176 Tension

"What you take, the risk you must also bear, finish well and without grudges!" said the uncle.

"Honestly I was hoping for another answer from uncle, but it turned out to be the same answer as what I had designed and chosen. Then, pray for Shem, Uncle that he can finish all this well and without hurting anyone!" Shem couldn't linger here either. He had to return to the palace immediately.

The King and his entourage have returned and look with happy faces, it seems that their stronghold has managed to tame the Colonial Roar who joked and dared to break Sadrach's rule. Shem began to hide Adaline and Jessie hidden in Uncle Elliot's room. Even Shem ordered them never to leave the room until Shem came to the room respectively. Shem already knew his father had come, but he didn't want to rush into saying it today.