and your father too," Queen Librivia gave an important message to his daughter.

"I promise you, we just kissed earlier. I like him too, he's kind and handsome, Mom." Adaline continued his words. She flashed her mind staring at Prince Shem's good looks when she was with him.

"I know he is good and handsome, but you are also a good and beautiful daughter. I don't want anything to happen to you. You are still too young. I want you to be 20 when you are 20, you will be able to judge for yourself." The mother kissed Adaline's forehead.


That's Adaline and Shem, getting closer and closer each day, sometimes even though there is no Sadrach's Kingdom schedule to visit Serafin, the Prince still often plays to Serafin just to meet Adaline.

Prince Shem often invited Adaline to come with him to the Sadrach Palace just for a walk, see the rice fields, gardens and horse riding together in Sadrach Country. Prince Shem also introduced Adaline to several members of the Sadrach family, but all of them were unsuspecting. They all know that Shem and Adaline are friends, then Sadrach and Serafin are partners. So it really doesn't matter if their Prince and Crown Princess are close friends.

"Prince? Have you told your parents that you love me?"

"Not yet, Adaline. I'm afraid my father will scold me. Let's just live like this first, okay? We'll wait for the right time, I'll tell everything to my parents." Prince Shem took Adaline for a walk around the palace.

"My palace is not as beautiful as yours, there is only an ordinary flower garden in our palace yard." said Shem while always holding Adaline's hand.

"A beautiful palace does not have to be the same, Prince. Your palace is also very large and majestic. Sadrach Palace is also very beautiful." Adaline pointed to the part of Sadrach Palace which is indeed the building filled with various precious stones and partially shining from brilliant crystals.

"Thank you, Adaline." Shem thanked her with a smile.

The two of them are very close. They won't be calm if they don't see each other for a long time. Especially Shem, he couldn't wait if he missed Adaline, so he would immediately leave for the Serafin Palace even though he had no interest and wasn't on any mission.

Shem and Adaline were overcome with a bloom of love. The two of them fell in love and always wanted to meet. It is like a red flower in the shape of a bud and the warm sunlight falls on it every day, sprinkled with dew in the morning, then sowing and growing into a beautiful flower blooming from every stem.

Shem returned to playing his memory of his time and Adaline was still young. Where they used to be, first love overtook them both. Those beautiful memories were brought up by Shem when he felt warm and embraced Adaline's body at this time. Shem started to open his eyes and snapped out of his reverie. He became sad again because the fond memories of his past could not last long until he was an adult. Now that Shem is an adult, he is caught in a fatal situation.

Adaline, the girl he loved for a long time, was now in his arms at his fingertips. Between life and death. He still held her. She stroked Adaline's back, his lover who still closed her beautiful eyes.

"Adaline, open your eyes. I must immediately change your appearance as Masyayel, because your face has been scattered everywhere as a fugitive of the kingdom." Shem took the comb and scissors. He was about to cut Adaline's hair to complete the disguise.