41 Arena of Revenge 2

Abraham asked Adaline to really remember their faces, so that later they wouldn't be mistaken. How could Adaline forget them? For several hours Adaline stared in horror at their lascivious faces yesterday.

"Princess, please pay close attention to their faces, those thugs. Don't forget all the men who pass by you.

"I can't forget them Abraham. Their faces are imprinted on my brain for the rest of my life. We just keep looking, we will surely find them," Adaline asked him.

Adaline's eyes came to a figure standing at the end of the bushes they passed, he was laughing with his friends. Adaline felt her blood rush and her heart beat fast as she stared at the man. Yes!!! He was a man who had snatched away and defiled himself viciously.

"Abraham, let's get closer to that person, I'm pretty sure it's one of them." Adaline stretched out her hand and pointed the way.

Abraham immediately followed Adaline's words, then gallantly raised his sword,

"What is your name, dark blue robe?" Abraham asked the man who happened to be congregating and joking with his friend.

"Waaah... Hi Honorable Commander Abraham, the young Prince's right hand man. My name is Leonell, what do you need for me to be greeted by an important member of the palace?" said the man proudly. Adaline immediately opened her hood. Then her face appeared before them all. The man who claimed to be named Leonell was shocked by what he saw.

"Do you remember the face of this girl who was with me? Tell me, what secret do you have with this girl?" reproached Abraham as he raised his sword higher and the sun's rays swept it so that it seemed to sparkle even more, shaking the hearts of all who saw it.

"Who ... she, who is she? I don't know her," cold sweat began to appear and the man's face instantly turned pale.

"He's the one!" whispered Adaline half trembling in her voice, raising her hand and using her index finger to point straight at the person's face. Adaline's face was red and started to shed tears.

Abraham was ready to swing his sword, making the man shudder in fear and kneel down to beg for forgiveness.

"Commander Abraham, I'm not the mastermind, I was invited by my friend. Please don't kill me Commander. You are famous for being wise. It's not all my fault. Really." The man wept for his fate which he soon felt would be tragic.

"No. Sorry, your head must be off your body, right now!!!" Abraham grumbled while saying that, while Adaline was already crying profusely and couldn't bear to see that face.

"Ooohhh nooo!!! Forgive me Commander!!! I didn't know that girl was your lover." The man's cries grew louder,

"Really she didn't say anything, if only she said that she was your lover. Then we wouldn't touch her. She enjoyed it too. The woman is a liar. She wants to be with us too!!!"

"Your crime is getting unforgivable because you add slander. She's a good girl. Your mouth and your rotten deeds!!!" replied Abraham angrily.

"Hi ... People and people of the Sadrachs!!! Watch me cry out on the orders of Prince Shem Theodorus, Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Sadrach!!!!" Abraham shouted very bravely and loudly shouted the announcement and immediately seized the public's attention.

"He claimed to be named Leonell, two days ago he raped a special servant of our Kingdom! Watch and watch as a lesson for you. Today he will be punished and have his head chopped off." Abraham said.

All pairs of eyes immediately saw it and stopped its activities. Everyone whispered and the atmosphere turned very tense. The man was as pale as a dead man before his death.

"Mr. Commander, please forgive me. I really didn't know she was your lover. I wasn't alone. I was with Marqes. So he should be punished too," said the person.

"Of course you two have to die with this sword! I don't play with evil." Abraham continued to stare at him intently.

"Master Abraham, have no mercy on me? I have let her live and now she can be with you again, right? Please forgive me? What if I kill her? I have done good to your lover by not killing her." The man pleaded and that's a nonsensical reason.

"If you kill that girl too, then it's not only you who die! But I will slaughter all of your family to make up for it!!!" answered Abraham sounding savage.

"Who plays with evil means he must be prepared to be shed blood and his life!!! Remember that, all Sadrachs!" continued Abraham.



"Weeerrrrrrsssssss," fresh blood gushed from the man's neck. He was sent by Abraham to the afterlife.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!," shouted all of them who witnessed the sadistic incident.

Everyone's screams were ear-splitting from the shock and cruelty of the punishment, along with the loss of the head and body of the man named Leonell. He had died covered in blood, he collapsed to the ground lifeless, many eyes and cries of fear looked on with pity, but what else? There is no mercy for criminals. Moreover, they behave as they wish to other humans. That's really petty and wrong. Now the two of us will look for Marqes, the other criminal, Leonell's friend.

"Now the other palace fugitive is Marqes! Wherever he is. He will also be sentenced to death!!! We will always look for him until we find him." Abraham made an announcement to the public for attention.

"What's wrong with that person, Commander? You brutally slaughtered him in front of us?" someone asked for clarity.

"He's a rapist, he doesn't deserve forgiveness," Abraham replied.

"Then who is Marqes? Will he also die like Leonell?" he asked again.

"He did the same! Then he will die the same way. To remind everyone. Your evil will return to you yourselves! Don't mess with the laws of our Kingdom!" shouted Abraham next.

"Abraham and I went along and started looking for our next target.