35 Punishment

"Shem... I'm sorry, you promised to hold back your anger, I didn't think that everything had to happen like this," she said still in tears.

Shem was still blindly destroying his room, whether he heard Masyayel's words or not. He moved to break all the existing glass. Breaking the jars and the beautiful ceramic room decorations, the pieces have no shape anymore. He also threw the books neatly arranged on his shelves, pulled the curtains and ornaments from other fabrics and even the mosquito nets that dangled on the sides of his bed, he pulled while screaming. It really scared her even more. Masyayel increasingly felt his whole body shaking violently. He had just gone through a very hard and even tragic day. He has not yet recovered, now he has faced with his own eyes the man he loved was heartbroken and his feelings ravaged his room.

"SSHEEEM!!! STOP!!!" Masyayel shouted too.

Shem suddenly stopped his brutality, his breath hitched, his chest constricted and without realizing it, his tears also spilled from there.

"Men don't cry!!!" he said.

"I'm a Great Prince who will never cry, but I cry because of you," he added softly.

His sweet dreams with the girl he loves suddenly disappear and fall gradually ... More and more messy as if they can no longer be assembled again. Shem walked slowly closer to Masyayel, with a sharp gaze and still full of anger.

"Damn!!! He's coming to me? What's he going to do? Is he going to kill me? I'm ready Shem. My life is already over. Just end it once. I'm willing to die in your hands. I can't live anymore. anyone else? Why am I surviving?" Masyayel muttered in a heart that was experiencing inner turmoil.

Now Shem looks at Masyayel with a face that is very desperate, Masyayel only shows a puffy face that has been filled with crying and crying for days. She is sick in body and soul. Unexpectedly, Shem dropped both of his knees on the floor, suddenly he was weak and there was no energy, he collapsed on his knees and then bowed his head on Masyayel's knees, the Prince cried on the girl's knees, it was the deepest regret he felt right now

"I'm sorry Shem, it's my own fault that everything turned out like this," said Masyayel while stroking the head of Prince Shem.

"I was wrong, your guarding is not adequate as a princess. You are thought by people to be just a servant girl who they think is worthless. But I forgot that your beauty will still radiate, because the aura of a princess is still there. I want to give you a lot of bodyguards , but I'm too afraid everything will be exposed. And I'm so afraid of losing you, let alone to die?" Shem regretted still sobbing with Shem's head still in Masyayel's lap.

"I want the key, honey." Shem tilted his head and asked for the key to the room the girl had occupied.

"Where are you going, Shem?" Masyayel asked.

"I want to call Abraham and Uncle Elliot, do they know about this?" continued Shem.

"They already know Shem, even Abraham who worried about me and looked for me endlessly, he who found me. I was dumped in the bush, no matter how tragic my fate was. We must still be grateful Shem. I am still safe and alive," said the girl.

"Shem. Are you going to leave me? Or dump me? Exile me or want to kill me because I'm not the Adaline I used to be?" Shem's heart-wrenching question made Shem's ears heat up, she herself was shocked by this incident? Masyayel even asked things that further confused Shem.

"Can't you see what's in my heart? Here is only your name, I don't even think about leaving you. In fact, I want to be with you more and more so that I can protect you at all times. Give me the key now."

"Shem...." Masyayel grabbed Shem's hands with both hands too, "please don't hurt them, don't punish them, this is not them's fault, promise me first," the girl asked.

"I don't know ... I don't know what I'm going to do to them, it all happened because they were careless in watching you," said Shem.

"Shem, promise not to punish them. Let alone kill them? Please don't do that." Masyayel continued to cry. She was very afraid of losing the two people who had done so much for her.

"Where's the key honey?" Finally Masyayel handed over the key, Shem hastily opened the door to her room and went out full of ambition. Masyayel just gave up. She could not stop her lover who was covered in anger.

The Prince soon entered his room again, followed by Uncle Elliot and Abraham also entered the Prince's room. The two of them stood lined up and faced the Prince, but they both lowered their heads and neither dared to look the Prince in the eye. They both seemed to know that both of them would be punished by the Prince for what happened to Princess Adaline. They didn't even know what punishment Prince Shem would give. Even if they die, they must be ready. Mental like that must always be embedded in their souls. Fighters must be ready to win or die. So are they now.

Prince Shem turned his body and looked at Masyayel who still hasn't stopped crying, Then he closed his eyes, while clenching his fists and holding back his anger that almost exploded again. He swiftly turned around again, unexpectedly landing a hard slap on Uncle Elliot's cheek, right and left.


"Hhhrrrrgggh!" shouted Uncle Elliot, clutching his cheeks which immediately turned red from a very hard slap.

"What did you do, Uncle? to make her like this???" Shem asked half-screaming. Masyayel was immediately taken aback and stood up walking towards Shem. She covered her mouth with her tiny fingers in shock. Uncle Elliot....

"I'm sorry, My Prince. I was very careless yesterday. Forgive me, My Lord Shem." Uncle Elliot immediately knelt down with both hands begging for mercy. He wept in a trembling voice, full of regret.