177 A Plan

Of course it made Shem happier, even though the happiness was only held temporarily. He didn't care. It was Shem's wish that everyone should acknowledge Adaline's presence in this palace and whose position she was? Shem felt calm because he was alone in his room with his wife, while Jessie was still in Uncle Elliot's room, the plan was that tomorrow morning Shem would take Jessie back to her country, then Shem would immediately return to solve the problem.

The night was pitch black and felt lonely because so many living creatures were fast asleep and carried away by the pitch black atmosphere of the universe, Shem really never thought that his father, whom he trusted so much, King Theophylus, had a plan beyond his son's expectations. When he and his wife were asleep, after so many nights passed beautifully together. Spending a beautiful and affectionate time with each other, suddenly some people slipped and forcefully opened the door of Shem's room.