42 Criminal Punishment

They did not give up, even though the heat of the sun was stinging all over their bodies. Their tan horses gleamed in the sunlight during the day. They still wanted to punish the cruel criminal who had touched the beloved Princess of Prince Shem. The search will continue indefinitely. Soon Marqes was found. It would be better for Adaline and Abraham too. So that they could immediately return to the palace with good news which relieved Prince Shem for sure.

Abraham is still riding his horse and harbors a violent intention to kill someone, he is still with her, namely Adaline whose position the girl is still sitting in front of him. For the sake of defending justice and eradicating crime in their country, the people deliberately followed behind the horse. His people marched in neat rows themselves and followed Abraham's horse. They flocked to look for the figure of the Marqes. They spread out and down the alleys and narrow streets. In order to find criminals who must be punished.

Marks is hiding. Surely the news of his search had reached his ears so that he was frightened and in his anxiety. He must have also heard the news that his friend had been slashed by the sword that killed Commander Abraham. The bloodthirsty sword that Abraham always carried during war.

The further one goes in the search, the more people follow the others and want to help Abraham's cause.

"Marqes is hiding in the barn, Mister Commander," whispered someone from the people who suddenly ran to Abraham's horse. Calling and whispering clearly the information.

"MARQEEEEEEEEZZZZZ!!!! GET OUT OF THE RICE BARN!!!" Abraham shouted loudly.

"DON'T HIDE LIKE A COWARD WHO WANT TO WEAR A SKIRT!! THIS IS THE SHEM PRINCE'S ORDER." Commander Abraham shouted at Marqes loudly in the hope that the man would hear Abraham's call and come out bravely like a real man.

In a thrilling and silent state because all eyes feel a tense atmosphere. Cautiously they had sensed the bloodshed.

Limping along walked a man with shabby clothes and with a gloomy face with an aura of despair in his life, because he felt that there was no hope of living anymore. He drew slowly towards Abraham with tears in his eyes.

"Forgive me, Mister Commander! I didn't know this servant was your lover. Why didn't she say that. If she had said it, we wouldn't have dared touch her. Forgive me," the man lamented, which made Adaline remember the tragedy of her rape again. Abraham drew his sword which had been in a vertical position, the sharp tip pointing downwards. He started to lift the tip slowly from the bottom towards the person's neck.

Adaline started crying again when she saw the person's face. She remembered and was carried away with the pain.

"Don't kill me Commander, I have children and a wife. My wife is also pregnant, I beg of you to punish me severely. Don't kill me. I feel sorry for my wife and son," he begged, trembling. There came a woman holding her child who was about three years old, the woman was pregnant and crying for her husband too.

"He is my husband sir, don't kill him. I will be a widow and my children will be orphans. My baby will never be able to see his father," the woman's voice was very pitiful.

"Abraham, pity him. His wife is pregnant and the child is very young, may I forgive him? Shall we give him another severe punishment?" Adaline, although very hurt by her husband but sympathy for fellow women began to emerge for her.

"I only submit to the Prince, Princess. I cannot accept your advice. My job is to slit the throats of both of them," answered Abraham.

"Marqes!!! A lecherous husband like you doesn't deserve to be educated and seen by your children! A human as low as you who already has a wife and children but still rapes other girls? He deserves death!!! You know she's not just a girl. very special!!!" shouted Abraham loudly.

"Misterrrrrr!!! I as his wife want to forgive him and want to accept him back. He will definitely change. Punish him for life or underground so that I can still see him occasionally." please the lady.

"Come here, dear lady. Come closer to us," Abraham commanded her and immediately the woman with her son drew near.

"WHO WANT TO MARRY THIS GOOD WOMAN IF HER HUSBAND SHOULD DIE?!!!" Adaline and everyone were suddenly taken aback by Abraham's loud argument.


"Then he will receive a gift of ten horses from the Palace and a gift of jewelry for him, say it now because this woman will lose her husband this very moment." Abraham made Adaline and everyone confused.

Many hands began to raise their hands one by one and almost very many wanted to marry her after becoming a widow. Even from widowers and young men willing to be the father of their children.

"Choose just one madam. One of them will be your husband and raise your children. Not the criminal! Choose now. We are waiting before we execute the criminal," continued Abraham.

Finally came a simple young man who shook the woman's hand and asked her to be chosen. Abraham also promised to monitor this woman's new relationship. Abraham asked the woman to go home with the new man, he would soon send an elder who would marry them off. With that, one problem is solved. And Abraham was ready to execute the villain whom Prince Shem desperately hoped for death. Certainly the same punishment as Leonell. Because their crimes are the same. So it is appropriate to feel the same pain.

It was Marqes' turn, he was very frightened and asked before the execution to cover his eyes with a cloth or shirt.

He didn't want to witness his own death. Maybe closing his eyes would ease the pain, and Abraham would grant it.