Chapter. 1

Third person (p.o.v.)

Luna was flying low to the ground, so that she wouldn’t get caught or noticed. She didn’t have experience with fighting, and if she were to get hurt she wouldn’t know how to fix herself up, she only knew how to use a sword, run away, or fly, though, she is pretty fast so that’s something. She doesn’t have a sword, so her only choice is to run. She was starting to get tired, so she went and laid against a tree, it wasn’t comfortable, but it would do for now. She fell asleep with her wings wrapped around her as a blanket.

Morning came, and she woke up to the sound of multiple footsteps running her way, she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes quickly and stood up. She saw a group of men in front of her, “Princess Luna! We're here to capture you and bring you in for custody!” one of the men spoke loudly. Luna noticed that they all had swords, so she knew she could take them on. Luna sighed, heavily, “I guess you could give it a go,” Luna said as she stretched and popped her body multiple times. They were human so it probably wouldn’t be a long match. Before they moved, she kicked a sword out of one of the men’s hands, she weaved her way around at the speed of light and made fast, swift, and graceful, cut along their chests, afterwards they all dropped they weren't dead, but if they didn't get their wound addressed soon they might a well be. Luna wiped her forehead of the sweat and then took the holster off one of the men and strapped it around her waist.

I pulled the bodies out of the road, and then left on her way again. After hours of endless flying her wings were getting tired, along with her body. Before long she passed out from exhaustion.

When she came to, she saw that she was leaned against a tree, and wrapped in a blanket. I smelled the faint scent of burning wood and heard the faint sound of the crackling fire. Luna turned my head and saw an unknown man standing next to the fire and throwing more wood into the fire. She noticed that he was dressed in more comfortable clothing than her, and he had blonde hair, hazel eyes, and purple horns, his eyes looked like fairies eyes, but what confused her was the fact that he had no wings.

She got up then cautiously approached the man with the blanket he gave her wrapped around her. “Oh, you’re awake,” he said, noticing her presence. “Why’d you help me?” Luna immediately asked, she sat down and started warming up, “wow, not even a thank you or hello, you really are quite the spoiled princess, aren’t you?” The Unknown man said looking at Luna with a smug smile on his face as he spoke. “Sorry, please forgive me, Thank you, now why’d you help me? Do you plan to turn me in?” Luna asked, looking up at him. The man chuckled, “an interesting offer,” He said then looked down at her, “but no,” He answered. She heaved a sigh of relief, “thank you, but um, who are you?” Luna asked him, “well funny you should ask it, ever heard of the herbalist Tanaka of Sazuki kingdom?” He asked, “uh, yeah, didn’t she die due to birth complications?” Luna asked. “Yeah, well I’m her son, I’m also an herbalist,” he said. “Oh! You’re the new herbalist I heard of!” She said, realizing. “What’s your name?” she asked, “Kai, Kai Tanaka, you’re that fugitive princess I’ve heard so much about, Luna Sazuki, right?” He asked.

“I’m not a fugitive, I’ve been wrongly accused, I’m trying to get help so I can save my family,” I explained, “I’m willing to help, on one condition,” he started, Luna looked up at him again. “You take me to a witch or do something to either help my wings grow or make them grow, do that, and I’ll help,” He said, folding his arms. Luna was overwhelmed with happiness and she immediately nodded and thanked him multiple times. He smiled softly down at me, “no need to praise me lady, I just want my wings,” He said chuckling nervously. “Sorry!” she apologized quickly, after he said that, “you don’t need to be sorry, It’s fine!” Kai assured her.

“How have you not grown your wings yet?” Luna asked, as she looked up at him. “It’s a mystery, apparently it’s abnormal and affects the wings the longer they’re not developed.” Kai answered. Luna nodded, and looked down, “so then, what made the other princess go berserk?” Kai asked, “Well, according to her, She was jealous of me being in line for the throne, I guess her jealousy got the better of her, and then, well,” Luna answered. Luna laughed in disbelief to herself, “well, I’ve got some friends. I think we can do this,” Kai said as he sat on the ground with Luna. “are they magic users? Cause my sister has a witch and magic powers on her side,” Luna asked. “Is the witch the source of her powers?” Kai asked, “well I would assume so, she can’t just get magic out of nowhere,” Luna shrugged.

“Then that’s how we win, we take out the witch and we win, right?” Kai asked, “The witch herself is one of the most powerful witches in the kingdom, she was banished when she tried to take the throne too,” Luna said. “if she’s old then she should be able to be taken out with ease! We don’t need magic to defeat her,” Kai said, encouraging her. “She old which means she knows more about magic, and knows how to defend against us, tell me, what blacksmith do you know that can make a sword or weapon that is powerful enough to defend against magic spells like that, I’ll wait,” Luna said crossing her arms, “I know a guy, but he’s really far,” Kai said, “you know I can fly, right?” She asked, “yeah, well it's not just us, we have our stuff too, that's too much weight on you, given your weight and height, you’ll get tired way too easily, and if you get tired then it’ll slow us down more, I think I should walk,” Kai said, Luna looked at him with amazement at how he came up with that, “you know, you could’ve just said no, man” She said, then laughed a little. Kai laughed too, “sorry,” he replied.

“No need to be sorry,” Luna assured him, “yeah, I have a tendency to overthink sometimes.” Kai answered. “It’s fine, we all have our flaws!” She replied then smiled softly. “Well, we better get to sleep. We have a long way to walk tomorrow,” Kai said and stretched, then laid on the floor, “hey, do you want the blanket? I’ll be okay, I can use my wings as a blanket,” Luna explained to him. “That’s what I want to be able to do! I want a portable heating blanket!” Kai said as he sat up, after he heard her say that. “So, do you want the blanket?” Luna asked again. He nodded slightly and Luna handed him the blanket. Luna wrapped her wings around herself, and Kai wrapped his blanket around him, they both laid down and fell asleep.


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