134 Secret Conversation

"Uncle, don't be silent! Tell me what solution should we take? What should I do or Princess Adaline do? This disguise will soon be exposed. That must be it! Gradually the guise of the Princess will be exposed too, especially if she has become the King's wife The princess will not be able to hide anymore. They will always be together and even a room, then Princess Adaline's form will be clearly visible and finally the beheading will soon come to the princess. Doesn't that mean suicide for us too? We will be slaughtered by the King for having hiding the Princess all this time!" Reply to Abraham.

"I'm very confused, Abraham. I don't know what we should do. Prince Shem should be here as the decision maker. Because this is all happening and being able to be like this is because of the prince too." Uncle Elliot was also dizzy.