Chapter 6 Create A Legend

LBF Chapter 6 Create A Legend

Demigod Pale white, seeing no way out of the battle and having heavy injuries, with some of his black blaze turning red due to corrosion by the black energies, had opted to self destruct his nascent divinity. The explosion had caused even the space in this region to destabilize, causing some rifts.

"Puff." He exhaled out a blood mist as he replayed the battle in his mind.

"Once again I let the blood take over my body...the only way to get rid of this side effect would be if I manage to become a god, but..." He sighed. Merging with a seventh elemental string was one of the hardest things in this universe. By luck, you might only merge it with the others successfully in one second, or it might take your entire lifetime without even finding a suitable point. That's which there were many demigods, yet, too few gods.

"But he gave me an interesting battle. Demigod Pale white. I have added you to the list of those opponents I will never forget." He grinned after saying that.

"Now, with his eye I have collected enough kills to have a trip to Pantheon city." The grin on his face became wider.

Pantheon city, dubbed the city of the gods. But if you weren't born inside, the qualifications to have the chance of going there were very harsh, even for demigods!

He leaned forward, and picked up the pale white flame. A red shirt and suit once again materialised on his body. He even used his blood divinity to create a new arm, but it was weak, so he would have to nurture it for a long time, for it to once again reach the level of his entire body.

His clothes were formed from his blood energy, and the consumption was negligible to materialise them.

"Hmmm!? My appearance has gone down a few notches!?" He shouted as he caressed a scar on his left cheek. It was covered in black ice.

"It will take about 12 years to heal. By the time I reach Earth it would have healed." He breathed in a sigh of relief upon reaching that conclusion.

His crimson sword exploded and formed a river, which rotated around him. The blood was half its previous volume. The blood made its way to his front, and formed a whirlpool, with the eye facing him.

Space in the middle of the whirlpool started distorting, before a hole was torn through and the blood started making its way inside. Demigod Blood entered the hole too, and both him and the river vanished after a few seconds.

What was left behind was silence and a changed corner of the void.


All of us, at some point in our lives get to stand at the edge of a precipice. Underneath, it either leads to heaved or an abyss. We have a choice to take a step back, or plunge into the depths.

Sometimes, the precipice can be connected to an abyss, but then we turn it into a heaven by our own means...the vice versa is also true.

Nina Flame was standing at exactly the edge, not the figurative precipice, but the literal one.

Her abode was located high in the sky, floating among the clouds. Even though it was big, there was basically no one inside as if her clan was trying to isolate her.

They had probably thought that she was on a different level from all of them, but that only made her feel too lonely.

She was standing in the edge of a cliff overlooking the clouds underneath. Her golden frame was glorious as she felt the breeze which rustled her garment and the golden strands of her hair.

This was a planet located in one of the quadrants of the milky way galaxy.

It was approximately 32,567km in diameter and it was one of five, which were rotating around a star in different orbits. The star was 3.2 million kilometers in diameter surpassing the one of planet Earth by over 2 times.

This solar system was closer to the center of the galaxy, where the super massive black hole Sagittarius A* was located. Being closer meant that it spun at speeds far faster than Earth's solar system, which was over 26,000 light years away.

This planet's day only lasted about 8 hours. (4 hours of daylight and 4 hours of night.)

All of this information was already in Nina Flame's mind, as she had a domain that could cover about 10 light years of space!

The milky way galaxy was divided into four quadrants, with her clan located in the Gamma quadrant.

"Should I try and create a legend?" Nina mumbled as she looked towards the sky, the solar star in her view. He gaze easily broke through the atmosphere and settled on the giant ball of flame and gas in outer space, which was raging.

"I must burn bright, like a star. I shouldn't be remembered as just another goddess in this universe, but someone legendary!" As she continued stating at the flames, her heart started beating in excitement. This was something that was causing her blood to speed up.

"Heh...finally!" She spread her arms and breathed in while dealing her beating heart. A smile involuntarily tugged at the corners of her lips.

'I was born in this world for a reason. There is no use just tying myself to the clan! I must find something that will create my legend in Pantheon city.' Her eyes lit up with white-gold flames. These were the flames of Nirvana, her divinity.

She lowered her gaze and it pierced through the clouds, down onto the ground.

Her clan members had turned into blurs as they prepared for the journey to Pantheon city. The city itself had sent 5 gigantic space ships which were berthed in the void, outside the planet. Multiple transports were rising and lowering as they transported people and resources to the large motherships in space.

Most of their clan members were birds, which were still at the one string level. Since they were gigantic and numerous, they were being transported first.

Their clan was made up of avian lifeforms. Even she, Nina, was a bird. But, only her parents had ever managed to get a glimpse of her true form. No one else had been afforded that privilege, yet.


Merging with elemental strings gets harder the more elemental strings you have. The fastest quantum computer can only help until the 3rd elemental string and that takes almost 1000 years, the lifespan of a normal 3 string elemental life form.

A four elemental string life form.

At this level, your body alone can survive in outer space without a domain. This is also the mid point. Here you have to use the current four element as that you have and think of your future path/divinity. If you haven't comprehended anything, then you can't merge with a fifth elemental string.

A 4 string elemental lifeform has a mind capable of surpassing the fastest super computer. Even their entire cells can temporarily be turned into processing cores!