Need your help

theGodsage here.


So there's this author (one of my favorites actually...)

Anyway, He doesn't write on Webnovel... Until now. He decided to make an account after people have repeatedly stole his work and "Gave Credit"

the thieves gave the bare minimum they could and then went on to post the fics without his permission, and he's finally had enough.

The author that I am talking about is Cambrian, He's a pretty chill guy, writes a lot of smut, He normally writes on QQ and shit, but now he's come to Webnovel for a big fuck you to all the thieves.

If you can go ahead and support him, It'll be great, No one likes their shit to be stolen.

And before you guys go "But this other guy gave credit" That doesn't actually matter, Mainly because it was barely credit, a quick mention of his name and that was it, so yeah, Anyway, the Guy's name on Webnovel is "CambrianBeckett" If you can go support him and shit I'd be grateful...

The other kids name is "TheEternalWanderer" You can say fuck you to them if you want, and if you choose to ignore this then it's whatever, But I'd still be grateful if you helped.