Chapter 5 Injuries

LBF Chapter 5 Injuries

"Now this is a battle! My blood is boiling!" Shouted demigod Blood. Right now he was excited! This pressure, which was bearing down in his chest made him feel a threat to his life making him excited!

He thumped his chest with his left hand, causing his shirt and suit to melt into the pores of his body, exposing his bare chest for all to see.

"Now, its time I also bare my full strength!" Demigod Pale White wasn't making any sound. It was just demigod Blood mumbling to himself.

Their demeanors had both undergone a complete change.

Demigod Blood didn't waste any more time. He also spun around in place causing the blood red conflagration to spin too. He was spinning in the opposite direction to that of the black blaze. The red flames were caused by burning his blood, but it also caused him to become crazier.

"Burn! Burn! Burn!" He shouted as he spun. The blood red tornado grew to match the black one in an instant! Their speeds reached that of light, causing them to appear as if the were just two cylinders moving towards each other.


Their collision was so earthshaking, that it set off ripples in the dark matter ocean which travelled outwards and caused some planets a few light years away to shift a little bit in their position!

A grating sound rang out as the two tornadoes, one red and the other black, wore away at each other, scattering black and red matter into the surroundings.

'Should I find a way to retreat?' Demigod Pale white thought. The two pale white flames were jumping constantly from within the tornado. This human was getting crazier and crazier. He had thought that he could bring out his strongest to scare off the man, but this guy was also bringing out his full power.

"Isn't this fun?" A voice came from the red tornado. Those bright red eyes were learning through it. Demigod Pale white flinched. He had a sensation that that man could see him!


18 days later...

Red and black shimmered in the void. The black was even darker than the void. The red and black formed tornadoes, globs of red and black, gigantic black and red ice constructs and many other bizarre things. This weird phenomenon covered over 100,000 miles of space.

Anyone weaker than a demigod would be poisoned the moment they entered this space. All other particles would be destroyed the moment they tried to encroach into this space.

This place had become so ruined that it would take over 10,000 years before it could go back to normal.

A man, shirtless, with red hair, crimson eyes and brown skin was in the depths of this place. The depths were chaotic, as if the battle had just ended. There were gigantic clouds of red and black particles flashing with crimson and black electricity, gigantic tornadoes of black and red, churning with particles.

"Tch! Good thing he's the last one. Everyone was starting to view me as crazy...Sssss!" He scoffed before ducking in a breath of particles. His body had even trembled a bit.

"Kuh!" He coughed out the particles he had sucked in as they had damaged his lungs a bit. Right now, all the particles here were an amalgam of red and black. Even though half of them came from his nascent divinity, they had merged in explicable ways to form something else entirely, and it was poisonous to him.

"Shit!" He cursed and forcefully expelled everything that had entered his lungs. Right now he was making sure not to breathe. His body was that of a demigod, so something like breathing wasn't entirely needed.

The pain came from multiple scars, filled with black ice which were all over his body. The black ice particles were trying to corrode their way inside his body, causing them to tussle with his blood. The reaction alone was enough to cause his entire body to be in pain.

His originally pristine crimson sword was floating in space at his right, its hilt had broken off at some point, while the blade it'self had a crack running through its middle up to the hilt.

His injuries and the current state of the sword was a testament to how brutal the battle had been. That's how it usually went for those who were at the same level, victory could easily go either way!

He raised his right hand and traced his fingers along one of the wounds covered in black ice at his chest, shattering the black ice. But when his finger moved away, the ice would reseal it, as if he hadn't even shattered it prior.

These wounds weren't caused by normal particles of black ice, but demigod Pale White's nascent divinity. The divinity was trying to corrode its way inside and taint the divinity in his heart, the blood red gem. If it succeeded, he would either go crazy and develop a mutation, or in the worst case scenario, die!

"It looks like I will have recuperate for many years before I take on any other opponent." Demigod Blood sighed. But he didn't show any sign of a frown on his face as if this was a normal occurrence. For him it was, but it was very very rare for beings at their level go fight to the death.

Another sigh escaped his mouth upon turning his head and getting a look at the currents state of his left hand. From the shoulder, down, it was encased in black ice. He was contemplating two courses of action in his mind.

One, sever it entirely and regrow another, or two, drive out the divinity and heal it.

Both were troublesome...the first course of action would require massive amounts of his blood divinity to regrow. His body was tiny, but every particle was compressed to its highest limits, causing it to be dense enough to almost rival a star!

The second course of action would still require plenty of his blood divinity to drive out the corrosion, but he would lose mist of it.

His right hand grasped the hilt and the half sword flashed, causing an arm to drift off into the void. He had grit his teeth from the pain.

Perhaps, in the future it would become a treasure and someone would forge a weapon out of it, or study the interaction of the elemental strings inside.

"If I wasn't fast enough, I would probably couldn't have saved anything." He commented as he looked in front of himself. Him standing in this place wasn't a coincidence or something, but because of the thing floating here.

It was a pale white flame, burning in the void, one of the two that had been inside the black blaze that had been demigod Pale white's body.


A three string elemental life form

At this level, a domain is formed, allowing you to travel into outer space. The domain protects the body from the radiation. Everyone below you in number of strings can be suppressed and killed just by the domain itself.

A three string life form becomes a semi-cosmic lifeform.