34 Heartbreaking Confessions

The man he loves is currently being controlled by longing and lust that goes hand in hand to give to the girl he misses. It was true that Shem's hand began to pull and lift and toss aside Masyayel's dress. Shem's hand began to slip to enter the blooming dress from below. Masyayel was sweating even more because she knew what Shem was going to do. Immediately Masyayel screamed as Shem squeezed Masyayel's sensitive part which was still injured.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!" Masyayel's scream startled the Prince. Instantly Shem stopped the kiss and all his touches. Because what he heard was not a sigh or moan of pleasure from his girl, but a scream that he didn't usually hear and escaped from the lips of his beloved girl. When they were alone all this time.

"What are you doing, honey? I haven't even done anything yet. I'm just squeezing in annoyance, really not violently, honey. This isn't what it used to be," asked Shem.

Masyayel just looked down and she was confused what to say, what if her honesty brought disaster? The prince would not love her anymore and would throw her away out of disgust with herself and her body now? If not honest. What kind of story would she tell her boyfriend now? Masyayel was confused and she looked very restless in front of her prince. Shem was still waiting anxiously and a million questions staring at his sweaty lover.

Shem held Masyayel's arm, the arm that was close to the shoulder with both of Shem's hands. He shook the girl's body violently. Shem was filled with anxiety and question marks in his mind.

"Tell me what's going on honey! What's going on here? What the hell are you? Answer!" shouted Shem in a half-loud voice.

Masyayel started crying and she couldn't hide it anymore, she had to tell the truth. Whatever the risk and what will happen to her. She must be ready to accept it. Even the worst thing is being hated and abandoned by the man she loves so much and for whom she has given everything. How can a prince who has a very high and respected rank be side by side with a woman who has been touched by cheap men, commoners and trash. A Prince can and easily get a Princess as beautiful as any and any Kingdom he wants. Moreover, Prince is as handsome and as great as Shem who has a large Kingdom even the next generation of this one and only kingdom.

"Shem, you hurt me! My hands hurt," she said, still crying.

"I'm sorry, honey. I was too worried about you. Tell me what happened." Shem took a deep breath and tried to remain calm, ready to listen to whatever this girl had to say.

"I'll tell you everything Shem, but promise me two things. Do you want?" Masyayel asked reassuringly.

Shem who was still gasping for air from trying to hold back a rumble of anger in his chest, "Okay, I'll make a promise to you, honey. Tell me what is it?" he answered.

"First, you must lock the door right now, then hand over the key to me!" this strange request made Shem wonder even more confused.

"This is my room honey, no one else would dare enter without my permission. And the situation is also no one? Why should it be locked?" he asked again.

"Just do it, that's the first condition." Masyayel insisted and made Shem do the same, he locked the door to his room which had been closed all along. The key to the door was then handed over to the girl. When Masyayel received the key, she immediately put it on the bed and sat down on top of the key. Shem frowned even more, still confused.

"My second request is that I will tell you but you must restrain your anger," said Masyayel.

"I have to hear what happened first? Can it trigger my anger or not? How can I possibly endure it if it's something that can make me angry?" The answer.

"Please promise me to hold back your anger," said Masyayel.

"Okay, I'll do it for you." Shem finally sat down on the bed next to Masyayel.

"Shem. I'm sorry... I ... Yesterday morning, I was just walking around the palace, I thought it would relieve my boredom. I've also been practicing swordsmanship to protect myself, so I've brought a sword. problem and fine." Masyayel lowered her head to start telling her story.

"Then ..." asked the Prince.

"I secretly left the palace without Uncle Elliot and Abraham knowing, I just went to the palace herbal garden alone and I ... I ... Something bad! Very bad happened to me," said Masyayel starting to shed tears having to remember it all.

"What bad thing happened to my lover? Tell me. I'll do the math!" He grumbled.

"You promised to hold back your anger right? Fulfill that first." Shem nodded slowly and patiently waited for what the sad girl would say next.

"I ... was raped by two unknown people," Masyayel's answer was finally conveyed. She sobbed more and more as she covered her face with her hands. She had prepared whatever she would receive from Shem, her lover.

"WHAT? BAST*RD!!!!!" He shouted spontaneously and loudly.

Prince Shem's face immediately changed color. Red blazing like fire in the midst of the dark night that blazes, ready to grab anyone. His hands clenched. His eyes bulged like a flash of lightning. His heart and soul were shattered to hear that the girl he was trying to love and protect half to death had been ravaged by a street bast*rd. And that's who? He was like a boulder hit him on the head, but he tried to fulfill his promise to hold back his anger, but he couldn't. It finally let go. This shocking news broke his heart too much.

"AAAARGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!" Shem shouted shrilly.

He hit the table beside the bed with his hand. He rummaged through everything in the room. Pillows, bolsters, blankets and everything else he threw aimlessly.