19 Shems Room

Because all this time Adaline had long hair almost knee-length, so Shem asked permission to cut it only at the waist, then gave Adaline thick bangs to cover her forehead.

"Now put thick eyebrows in your eyes to make you look different, then tweak your lips a little with this."

"Where did you get it Shem? You make me laugh. A prince has a complete make-up. Hehehe," said Adaline covering her mouth and chuckled.

"I asked my maid. Especially those who serve beauty in the kingdom. I said there is Elliot's nephew who needs this." Shem answered, smiling too.

"Please look like this every day, don't ever have your hair in the booth, just put it in pigtails or braid it. In order to make you change even more." Shem's orders.

"Do not ever come out of the palace. Okay? And as much as possible you can only be in this room, I'm sorry dear." Shem took Adaline's hands and kissed them.

"I'm too afraid of losing you. It's not that I'm holding you back, it's for our sake," Shem ordered.


That morning as usual, before the royal family has breakfast, then there will be herbs to maintain the stamina of everyone who drinks it, it must be prepared for everyone in the palace. Elliot must prepare it all alone.

"Do you have to drink this potion before everyone has breakfast, Uncle?" Masyayel asked as she helped pour the potion into the small bowls of the palace.

"Yes, that's right. And you have a special order, Masyayel. You specially deliver this potion to the Prince and all the food for the Prince as well as you who have to deliver yourself to his room," said Uncle Elliot.

"All right, I'll take you there now, this herbal concoction, where for breakfast?"

"Soon the maid will deliver to our room. Today the Prince does not want to eat together with the family in the dining room. He wants to eat in his room. That was the message yesterday."

"Alright Uncle, I'll be there now," said goodbye to Adaline or Masyayel.

She dressed and dressed according to Shem's orders, her hair in one braid and she placed it on one shoulder. Now she has bangs. She started knocking on the door of Shem's room, but because there was no answer, she started to open the door herself, she tried to peek first before entering his room. She also remembered Uncle Elliot's message that if the Prince is still sleeping, then don't wake him up.

Masyayel slowly entered the room, she put the bowl down very carefully, it's also true that Shem is sleeping. She turned around and was about to leave the room.

"Adaline, is that you?" Shem's voice called out to her.

"Yes, Shem. It's me. I'm sorry if I wake you up. I've been trying to do Uncle Elliot's orders to enter your room carefully and don't surprise you," said Masyayel and he turned around to face Shem.

"No, I'm already awake. Not surprised because of you," said Shem smiling. He got up from his bed and sat on his bed.

"Did you take a shower, honey?" asked Shem next.

"It's Shem. Don't the servants from early in the morning have to be ready to work and a lot of tasks await her?" Masyayel replied.

"I'm sorry darling, I impose such a heavy duty for you. Now come here." Shem drew closer to Masyayel.

"Accompany me to take a shower. I just woke up and I haven't showered yet. You can help me scrub my body with a fragrance potion," he asked, grabbing her arm.

"Is that also Uncle Elliot's job I've been taking over?" She asked in surprise.

"Hahaha! Of course not, I usually shower myself, honey! But because of you. I want to take a bath with you this morning, it must be fun. You don't mind taking a shower again? With me?" Shem started teasing Masyayel.

"Even though you have covered your face with a disguise, your face still looks very beautiful. I always miss you, even though you are always beside me. Next to my room," Shem immediately carried Masyayel, making her heart beat fast. This was the first time she was invited to take a bath with a man, she herself was confused about refusing it. This prince is his lover. On the other hand, she was also a prisoner who could not fight anything.

"Shem, I'm very scared. Isn't this in the palace? What if suddenly the Queen or King enters your room and sees us?"

"Take it easy, no one will come to my room this early, I've also locked our door. So we can make love as much as we want. I really love you, honey." Shem looked at Masyayel's face affectionately.

Shem began to strip the maid's clothes that Masyayel was wearing. Masyayel felt his body suddenly shiver and felt his skin being touched by Shem's hand. After all the clothes were removed from the body of this beautiful lover. Shem himself also took off his nightgown. He smelled his body. It doesn't smell too bad if I take a shower and be intimate with her for a moment. Thought Shem.

He carried the girl and immediately invited her to soak together in a large tub (Bathup) which was very large in size. Elliot has prepared warm water and has sprinkled with flowers and fragrant herbs on the surface of the water.

"Starting Tomorrow you have to prepare bathwater too for me before I wake up," said Shem whispering in Masyayel's ear, whose position was in front of him. He felt his skin touch the girl's skin. Shaking his hair.

"If I prepare your bath too. I'll take you to take a shower with Shem every day. Hehehe, I will really serve you." Masyayel teased. Shem also smiled.

"I don't know, I was bewitched by your beauty and the beauty of your body. I was lulled and ringing with our love. I want to always repeat it with you." Shem started to wash himself off his head. So that the body smells good. He started to hug Masyayel, then felt the girl's chewy chest. He squeezed both of them and played with the ends. As he kissed her neck, ears and shoulders. Masyayel's lips, a her sexi with amusement, aroused the man's passion.