Robots vs Robots

As i reach the gate to the arena while inside my titan i scan around to see if i recognized anyone from the anime. i only saw the first 2 seasons before I, you died so i should know the mains characters by now. I see a few but they are of no importance for now.


Unlike the others that were shocked and waiting for him to finished i rushed in to the arena with a thirst to looks as badass as possible. right off the bat i see 2 one pointers and a single 2 pointer. not stopping a crush one under my foot and grab the other two with my hands and choke slam them into the ground crushing them and cracking the ground all around me. without skipping a beat and run until I find an inter section. I look for the tallest building and run towards it smashing all the robots in my way.

I'm also getting points for it but it so small its barely any help. i get about 1 for each sometimes 2 but that's it. some don't give me any at all.

By the time I reach it i have about 11 points, and i do something that surprises most of the other participants that can see me. I start climbing the building from the outside. although i make sure not to damage the building to much as i might lose points to that. I think. After about 6 minutes of climbing i reach the top only to face a three pointer right in front of me.

Tanking some of the rockets that don't even do noticeable damage i take out my gun for the first time and use a charge shot at point blank range. now the robot is over here a little bit over there and a lot of it and another building below me. good thing that charge shot only takes 1 bullet even though it shots 10 when in close range mode.

"seems like every roof has a robot on it, some even have more than one."

I switch the gun to long range and proceed to take out as many as 138 bullets can kill which s a lot. it doesn't take that many football sized bullets to take down these robots. (yes he has extra ammo titan kit on). Once i reach my last bullet i activate the mart core that I've been saving up for years.

"[Smart Core Online]"

For the next 12 seconds every robot in my sight will be peppered with bullets. but that the thing as long as i look at them the bullets will hit, hence why i climbed the tallest building. i also didn't stop firing even when i killed every robot in my sight not letting a second go to waste. and cause gun go brrrrrrrrrrr.

"[Smart Core Offline]"

Now that i know i beat neat the record by miles i look for any i missed or were hiding to build up my core again for whats about to come in a few minutes. while i'm doing that i head for where the zero pointer will appear. Because when i was using my smart core i realized that when i looked at one area it would lock on to the floor and fire at it even when nothing was there.

Jumping from roof to roof and across the many robots with holes through them i stop every now and then to fill up my core as much as possible, when i saw one the wasn't fully dead yet. going up to it i wanted to perform i little experiment on it. once it saw me it tried charging at me only for me to hold it's arms and hold it down.

I disembark and lang right on it. "for a robot you struggle a lot". pulling out my data knife i plunge it into the chest and i see ring's form around the knife showing that it stated the hack. but its not the robot that i'm trying to hack its the computer that its linked to. although hacking UA is a lot harder then it looks i have to constantly shift a few of the rings around to get the fie wall and not only that but the principle has taken notice and is trying to shut me out. i'm out matched and denied access not only that but the robot is fried.

[skill acquired: hacking LV 1]

But I got what I wanted. for about three seconds i got the info on what makes the zero pointer ticks and i toke a screenshot of where the other robots where located in this arena. Not only that but i also got a skill for it to. I reembark on my legion and head towards the zero pointer killing any robots on my way and filling up my smart core meter.


(nezu) "that hid really is something, even with me blocking him out he still managed to last that long and even got some info out of it. not only that but he destroyed over half the robots by himself with that robot of his.

???"he also got a recommendation from a retired hero.

(nezu)"truly interesting we will have to keep an eye on him"

??? "then lets see how he will do against a real opponent. he says as he pushes a red button with his thumb.

*Kamino pov*

just a few more, just 6% more then i'm ready. just then he hears a loud boom and then a couple of crashes as he see derby fly around the place he was heading to. just 2 buildings across from him he can see the robot hand reaching the roof as it try's to raise itself.

"No you won't"!

While every one is running they see a mech running across the roof's to the robot. but when it reaches it it jumps and land on its head. every one is shocked at this Because instead of running way he actually jumped on the death robot.

"Now it's time for a brawl"!

when he landed on its head he striated himself and pulled out his gun that was the back of his waist and while in close range mode starts firing at it from the top if its head. it tried to shake him off and also tried to swat him but he wouldn't budge. just then as everyone was paying attention they all hear.

"[Smart Core Online]"

Not once did he reload while on top of his head. and with a hole through the armor he decided to activate his core when it filled up. plunging his gun into the hole in the armor and into the not so durable insides while also activating the concentrated blast. effectively shattering every component on the inside.

Just as he runs out of core and ammo the robot is dead and he is the winner. but he forgot one thing. as the robots start leaning forward about to fall, he remembered he forgot how to get down.


the fall kicks up a lot of dust. but as it clears they all hear heavy footsteps as they see a titan walking towards the gate as it trows down the busted mini gun. they all make way for it as they hear an announcer signaling the end of the exam.