Chaos In The World

Mark had woken up. He blinked as he looked around him. There was Hermes in front of him, then Claudia stood behind Hermes in front of him. And Matheus was standing beside Claudia. He winced in pain as he felt the pain in his head. "Sorry to have bothered you guys!"

"It's fine. We also understand your still unstable state as a new vampire at this time." Hermes tried to understand how Mark felt. The former policeman sat down, and Matheus handed him a glass of water.

"You'd better drink first!" Matheus said. He was still a little annoyed at the decision of Hermes who was always kind even though he had been betrayed by Walter.

Earlier when Mark was unconscious, Matheus had asked Matheus to talk without Claudia. "Are you sure you want to help the man?" asked Matheus with a very serious face

"Yes, Matheus. Why not?" Hermes replied casually. There was no suspicion or fear of being betrayed like Walter.