44 Crystal Energy and Power

They have achieved success and prosperity. This means that everything has been fulfilled until there is nothing more that needs to be asked again. That's the story from generation to generation. As long as you haven't given the three things, the stone will still be there, from the care of the Prince's great-grandfather and into the hands of your father. There was only one thing the stone gave. Yes! Only true success and prosperity. That's why even King Sadrach didn't want to ask for the other two. All he has got with the prosperity and glory of this Kingdom.

The advantages and strengths of this crystal stone are also as tight as possible for the King to cover up. Even from his own son, Prince Shem. The king only said that as long as the red xavier crystal was in Sadrach Palace, then Sadrach would continue to have glory and prosperity, but if the crystal was stolen. Our Kingdom will be destroyed and perish instantly and switch to another Kingdom that has become the master of the new crystal, but without telling Shem the other advantages of this crystal. The king will wait after enough time and age for Prince Shem. Just will be told this secret.

This crystal was once told by Prince's great-grandfather when his father was a child, like a bedtime tale and the King who at that time was just a little prince still didn't know it, whether it was a true story or just a fairy tale. That this red xavier crystal has destroyed several very glorious and prosperous kingdoms from time to time because the red xavier crystal was once released from the hands of the kingdom and was stolen by other people, so that the stone suddenly disappeared and did not know where.

Instantly the sky seemed darker and darker, the sound of thunder came thundering and shrieks the ears of anyone who heard it. Everyone was running around in fear and confusion. What will happen to the land that was originally safe and peaceful for all time? Only because of the failure to maintain and care for it and passed from the hands of the Kingdom into the hands of others who are still not known who the perpetrators of the theft were. If within three days the special stone does not return to the hands of the previous owner, the Kingdom will be destroyed and bad luck and misfortune will befall it.

The palace was as grand and beautiful as it was in its time suddenly after three days of heavy and violent rain and wind. Not all humans can do activities outside the home. Everyone is hiding in the house as if all of them can't and don't dare to face this nature's fury. Nature seemed very angry because the special stone part of her disappeared and failed to be guarded by its owner. Then the extraordinary misfortune had to be accepted. The enormous palace collapsed and its occupants ran for their lives, some managed to survive but others had to die horribly when crushed by the ruins of this magnificent building.

Only the Palace building and its surroundings were destroyed by natural attacks. Other buildings and people's houses are still intact and still survive even though it was rained and swept by a storm for three days and three nights. The kingdom that had always held power and was in control from time to time suddenly fell apart. This humiliating and degrading news of the King finally reached the ears of the Kings of his enemies. Neither his mortal enemy. Nor the new Kingdom that was never his enemy. All flocked to seize and want to control this crippled Kingdom.

Before the natural disaster stopped, the unfortunate fate of this collapsing Kingdom had many who wanted to attack it and wanted to control its territory which had expanded during its heyday. The kingdom that was originally extraordinary in control of all corners of the world must accept its fate to be controlled by another Kingdom. He couldn't get up. The king only has two choices, accept it all by being taken prisoner or refuse without fighting because he has no power anymore, then he must accept the death penalty and still will not change the situation or any other choice, his territory will be seized and controlled and ruled by the rules. The new kingdom that colonized him. Tragic and heartbreaking for the kingdom of the former owner of the red xavier crystal.

This story also reached the ears of the little Prince Shem when his father told the story too. It must be instilled from childhood a sense of responsibility and the horror of the impact of this stone if it fails to maintain it. In order to always be imprinted and remember the bad effects that endanger the Kingdom and the whole country and even its people. That's why King Theophilus is very strict in implementing the rules regarding the protection of these crystals. Especially until it sounded stolen. Then the anger vomits and a very terrible punishment will be imposed because it is not a trivial thing but is very dangerous for him and his Kingdom.

Not only the tragic fate of the impact of theft and tragedy caused by outsiders or theft alone. The kingdom that was once a hereditary story, especially the impact of the loss of this crystal from a king (ancient times), there is also a kingdom in extraordinary conflict only due to internal within the palace family. The story is that a Kingdom has had its heyday. Without a second thought, he thought that all of it would be in his grasp forever.

The King of that era also thought that the more children, the more his kingdom would get bigger and wider, he had a desire that the territories of the earth would be held by his children someday, he even wanted to reward many of his crown princes with their respective kingdoms.