23 Similarity

"How strange Abraham. Did Shem forbid you to approach women? Even if you never played girls? Beautiful prisoners of war, for example?" both Masyayel and Abraham shook their heads.

"We have arrived Miss, this is a hay field. We will always practice here every day. And after a week of training, the prince himself will test you. Hurry up, Miss. So that I don't get angry," he explained.

"Your face never smiles Abraham. You are always serious Abraham? Hehehe. If he dares to scold my sword teacher. I will blow your master's ear." Masyayel with a small chuckle.

Abraham began to introduce the types of swords and various forms of swords from the picture book he was carrying. after that he also explained the basics of how to use the sword, the theory and its use in the early and light stages first. He taught how to hold the sword in various positions. Standing position, sitting position, stance position, attacking position and up, down and side positions. All painstakingly he taught Masyayel. He didn't want anything to be missed at all.

Today is the second day they practice the sword, Masyayel is getting excited because she is very happy with Abraham's very clear and patient teaching, she really did not think that a Commander or Prince who has a side of cruelty and the soul of the enemy slayer has a soft side too, she felt Shem who can be gentle to himself and now Abraham who is always gentle to her, Abraham also always respects her. Even though she now has a low status. Only as a servant, but Abraham still treated herself politely and honorably as a Royal Princess.

Masyayel repeatedly made technical mistakes or other small things, but Abraham never scolded her. Sometimes he even smiled at the mistake and cuteness of the girl's strange movements in playing a sword.

"How long does it usually take for a girl to master a sword?" she asked during a workout break.

"It depends on the princess, the more you remember all the teachings, the faster she will master it,"

"What about a typical girl like me?"

"You have only been training for two days, no one has been able to answer your question, but it looks like the princess has never wielded a sword in your life? So it will take quite a while."

"Humm ... When will Shem be returning to the palace?"

"The prince didn't say when he would come home, so I don't know," said Abraham.

As long as there was Abraham who took care of her because of Shem, the girl was still at ease with her safety. Abraham returned to give Masyayel the sword because the time for rest was over.

"Let's continue, my lady, there is still one hour more time to practice." I nodded and started to accept the sword. I want to be able to do it soon and in five days Shem will test me. I don't want Abraham to be blamed for my ignorance of not being able to use the sword. So I have to be more active. I spent my evenings rereading sword theory and lessons. In the morning I will practice under Abraham's guidance. I don't think I'll be able to take long. Given my situation is getting more and more pressed and always anxious about insecurities.

After we finished practicing the sword, we sat on the grass drinking the water we had brought from the palace earlier.

"Now ask what if you don't understand, Princess? You better ask now. Because after being in the palace, I will not meet you freely." Abraham put their swords in their sheaths.

"I see you have a lot in common with Shem?" Masyayel asked a question.

"A question about sword practice, not another question, my lady," replied Abraham.

"I already understand all the lessons that you have conveyed Abraham, what I do not understand is about you. I do not know how attractive the figure of an Abraham is, because ... in my former Kingdom, I did not know a commander like you who was very close to a Prince or Princess. I do not have a special commander like you, "Masyayel looked at the sky far away. She thought that if she had a special Commander like Abraham, she would have been saved and taken away from harm, as well as her younger brother, Prince Andrew. Maybe it's still alive right now because it's protected.

When the Land was safe and peaceful, she and the royal family, never thought of such an important thing. Now she only regrets that the situation has not always been safe and secure. Masyayel cried again, remembering that her family, which is now gone and hes kingdom in disarray like this, has no trace.

"I'm sorry if I made you cry, what can I do to help you, my Princess?" Abraham began to approach the girl.

"No, I just suddenly remember all my family that I love so much. Now that I am gone, I just think and regret it, if I had a personal commander like you, I would do my utmost to protect me and my family. No one in command of our kingdom is like you Abraham, "said Masyayel.

"Forgive me, my lady, I was the one who attacked your commander," replied Abraham.

"It's not your fault, my Kingdom is looking for trouble with this kingdom, you've done your best to save me and even sacrificed your life. If you were ordered by Shem to kill Princess Serafin, you might have killed me too, right?" She replied while Abraham was silent unable to answer.

"I am what my lord said, my lady. I also understand your feelings my Princess, especially since I was young, I had lost my parents and family, but life is still going on. We have to think about the future, not the past," he advised Masyayel.

"You're just like Shem, he said so too." The girl (Masyayel) wiped her tears.