45 Theft Plan

As a result of colonizing and controlling other Kingdoms, but expectations are not like the reality that occurs, the more children and the more concubines make the internals in the Palace more complicated plus the King's children begin to grow and become adults, it will cause more problems, They envy each other, they want to occupy and replace the position of the King in the future, stab each other in the back, and fight for power that can no longer be avoided.

The Queen and her concubines also had many disputes which made the King really unable to move anymore. He is getting older, his condition is getting weaker and the Crown Princes are getting more and more brutal, they want to trap his father especially wanting the power of the xavier crystal.

When the King was getting old and sickly, the crown princes scrambled to get his father to say their wish to be granted by the crystal.

Of all the children of the King, there are those who want the throne and the Kingdom to be handed over to him, there are those who ask to open the dimensional door and want to enter the future, there are those who want to rule over all corners of the world and some even want to ask for eternal life, I don't know. is it possible that the crystal can make someone's life be eternal? Meanwhile, while hearing stories from generation to generation, all the descendants of the King have never heard of anyone using or proving it.

The king who had gone through a tough time in his old age had to end tragically because his children clashed and even killed each other. So that the King had to break his heart because at the end of his age he was not in a happy state, until the King breathed his last, it is no longer known where the existence of the red xavier crystal which has been fought over by his own children and even who his successor is also the story is no longer heard.

This is also the reason why King Theophylus only wanted to have one son, for fear of a power struggle or a seizure of crystals when they grew up like the story of the ancient Kingdom that the King had heard from his great-grandfather.

Luckily who was born from the womb of the Queen is a son, if it is a daughter, then the King will continue to want the birth of another child in order to get a successor son.

Starting from the Serafin Kingdom who wanted to have the red xavier Crystal belonging to the Sadrach Kingdom. Incitement and seduction milling about landed on King Ignasius (Princess Adaline's father) when he was still alive. So he was unable to refuse and felt very tempted to get the crystal. Who doesn't want glory and prosperity forever? Who doesn't want to have unlimited power? Then all the beautiful dreams that seemed false were seen by the King blinding his eyes. So King Ignasius tried a dirty way to trick and steal the crystal.

He was blinded by his ambition, even though in front of his eyes there would be the unification of two great and superpower Kingdoms because the sons and princesses of these two Kingdoms would soon be married, Prince Shem was known by both parties to fall in love and was very close to Princess Serafin from a young age.

Because both of them love each other and are also compatible with each other, the two Kings are very enthusiastic about the establishment of this family relationship. Plus these two Kingdoms have long cooperated and benefited each other, so King Sadrach is also very interested in this Serafin Kingdom.

The two Kingdoms have also agreed to look forward to the day when their children's marriage takes place. The Land of Sadrach and the Land of Serafin really have prosperous people and fertile natural wealth. The two lovers were also very hopeful because they were about to get married in the near future. Adaline and Shem are very happy because for years waiting for her to be old enough to get married. In addition, the two of them were separated by the distance that for so many years Shem had to study for the future King. They have made it through it all. Just waiting for the happy day, the day the two of them unite their love and dream of having a family together.

Until one day, King Serafin's cunning act of secretly planning the theft actually happened. When the crown prince of Sadrach, Prince Shem, was out of Sadrach's territory for two weeks to take care of the Kingdom's colony which was left to him to be monitored and visited regularly. Truly all members of the Sadrach family did not expect such a shocking incident to occur. Where a large family that is expected to unite with the Princess who will become his son-in-law must be crushed and his dream is destroyed because of the greed of King Ignasius.

King Ignasius actually also repeatedly refused the cunning invitations of the arrogant people around him, but with the seduction and greed of the people who influenced him repeatedly, namely his advisors, commanders, elders and other important position holders influenced the king to continue to carry out actions and His plan was to steal Sadrach's red xavier Crystal, the crystal of immortality.

So they had to find the strongest and most powerful people in order to penetrate the Sadrach Kingdom's defenses secretly and secretly wanted to steal the Crystal. In this case, of course, the Queen of Librivia (Princess Adaline's mother) had strongly opposed, strongly forbade and tried to stop the action, but failed, while Princess Adaline knew nothing about the plan. Therefore, she was very honest about not getting involved in this.

The Princess and the Prince must swallow the bitter pill for this terrible thing to happen, they must bury their sweet dreams deep and they will not be able to unite. King Sadrach would definitely never agree to their relationship.