Chapter 031 | Assassin Specialization

"Sorry about that kid… Your father… My brother… he was a great guy," The man who had now introduced himself as Kazuki said, sitting down as he poured whiskey into two shot glasses.

"So you're trying to tell me that you're my uncle?... This seems like a scheme to kidnap me, not gonna lie," Zinon said as he swirled the whiskey around in the glass, looking at Kazuki suspiciously.

"Well, not your true uncle… But your father and I were very close… All three of us were until he died… Yaya went livid… did some shit that lowered our trust… this was the last straw… But… are you serious, kid?" Kazuki asked, looking at Zinon with clear worry on his expression as he remembered the dead body of his father, destroyed by a man that his friend had refused to tell him, causing the tension.

"Sure about it?... I'm ready for it... Listen... I have a few places to do besides this... I think... it's time to purge the main gang... They'll refuse to even hear me talk about getting rid of Mr. Yaoyorozu... So I'll just kill them," Zinon said nonchalantly as many names and faces flashed through his vision. There was also Inoue's father.

He'd already decided that the bastard would die, the only person he was hesitant to kill was Mr. Yaoyorozu...

For reasons unknown, he didn't want to see Momo's expression if she found out he had killed the man.

"Damn it... I also have that U.A test in a few days... everything is so close... Yeah... Then, do we have a deal, uncle?" Zinon asked as he looked into his phone, logging into the bank app.

"Hm... I'll be honest, kid... I think we have no chance... but since you're so ready for it... I'll do it, if only for you being Kuromoto's son... You look just like the bastard... damn good genes,"

Nodding at his uncle's mutterings, Zinon left after getting hugs from all the Gangster businessmen, an awkward time to say the least though it was also kinda wholesome, a good balance that he didn't mind.

"That kid... He's definitely got a plan... a good one... who knows?" Kazuki muttered as Zinon ran up the way, now, with a quest objective nearly complete, only needing to clear out the rest of the gang, Zinon got ready for blood to be spilled.

He'd prepared for this, he had the address of every one of the gang members inside The Book of All Things, and if he happened to not have all of them, well it wouldn't matter as he'd be in control of everything with Kazuki either way.

They had a good figurehead, as well as similar goals, though Kazuki seemed to be mostly doing this out of guilt for not being able to do anything with his father's death. Still, Zinon didn't want to bother with family problems.

The only family he cared about was All For One, and for only one reason, the bastard was the main villain of this entire world, depending on how things went it would be good to have an escape route just in case, the main reason he had his options open...

He could be a hero or a villain, and switch like a light if things went wrong, making him think he was ready for anything that could be thrown his way.

*Knock* *Knock*

Zinon knocked on the door as Momo's words came back to them. 'Don't worry... I did make a promise... and trust me... These guys are all trash,' Zinon thought as the door opened and he sliced downward with his sword, immediately killing the man.

*+200 Yen*

*+100 Exp*

Ziinon ignored the notifications as he ran into the room, his [Assassin] class now finally being used as he looked around spotting three other men lounging around. As they saw him enter they quickly stood up only for him to slice through the closest one, blood splattering on his cheek as he moved to the next one in 3 swift motions.

*+800 Yen*

*+500 Exp*

Looking down at his stats he wasn't sure what the Exp was for, the only thing he could see changing was the money amount, going up as he passively collected loot from the people he killed.

"Phew…," Zinon sighed as he bent down and snuck through the halls, this was only one of the many buildings Momo's father owned, as well as the gang members stayed in.

"The boss staying in jail? There's no way bro, I'm telling you he'll be out in like… 3 days tops… Nothing can hold that guy," A man was talking to another man as they shared a cigarette, making bets on how long Momo's father would stay locked up with a dozen or so others.

"I don't know man, If that news report isn't bullshit, then they might have a video… Who knows what could happen?... Though it's not like this is the first time one of us has done some dumb shit like that," Another man replied as he dropped 10k on the large pile in the middle.

"Yeah who knows if he'll even survive after three days though," Zinon's voice reached their ears as he was already running past them, kicking up the money in the air as he hacked away with his sword. There was no technique, but the surprise and shock the men felt helped him kill them without much struggle.

*+500k Yen*

*+1,500 Exp*

*[Assassin]- Lvl. 1→ Lvl. 2!*

*You may choose your specialization at this time!*


[Stealth Specialist], [Fighting Specialist], [Poison Specialist], [Weapon Specialist], [Seducing Assassin]

Seeing the small list of specialization for Assassins, Zinon thought for a minute before choosing [Weapon Specialist] The other's were cool but he didn't really need them yet, he could always get them later after rising to level 100.

*Specialization Chosen!*

[Weapon Specialist]-Lvl. 1:

A good balance of stealth, speed, and trickery, This specialization allows the Assassin to learn the ways of their weapons with each level up (Guns, Knives, Swords) x2 Exp when killing with on of these weapons

Zinon nodded seeing the specifics of the class and quickly hid as he heard footsteps coming down the hall. The building here wasn't big, but it was enough to house a lot of people.

"What the hell happened he-" One man started to say before the astral sword stabbed into his back, raising him up as he was thrown into the two other men.

*+100 Exp*

Zinon smiled at the notifications as he killed the other two fodder. These guys were all either the same level or lower, meaning he didn't get as much Exp as he would have for stronger opponents, though they were good grind mobs.

With these thoughts Zinon searched the rest of the building finding that no one is left, So he went to the next location, there were only three places that they all could be, as he had used the emergency text number that Momo's father had in his office, telling them to all meet at one of those three locations, one down, two to go...