Chapter. 4

Third Person (p.o.v.)

Kai was walking to the town for days, While carrying an injured, and unconscious Luna. When they finally reached the town, he walked around the town. While Kai wasn't looking, a boy ran into them. Causing Kai to tip over, when they hit with the ground, Luna let out a groan. "hey, watch where you're going!" Kai yelled at the guy that ran into them. The guy jumped on Kai then gripped his shirt, "what are you doing with the princess?!?!" The guy asked, Kai finally looked up at the guy and studied his features. The guy had green hair, purple eyes and had the same colored cape draped around his shoulders, like Luna's. "what's wrong with you man?!" Kai yelled and pushed him off.

"What are you doing with the princess, and why is she injured?! did you hurt her?!?!" The guy asked the same questions, they rolled Luna over and then started to examine her. Kai was still just trying to process what was happening. "well are you gonna answer me?!" The guy yelled at him. Kai finally snapped out of it and looked down at them. "she was poisoned while getting cut during a fight with a group of travelers, I can't heal her with my herbs, so I was just gonna bring her into town and find some herbs here," Kai explained. "The venom has spread across her stomach. she doesn't have a lot of time," The guy said then placed his hand over her wound, his hand illuminated a light green and healed Luna, leaving a scar. Luna immediately relaxed and smiled softly as she slept soundly, "Okay, who the heck are you?!?!" Kai asked, "I'm the princess's bodyguard, I was able to escape her sister before she found me, My name is Daisuke," The guy replied as he stood up and turned to Kai. "Now, I'd like to know what exactly is your relationship with the princess." Daisuke said as he crossed his arms.

"I'm trying to help the princess, cause she said if I helped her she would help me get my wings to grow, my name is Kai," Kai explained. "wait, you're a fairy?" Daisuke asked confused, "Yes, I don't have these eyes, and horns for show, I'm not some wannabe human okay?" Kai said annoyedly, he hated how he would be mistaken for a human. Kai moved Daisuke out of the way and gently started to pick Luna up. "Hey let go of the Princess!" Daisuke then got on the other side of the princess and started to pull her away, but she grabbed on to Kai instead and held onto his shirt while she was still asleep. Kai smirked smugly at Daisuke and pulled her away from him. Daisuke blushed slightly and growled to himself. Kai picked her up and then kept walking. "don't beat yourself up lover boy, you can still carry her stuff for her!" Kai yelled back to him. Daisuke made a disgusted face at Kai, but Kai didn't care cause he didn't know he was doing it in the first place. Daisuke grabbed Luna's stuff and followed them close behind. As the two were walking, Luna stirred awake and noticed that she was being carried. Luna looked up to see who was carrying her, and saw it was Kai. She blushed slightly at the way he was carrying her, which was bridal style.

Kai looked down at her to check if she was still awake and noticed she was awake. "So tell me Luna, when were you ever going to tell anyone that you were injured, and when are you ever going to stop causing so much trouble for me? your bodyguard back there, nearly killed me just for carrying you," Kai said, Luna looked over Kai's shoulder and noticed Daisuke trailing behind the two of them. Luna looked down avoiding Kai's stare and fiddled with her fingers, "I'm sorry." She mumbled. "what was that? I didn't hear you," Kai asked. "I said I'm sorry," Luna said louder for him to hear. "It's okay, But Luna, You need to tell me if you get hurt, your wound, I could've healed it when it first happened, but you didn't tell me, so it spread more, and became infected after not being treated, so It became more severe. So I couldn't fix it, Tell someone, jeez anyone is fine, It doesn't have to be me, just tell someone so you get help, Okay?" Kai said, lecturing her. Luna nodded her head slightly, "Anyway, Your bodyguard healed you luckily, so you can thank him, I can't take credit," Kai said, "I think she can walk now!!" Daisuke called out, Kai then stopped suddenly. "yeah, he's right," Kai said, then let her down.

Luna stood up right and then the two waited for Daisuke, "I'm your bodyguard not your maid," Daisuke said and shoved her stuff to her. "well sorry if I was passed out for a little bit," Luna said and scoffed. "sorry ma'am!" Daisuke said, immediately feeling bad. "Daisuke, we talked about this! don't let people walk all over you! don't let my status scare you! You know your rank! know your worth!!!" Luna said, hyping him up. Daisuke blushed a light pink. "Ok thank you, ma'am" Daisuke said nodding, "and I told you already, call me Luna!" Luna added. Daisuke nodded, Luna walked onward on the trail, leaving Kai and Daisuke behind. Kai whistled, "that's not how she acted with me when we were on our own, now I see why you like her," Kai said as he crossed his arms. "yeah, she's pretty amazing," Daisuke said smiling softly as he gazed upon the green haired woman walking away. Luna turned around and noticed that the two hadn't moved a step from where they were at. "pick up the pace you two!" Luna called out. while Luna was whining in the background for them to hurry up, the two were still talking, "yeah, in my time of knowing her, she certainly proved that she's amazing," Kai added, also smiling then started to walk over to Luna. "yeah, yeah, quit your whining," Kai called to her, Daisuke was trailing behind her. "took you long enough," Luna said, heaving a sigh. Daisuke was looking at Kai in wonder, 'am I going to have a rival?' Daisuke thought in his mind. Kai noticed and was confused on why he was just staring at him.

"Daisuke? are you okay?" Luna asked, snapping him out of his trail of thought. "sorry, what were we talking about?" He asked, "we were saying that we were only about 2 miles away from the destination," Kai explained again. "oh alright" Daisuke answered, Kai and Luna started walking and Daisuke was also trailing behind, Luna went and jumped up on kai's back with a slight blush on her cheeks still Kai was complaining about it, but Daisuke wasn't focused on it, and Luna cared less she just wanted him to carry her. Daisuke could only watch as his love was off blushing at another man. Even though a slight blush is natural for her, sometimes she does end up blushing for no reason, however he couldn't tell if that was an actual blush or not. all he could do was wonder anxiously.


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