Pair Team.

The explosion was huge and loud. Until it exploded several cars were hit by the helicopter on the side of the road. Everything is unavoidable, it happened too fast. Everything was scorched before the vampire viruses spread and made the pilot, co-pilot, and police new vampires. Likewise, the vampire, his body burned to ashes without being able to escape from the flames doused in gasoline.

All sectors seem paralyzed, all humans have become monsters. The lights in the city finally went out, it was pitch black. No light could be sure they would be safe. Vampires would move faster in the dark, and they could see much more clearly in the dark, just like werewolves, their rivals.

And in the woods, both Christ and Walter's breath seemed exhausted. They've only killed a few vampires. The rest of the vampires still looked fresh and eager to fight, also ending Christ and Walter's life.