Chapter. 8

Third person (P.O.V.)

It had been about a week now. Daisuke, Kai, and Luna were all ready to get the last over with. This blacksmith had a heart so he let Ezekiel sit out, because he didn't want him getting hurt, more over he didn't want to deal with the body if he did actually keel over and die right then and there, or get labelled as a horrible person for making an elderly man work. So in the end, Luna did end up having to do twice the work. She was in charge of taking orders from customers and then delivering packages to people who had already ordered at an earlier date. she did this from open to close too. Kai was in charge of pouring the molten metal into their molds. the blacksmith helped by also pouring sometimes, but most of the time he was either making handles for the swords that were purchased, or he would be in his room trying to sort out bills and such, because apparently he was behind on them. Now Daisuke on the other hand, he was in charge of cleaning up the shop are close, so he got to lounge around a lot, as unfair as it seems.

After about 40 minutes, Luna came back, she was on foot so that alone could show she was tired. "my feet hurt so bad!" Luna whined. "why didn't you fly?" Kai asked, confused, Luna walked over to him then sat beside him. "Because my wings also hurt," Luna whined again, she leaned her head on Kai's shoulder. "aren't you suppose to be pouring the molds?" Luna asked, curiously. "as weird as it may seem, The guy let me off early," Kai replied as he wrapped one of his arm around her and hugged her. "lucky," Luna muttered, Daisuke can shuffling by with a broom in his hand. "you guys are lucky! my shift just started," Daisuke said as stood in front of him. "Our shifts just ended, Daisuke, we're tired," Kai replied to decide whether he's joking or he's serious. Ezekiel was beside Kai and he was humming while waiting patiently. "Okay well, then Ezekiel is lucky then, he didn't even do anything this week!" Daisuke said pointing at him. "Daisuke, I'm old. That should be reason enough. If not, then I gave you a place to sleep this entire week, would you rather sleep under a tree, if so be my guest!" Ezekiel chimed in, and clapped back. Daisuke didn't reply and the proceeded to keep sweeping.

Kai and Luna were silently trying not to laugh, but honestly it was killing them not to. When Kai and Luna finished, Luna relaxed and started to get more sleepier. "so, whos turn is it to sleep on the floor is it?" Luna asked, tiredly, "I believe it would be our turn," Kai answered. "can we make a pallet like we did before?" Luna asked. "You said you wanted to sleep on your own the next day though? why'd you change your mind now?" Kai asked, curiously. "If you don't stop asking questions, I'll change my mind again," Kai immediately stopped asking questions. Luna finally fell asleep and proceeds to move and laid her head in his lap and smiled softly in her sleep. Kai smiled in response to this and played with her hair while she slept.

___________________Time Skip_______________________

Everyone was shuddered awake while Daisuke was clapping his hands loudly to wake them up. Even though they were a little cranky from waking up again, everyone got up and started to get ready to leave. Luna was still in pain from walking and flying around all day, she didn't express it, but it was noticeable by the way she would tense up a little when she walked. "Princess, if it's hurts to move then maybe you should let Ezekiel or me carry you," Daisuke suggested, "I'm fine, Daisuke, I promise," Luna said, smiling happily. Daisuke frowned slightly at her response, 'how can she be so happy, when she's clearly in pain?' Daisuke thought to himself. Kai sighed and then went and picked her up bridal style, Luna let out a surprised yelp and was about to hit him, "If you're hurt you shouldn't put yourself into more pain, it's common sense right?" Kai asked sort of mocking what she had told him when they first met. Luna sighed and then snickered slightly, "I guess you're right," Luna said then wrapped her arms around his neck to have something to grip onto so she doesn't fall. Daisuke was literally loathing Kai with a passion at this moment. it was very noticeable, but Luna and Kai weren't facing his direction so they couldn't see it, Luna didn't think anything of him, however, Kai could sense Daisuke's rage without even looking at him.

The four of them finally got home, only to see that Ezekiel's wife, and daughter were at the table waiting for them with dinner, the food hadn't been touched yet. Daisuke and Ezekiel both flew to the table, However Kai took his time with Luna still in his arms. Luna didn't try to move either, "Is she alright? did she hurt something while she was out there?" Ezekiel's wife asked, "no, she just over worked herself," Kai answered. Luna nodded in confirmation, "alright well, let's get her fed and then she can rest," Ezekiel's wife said. Kai nodded then sat her down in one of the chairs at their dinner table. "By the way, the blacksmith said we can go by there tomorrow at dawn to pick up our swords, So we have to be up by then," Daisuke explained. "alright, but tomorrow we're going to have a rest day for you guys, you've been work non-stop all week, Luna is literally in pain when she moves right now. We can't take back the kingdom if you guys are tired. Me and my wife will go down to pick up the swords tomorrow," Ezekiel explained. "Luna is fine! right Luna?" Daisuke asked, Luna didn't respond she was too busy stuffing her face. "Ezekiel is right, Daisuke," Kai responded, Kai noticed how fast Luna was eating, "Jeez did you eat lunch today? or anything today?" Kai asked. "We were able to stop to eat? I didn't know that!" Luna said, now she was feeling dumb, "so you were starving all day, all week until you got home to eat dinner? jeez, no wonder your tired!" Kai replied, "This poor girl is going to work herself to death one day if she doesn't learn how to function outside of her castle," Ezekiel's wife muttered to Ezekiel. "Yeah, maybe we should teach her some life skills before we leave," Ezekiel muttered back.

Everyone had finally finished their meals, "alright, everyone, you guys know the drill," Ezekiel's wife stood up, everyone went and washed their plates. Ezekiel went and took their daughter to clean her for bed. Everyone went and changed for bed. "now, whose turn was it to sleep on the ground tonight?" Ezekiel's wife asked. "Me and Kai's ma'am," Luna answered, "will you two be sleep in different areas or in the same pallet?" She asked. "Same pallet," Kai answered. "so then that means, Daisuke gets the bed to himself...again." the wife said. she went and grabbed the things for their pallet. Kai started to make their pallets, Luna helped a little, but he didn't want her to strain herself again. Daisuke pulled out the couch and then grabbed his blanket and pillow then laid on it and falling asleep almost instantly. However, the other two on the other hand just got into their pallet and talked a little before sleeping finally, they cuddled while the slept to get more heat too. The two of them may have thought much about it, but the old married couple knew they were probably going to end up together in the end.


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