Chapter. 2

Third person(p.o.v.)

At the break of dawn, The two woke from their slumber and got ready to leave. Luna and Kai make their way back on the dirt road, Luna flies low to the ground and holds the luggage, while Kai is walking beside her.

The two were off Kai, but they were getting lost, Luna doubts him, but she can’t really object to him, she knows just about as much as him, maybe even less. After hours pass, It’s already almost sun down. “Kai! We’ve been walking for hourrrssss! Are you sure you know where we're going?” Luna asked as she dragged out his name, she finally switched over to walking. Kai looked down at her, “you got a better idea, I’d love to hear it.” Kai asked. She huffed and then flew up in the air high in the sky, It was risky, but she had to, otherwise they would be at it for days.

Kai shouted up at her for her to come down, but Luna was looking around for a village. When she came across one that was about a ways away. Luna came down and landed barely on her feet from her wings hurting so badly. “So where is it?” Kai asked, sighing as he rubbed his head in frustration.

Luna pointed to the east, “straight that way, it might take a few days,” Luna said. Kai nodded then bonked Luna on the head, “ow! What was that for?!?!” Luna asked, “If you do things like that you’ll get noticed more easily! If you’re going to tag along with me, you're gonna have to learn the term incognito, cause if you get caught, I get caught along with you, Idiot!” Kai said scolding her harshly, Luna whimpered and nodded, “I’m sorry,” Luna apologized. “It’s fine,” Kai sighed, they went off the road and then set up camp for the night. “In the morning we’ll make our way east,” Kai said, Luna nodded, Kai made them dinner, Luna kept whining about her wings hurting from flying so much that day. “Why do they hurt so much? Aren’t they supposed to be able to take a lot of damage?” Kai asked, “that’s not how wings work, they act like any other limb of your body, they could just as much hurt as if you were walking on your feet all day long, if you punch, kick, or try to cut them off, they would hurt just as much any other limb on your body would if you did it to those parts, It’s just logic honestly,” Luna explained.

“That makes sense,” Kai replied, nodding agreeing, “I would hope it does, wings aren’t just some mystical thing that never dies or is indestructible to everything,” Luna shrugged. “It just makes sense,” Luna added, “well sorry, if I didn’t know because I’ve never had wings before,” Kai said, sarcastically. “Kai, even if you didn’t have wings, you still had friends, family, or neighbors that have or had wings, right?” Luna asked, Kai slowly nodded admitting it. “Then it’s DEFINITELY not like you could’ve just asked one of them about their wings, It definitely isn’t like that at all,” Luna said, sarcastically as well.

Kai folded his arms, “just because you were too lazy to ask people about wings up until now, doesn’t give you the right to use you not having wings against me when I say it makes sense,” Luna said, “It doesn’t give you the right to call me stupid when you’re not to bright yourself!” Kai said as he stood up, starting to get mad. “Kai, I never once called you stupid, I said it makes sense, and yes, I’m not to bright when it comes to common sense, but I’m not dumb!” Luna said as she stood up too.

Kai huffed and then nodded not saying anything more, “I’m sorry if I offended you,” Luna said, then sat back down. Luna finished dinner then laid down, “you aren’t gonna try and argue back?” Kai asked, “I’m just trying to get my family, I’m not trying to lose the only chance I have at getting them back, beside it’s kind of messed up to try and make my only friend mad after you just met them,” Luna answered. With that, she wrapped her wings around herself, then started to fall asleep. ‘Why is she so nice if she just met me? Is it just because she’s a princess, and it’s her nature basically? Normally someone would be really distant if they're traveling with a stranger, why is she different?’ Kai thought in his head.

When day break hit, the two had breakfast then left on their way. They went to the road again and kept walking. Sooner or later there was a group of travelers, we went to the side and hid in bushes. The travelers stopped when one of the travelers said that they could sense magical creatures, the person must have really heightened senses of smells, It is true that you can smell different types of creatures, fairies even have a certain smell, but It’s very VERY faint. “Sniff ‘em out then, if there really is a mythical creature nearby then we can fetch a pretty penny for them,” one of the travelers said sinisterly. The guy started walking around the area, sniffing around. “Welp, we’re caught,” Kai whispered while sighing, Luna shushed him, then unlocked her sword, ready to draw it at any moment. The guy kept getting closer, and closer, and closer, until the guy was literally in front of the bushes they were hiding in, the traveler drew out his sword.

When the traveler swung his sword, he was immediately blocked by Luna's blade. Luna pushed the blade away with her own blade, then kicked the sword out of the guys hand and away from the guy completely. “Wh- what the-” The guy was caught off guard, “wait, Isn’t that the girl from the wanted posters?” one of the guys asked, “yeah, I think it is, I also heard that if she has someone helping her, that to take them in too, and they’ll get a reward for them too. Say little girl, do you have company?” The guy to which Luna and Kai could only assume was the leader of their group asked. “Like I’d tell you that,” Luna growled.

“Eh, no matter, if there is anyone in that bush, we could just check after,” The leader answered, “no need to,” Kai called out then stood up, “well, well,” The leader said happily. “Well if you want a go at catching us, I guess I shouldn’t deprive you of the challenge,” Luna said while sighing. Luna turned towards Kai, “do you know how to use a sword or at least fight?” Luna asked, Kai shook his head, “all I have are herbs and I don’t know how or do any of those things,” Kai said, then laughed nervously. “Eh, no problem, I’ve taken on groups like this before, It’ll be fine,” Luna answered. Let the fun begin~


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