22 With Abraham

"Elliot, where's my breakfast for Masyayel too? She will eat with me, and for today she will be in my room until I come home. She can't help you just yet," said Shem.

"Fine, Prince. No problem, I am always alone," he replied.

"Please if there is anything suspicious. Call Abraham. Because I want to go with my father, I do not know how long," Shem ordered later.

He rushed into the room again to bring her food. He looked strangely at the girl, he had just left a few minutes just to get food. Now he found the girl was fast asleep in his bed, still wearing a towel. Shem came over and covered Masyayel with his blanket. Then he kissed the girl's forehead. He finally ate breakfast alone and set aside Masyayel's food on his table. So that when she wakes up she can eat it later.

Abraham had been given a message by Prince Shem, since his departure with his father, making Shem worried about Masyayel's safety, so he asked Abraham to accompany her and just as well teach Masyayel to use the sword. That's why Abraham tried to go to Prince Shem's room because he wanted to meet Masyayel. He knocked on the door of the room. To make the girl wake up. She rubbed his eyes. Who knocked on the door? Shem will definitely go straight into the room. This is the room, right? Oh yeah, she just remembered that Shem said goodbye and was going to go out with his father. Maybe the one knocking on Uncle Elliot's door? Masyayel got up and saw that she was still wearing a towel. So she immediately rushed to find her clothes and put them on.

"Wait a minute? Who's out there?" Asked Masyayel

"Abraham, my lady," he replied.

"Ooh Abraham what is he up to looking for me?" she whispered to herself.

Masyayel opened the door to the room after she put on neat clothes. She asked Abraham. What is the purpose of him looking for Masyayel in the afternoon like this? Because it was unusual in Abraham's palace to look for Masyayel.

"I was asked by the Prince to teach you the sword starting today, Princess, I'm sorry I was ordered to call your name Masyayel," Abraham replied.

"Yes, just do it Abraham. I understand it, I want to eat Abraham first, you come in." Masyayel invited him to enter.

"No Miss, this is the room of my lord Prince Shem. I will not enter without my master's permission," he replied.

"Okay then, I'll go in for breakfast first, are you waiting for me?" Abraham nodded and he waited pacing back and forth at the door of his Master's room.

After Masyayel finished breakfast she went straight out to where Abraham was waiting. The two of them walked hand in hand toward the outside of the palace, then Abraham invited Masyayel to get on his horse. Then Abraham followed behind him. They only used one horse to ride together. They were about to go to a large hay field to practice swordsmanship together.

"From now on, Miss must practice the sword at this hour every day. Exercise as well. This is my Lord's message." Abraham delivered his Master's message to Masyael.

"I'm really enthusiastic about studying Abraham. I want to at least be able to be on guard, basically I really regret that during my life as a princess I was not interested in practicing the sword. Even though it is very important. Now my life is on the line. I just hope for mercy. someone else to save my life. He's Shem, "I said with a look of regret. Because life as a princess is completely in your comfort zone and doesn't try to hone or seek self-expertise. Now she regrets it. Fortunately, God still gave her the opportunity to breathe until this moment.

"Mr. Shem and I, Miss. He ordered me to always protect your life like Mr. Shem, even more than protecting my own life," he said firmly making me touched. Why did Shem love her so much that he ordered his greatest commander to protect herself more than Abraham?

"Abraham. Why are you always obedient to Shem? Even giving up your own life? I asked curiously. Because there are also people as loyal as Abraham?"

"Because I owe my life to the King. If I was not picked up by him, I would not be like this, and I will forever be a hobo" he replied.

"Then why did you obey Shem? Even though it is against the King's orders? Don't you owe your life to the King? Not Shem? Because when you were a child, of course Shem was still young. So there is no way you owe Shem a debt of gratitude?"

"The king has ordered me to always be with Mr Shem, and I was ordered by the king to always obey Mr Shem's orders, so I don't have to obey the king. I just obey Mr Shem."

"Oh yes? The principle of your loyalty is extraordinary Abraham, I am very impressed. Even though you could cut my throat at any time so that you get the award and the name of King Theophylus? But you did not do it," said Masyayel.

"No way, Miss, you are the girl who is loved by my lord. I have to take care of you as if to protect him. More than myself. Even I have been sworn to give up my death to protect him,"

"You are a great warlord, you are a royal protector loyal to your master. All you have in your brain is your Lord. Your lord and your lord, have you ever thought about love? As your lord feels?" Masyayel asked more deeply.

"No, Miss," he replied firmly

"Have you ever thought about women in passing? Don't all men need women and Abraham's love?"

"For me not miss, I live only for Mr. Shem. Nothing else,"

"Really never crossed a woman in your heart?" she asked and Abraham stuck to the answer. He shook his head firmly. This indicates that he never thought of women.