Third Person (P.O.V.)
After a long night, the long three ended up sleeping until ten in the morning. Honestly they would've slept longer, if they hadn't been woken up by Ezekiel's wife. Even so, they couldn't complain since technically it was her house. Luna woke up first, then Kai and Daisuke woke up after. Luna got up and stretched she went over to the table and sat down. The other two followed after, "good morning," The three greeted her. "Good morning you three, can one of you go wake up our daughter?" Ezekiel's wife asked as she started to gather the ingredients to make their breakfast. Luna sighed and decided to get up and be the one to wake the little one. A few minutes she walked back in with a child in her arms. "She didn't want to get up so we compromised," Luna explained. They two boys and the elderly woman smiled at the two thinking it was adorable. Luna didn't really think much of it, she went and sat in a chair with the child in her lap and held her close while the child just kept clinging onto her tiredly. The two boy's kept watching Luna and the child, while the Ezekiel's wife started to work on breakfast.
Finally, when breakfast was ready, Ezekiel joined them. The child woke up fully and then Luna placed her in the chair next to herself. "so, what should we do before we leave on our glorious journey?" Kai asked sort of making it sound awesome when it's really just many days of walking and many nights of restless of sleep. "I feel like we should try training with our swords before we leave," Daisuke suggested, "yeah, I hate to say it, but he's right," Kai added. "Alright, if that's how you want to spend today, then fine, but you're allowed to rest," Ezekiel nodded, "Yay! this should be fun!" Luna said, excitedly. "Actually, we have something different in mind for you, Luna, you're going to learn how to talk, act, and learn to be like someone...not royalty," Ezekiel's wife explained, "no, nonononono! NO! you are definitely not going to be doing that to the princess, she needs to be prim and proper for when she becomes queen! She definitely can not forget all her training that she learned!" Daisuke stepped in. "And she won't, she'll simply just be adding knowledge to her what she already knows," Ezekiel's wife replied. "This is going to end terribly," Daisuke said while sighing and muttering. "I'm alright with this actually, I know how to use a sword, so it's fine!" Luna said, smiling softly, she didn't seem like she cared either way.
When they finished their food, they went to go clean their plates like normal. "well, Lisa, what should we do with this hopeless princess?" Ezekiel asked his wife, "Lisa? your name is Lisa? wow, I didn't know that," Luna said, surprised about the new information she had. "yes? and our daughters name is Penelope, wha- Ezekiel did you not tell her our names?" Lisa asked, confused as she playfully hit Ezekiel on his chest. "well, you never asked to be introduced?" Ezekiel replied. Lisa sighed slightly, "alight never mind, maybe you should try to cover up more, the first slightly known for her revealing clothes in the villages, human or fairy race. I have a nice dress in my closet from my youthful years, I just couldn't get rid of it, maybe it'll work for you," Lisa suggested, "what's the length of it?" Luna asked, curiously, "to the knees so it should be manageable, It's a corset dress though, is that alright?" Lisa asked. Luna nodded, and then they made their way to the master bed room of the house, after about 5 minutes of Lisa looking through her closet, she came back with a black dress, it wasn't a frilly think, it just had a low cut collar, and it would show her shoulders when she wore it. After she was finished changing, Lisa came back. she hummed, thinking a bit while she circled around her. "I'm wondering if we even need the corset right now, you so skinny," Lisa muttered. she decided to put the corset on her to see she was actually too small for it. "Luna, you must've lost a lot of weight in that week you guys were working, we need to get more weight on your body, because you're pretty petite at the moment," Lisa said as she took the corset off her. "now, lets do something about your hair, we should die it, I'm thinking brown, and then we cut it, to a pixie cut, then shave down your horns, hide your wings, and then some contacts that make you look like a human, it won't change your eye color, just the look of your eyes,"
Luna nodded and agreed Lisa made her take of the dress, then went and grabbed the ingredients to make a paste to change her hair temporarily, She came back and then they moved in to the bathroom and then she start to rub it all in her hair. they wait a about an hour before they took out the dye. She went to the kitchen and then grabbed a pair of scissors. after about thirty minutes they had cut off most her hair, basically it was mostly shaved around her head, and she had most hair on her and she had bangs going over one of her eyes. Lisa grabbed a ribbon and then decided to put it around her head and tied it into a bow. "Nice touch," Kai said from the door way of the bathroom. "hey! go away and play with your new toys! you're not allowed to see the finished product until she actually finished." Lisa said as she shooed Kai away. Luna had a slight blush on her face from his compliment. Lisa finally came back with a giant nail file. Luna let out a a nervous whimper.
________________________TIME SKIP______________________________
After Lisa was finally done with her, she put the red ribbon back on her head, and then helped put the contacts in her eyes, she then put back on the dress. she looked in the mirror a completely different person. Luna stepped out and then went out to the to backyard, while she was making her way out she saw Ezekiel asleep on the couch. Luna didn't think much of it, she stepped outside to the two that were playing with there new swords. Until they both stopped at the sight of her. one had a look of disgust, the other had a look of awe. "you look beautiful," Kai replied, breathlessly since he was out of breath from sword fighting. Daisuke on the other hand, "you look disgusting!" Daisuke said, "shut up Daisuke! I've had enough of you! I'm done! you're officially fired from being my body guard! You keep comparing me to some perfect person, and keep expecting it from me! well I hate to break it to you, I"M NOT PERFECT!" Luna finally snapped. Lisa came back with a freshly woken Ezekiel. Lisa looked around outside and frowned and then went back inside as if she was looking for something.
While Daisuke and Luna were bickering, Lisa finally ran back outside in a panic, "both of you shut up! Penelope is missing!" Lisa yelled at them. They all perked up as Lisa handed Ezekiel a note, Ezekiel let out a heavy sigh and then crumbled up the piece of paper. "We have to" Ezekiel's face had a look of pure anger. The three nodded, Luna went and then picked up her unused sword. Luna had a Rapier, Kai had a Katana, Daisuke had a Sabre, and Ezekiel had a scimitar. They all grabbed their stuff and then headed out, thinking this would be the last time they would be coming back. The three waited outside, while Ezekiel kissed Lisa good bye. When Ezekiel came back, he led the group in the direction. "so who has Penelope?" Kai asked, "The witch has her, a knight was sent to my house, because they wanted to get me on their side as black mail, but what they don't know is that you three are with me." Ezekiel replied, not looking back at them and focusing on the road ahead of them.
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