133 Shock and Dilemma

The King needs entertainment and the King also continues to ask for happiness to take a break from his days and activities which are always serious and sometimes fatal and dangerous in the world of war. Appropriate entertainment for almost all men are beautiful women. Actually which women are willing to share their love, but the Queens will not be able to refuse their fate, which must always be seconded to other women.

Adaline was unable to answer anything. It was like being struck by lightning during the day hearing the King's unexpected statement. Even anyone was shocked, how could those words come out of King Theophylus. Whereas Adaline is like a prisoner. She lived and benefited in the King's palace, so how could she possibly refuse or break the King's rules? But on the other hand, it's clear that Adaline can't marry the King, besides the father of her lover, the King is also not someone Adaline loves, even the King is as old as her father who died.