24 Feel Something

Masyayel smiled at Abraham's answer because men his age usually have signs of puberty when they are still teenagers and there is a sense of attraction towards a woman? Do you have to wait to feel something new can be called falling in love? The girl tried to remember when she felt something towards Shem? Even Masyayel forgot since when her heart felt something when she was close to Shem? What she knew she first met was very nosy and hated new guests, then suddenly they got to know each other, then who knows when unexpectedly Shem suddenly kissed him for the first time under a grove of trees. Even then, Masyayel, who at that time was Princess Adaline, didn't even feel anything. Instead, she was afraid of her feelings and heart, so she hurriedly told her mother. The Queen of Librivia.

"Is waiting to feel something to know we like someone or not Abraham? I've tried to remember but also don't remember at all. When did my heart feel something so I can be with him and choose it. Suddenly we know each other then we are close and suddenly he also kissed me for the first time which I didn't feel anything at that time, but I also unconsciously now I'm trapped in a relationship with him and I've fallen in love with him, "said Masyayel as she walked around a large area of ​​grass that was blowing. wind.

"Yes, the Prince has talked a lot about you, Princess. Since you first met, how when you fought and teased each other and then when you got older the Prince began to be fascinated by you, who started to be charming, it seems that the Prince liked the Princess first, and maybe something was there only felt by someone who first fell in love with someone, that is why you did not feel something towards the Prince at first, but now you have welcomed his love, that's what I have never felt, Princess "replied Abraham.

"Oh yes? I just found out that you are also a friend to confide in. Wow, it's funny too Shem? Hehehe," Masyayel replied with a laugh covering her mouth.

"Yes, Princess, since childhood we shared together, exchanged stories, when we were still young, but as he got older, the Prince had never told me about his life story again, let alone his personal affairs." Abraham said next.

"Maybe it was because of his maturity that he thought there were times when he had to keep something to himself and there were things he told you," said the girl.

"Since then there have been no more stories that we exchanged, only war matters and orders that the Prince conveyed to me. And vice versa." Abraham wiped our swords and then sheathed them.

"Let's go back, Princess, I'm sure the Prince would not like it if he saw us talking other than about sword practice. Especially about the story of the Prince's youth. Surely he will be angry." Abraham took the girl back to the palace because the training was over. Abraham also told Masyayel that the Prince would not be happy to see his girl chat about nothing important with anyone. Even though he is a confidant of the Prince.

The two of them returned to the palace and Masyayel had been far and away from Prince Shem for three days. The prince said nothing about his departure. How long and when it will return, no one knows. Masyayel returned to her room. She lives in a room with Elliot's uncle who she already thinks of as her uncle.

"How is your training Masyayel?" asked Uncle Elliot.

"It's fun, Uncle. I understand more and more how to use the sword, Abraham was very patient in teaching me." Said the girl was very happy. She immediately sat near her uncle, while the uncle was still peeling the herbal ingredients for the royal drink the next day.

"Uncle, I want to ask. Did you witness my parents and brother being beheaded? What was the situation at that time? I really want to know Uncle, because the Prince and Abraham were not in the palace at the time of the execution of the sentence." Masyayel immediately turned her body as if she was serious about listening to the story that she might never forget during her lifetime.

"Are you sure you want to hear it? It's very heartbreaking, especially they are people you really love," said Uncle Elliot.

"I'm ready to listen to that story Uncle, I want to know what the end of my family's life will be like. I have prepared my mentality, the proof is that I can have a love affair with Prince Shem, because I have accepted my fate. Indeed, my father made a mistake even though it was unforgivable, even though it was very disappointed and very sad with that tragic story. Even her whole life will never be forgotten. A king kills all her family but must fight her pain, because every time her heart loves the crown prince from a murderer of his family.

"All important people were present to witness this unusual incident. Your family has given up on the sanctions they will receive, their faces have all been covered by little sacks so that they do not witness their own death."

Uncle Elliot explained again, that the Prince had fought for their sentences to be lightened, even the Queen had also faced the King, but the King's decision was unanimous and inviolable, so there was still a stage for the show of the sick. People from all directions also watched as if it was a special show that had never existed so far. Without pity or sorrow, they waited for that moment to come.

Masyayel listened to it all carefully, even though she repeatedly wiped her tears, but she still asked Uncle Elliot to continue the true story.

On the same cue, the three executioners prepared to swing the large, bloodthirsty machete.