Third person (p.o.v.)
After what seemed like forever but was really just 3 long days, they finally found where they were needing to go, it was a really big town for a town. The three were finally standing in front of the house, the three were tired. “Honestly they need to turn this town’s status to a city instead,” Luna said, “this is a city, what did you think it was?” Kai asked, looking at her with confusion. “You told me it was a town! You freaking liar!” Luna yelled at him, “did I? I must’ve forgotten,” Kai said smugly, Luna growled, starting to get up close to him. Daisuke got between them, “now be a lady, Luna, I’m sure he really didn’t mean to mislead you, and It’s very unladylike to try to pick fights” Daisuke said. Luna growled and then backed up. “Kai you wanna go knock on the door? This is your friend not ours,” Luna said, folding her arms. Kai rolled his eyes then walked up the steps and knocked.
A man with long brown hair, and in a dirty pink shirt answered the door. “Kai? Why are you here?” The man asked, “Long story, but we need your help,” Kai answered. “Who’s ‘we’?” The man asked, Kai heaved a sigh and moved out of the way and revealed Luna and Daisuke to him. “The princess?! Why is she here?! She poisoned the royal family!!” The man said, confused. “Actually she didn’t poison them, it was her sister, she’s power hungry and trying to kill her so she’ll be the only air to the throne, She’s also partnered with a witch and the witch has given her powers too, we need swords that can resist magic, I thought you could help us,” Kai said. “Those were outlawed for decades, kai, we are hardly able to get the ingredients to make that type of sword around here. It’ll take a bit to make that, but I think we can make that, how many?” the man asked, “3, but we could use another fight, what you say, Ezekiel?” Kai asked. Luna and Daisuke raised their heads at the mention of that name.
“Wait, as in the knight Ezekiel? Basically the only fairy knight that was ever worth remembering?” Luna and Daisuke asked, “I’ve only heard of him, I heard from my parents that he retired only 1 year before I was born, but I’ve studied him, you’re the man who actually created the magic resistant sword!” Luna said. “That’s correct princess, but they outlawed them, because some bad people got their hands on some of the swords. Hundreds of fairies died, and they outlawed them, that was only 10 years before I retired,” Ezekiel replied, explaining as well, “that would make you… 60? 61? You were a knight for almost 30 years?” Luna asked. “Exactly thirty years, actually when I turned 20, my parents immediately enlisted me,” Ezekiel corrected. “Cool,” Luna answered. “ANYWAY, can you do it, Ezekiel?” Kai asked, Ezekiel nodded and opened the door more, “please come in, but please keep it down, my wife and kid are sleeping,” Ezekiel warned. As they made their way in they made it to the living room, “aww, how long have you two been together?” Luna asked, “ 21 years,” Ezekiel answered, “yup, she made me resign because when she was my girlfriend at the time, she experienced some many heart stopping scares from me, then she told me she was pregnant, that was great because I was already planning on proposing, when I proposed she immediately said, she wasn’t going to marry me, if I didn’t resign, I loved her more than anything, so I did.” Ezekiel explained, Luna put her hand over heart, and smiled softly, “that’s so adorable!!!!” She squealed. “How old are you kids?” Luna asked, “ones 23, the other is our adoptive daughter, she’s 8,” Ezekiel answered.
“Luna! Ezekiel! Get back on the main subject!” Kai and Daisuke said at the two. “Luna it is rude to ask people about their personal life! You know this! Did you forget what Princess 101 has taught you?” Daisuke scolded her, Luna hung her head in sadness and slowly nodded. “Okay, Daisuke back off her just because she’s a princess doesn’t means she has to be some mind controlled zombie, if she wants to know she can ask, if he doesn’t want to tell her, he can politely decline, It’s not that horrible to just get to know someone,” Kai said standing up for her. “She’s a princess, if she’s planning to be queen she’s going to have to continue acting like a princess even when she’s unsupervised as well,” Daisuke said, folding her arms. “Whatever, just get back on the subject,” Luna said. “Ezekiel, what are the ingredients you need to make the 3 swords?” Kai asked, “oh, is Ezekiel joining us?” Daisuke asked, “um, no, Daisuke, Luna’s fighting too, if Ezekiel were to come we’d need 4,” Kai explained, “um, like heck she’s fighting! She’s a princess! She doesn’t even know how to fight!” Daisuke said. “No, she can fight, I’ve seen her do it, and she’s pretty great at it too,” Kai answered. “Luna! The king and queen specifically told you to stop practicing with swords! I guess Imma have to keep a more strict eye on you!” Daisuke said. “Okay, that makes me mad,” Ezekiel said and walked over beside Kai where he turned towards Daisuke.
“What gives you the right to make that accusation towards women? Women can fight, My wife can fight, with a sword too, and We're even teaching our daughter to fight too, we're just waiting to teach her the sword skills until she is older, and she loves doing too, does that make us terrible parents?” Ezekiel asked. “No, sir, and I am not trying to say that women shouldn’t fight, I’m saying she’s a princess in line to be a queen when she’s 21, she shouldn’t be putting herself in dangerous situations like fighting her power hungry sister.” Daisuke said. “While that might be reasonable, I think she’ll be just fine, by the looks of her skills she’s been training since a very young age, believe it or not, I’m just an herbalist, I have not skill in any type of fighting, she’s actually planning on training me while we are travelling,” Kai said, “starting today actually,” Luna said, standing. “No, you’re not,” Daisuke said, in a flash, Luna was in front of him with her sword blade up against his neck. “Daisuke, you are my bodyguard, you don’t give me orders, you’re here to protect me if I get into trouble, you’re not here to control my every move, try to again and I will hereby strip you of your roll as my bodyguard, do i make myself clear?” Luna warned him. Daisuke nodded his head furiously, Luna pulled her sword away and put it back in its holster. “From now on, I’m not going to be following my princess duties, but right now I’m not a princess, I’m a fugitive, and so are you, you’re worth more money than me, so watch yourself,” Luna said.
“Excuse me, may I use your bathroom?” Luna asked, Ezekiel nodded and left with her to show her to the bathroom. “Daisuke, what was that all about? I thought you liked her,” Kai said, confused. “I do, that’s why I don’t like her doing this, I just don’t want her to get hurt. It scares me half to death most of the time” Daisuke answered. “I get that, but she’s her own person, she’ll get hurt, but she’ll get better, and honestly if she’s trained enough to be able to train me, then I think she knows what she’s doing, don’t you think?” Kai asked, Daisuke slowly nodded, “don’t you think what?” Luna asked, “don’t you think this house is lovely?” Kai asked “oh, yes I do!” Luna answered.
Ezekiel started writing the ingredients down, then handed it to Kai, “be sure to get enough for 4 swords,” Ezekiel said, “4? You’re joining?” Kai asked, Ezekiel nodded, “My wife will be fine, and besides, I’ve been craving adventure for years, I’ll stay behind for a little bit and get the mending process ready, and getting ready to ready to leave too, and prepping my wife for a potential heart attack, I’ll join you when you get the ingredients.
We all agreed and then left the house, ‘this should be a fun filled adventure for the team,’ Luna thought in her head.
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