Third person (P.O.V.)
Tonight is their first night sleeping in the forest again, Luna, Daisuke, and Ezekiel had her wings wrapped around her to keep herself warm. Kai had a blanket and a pillow, but he was fine, he was naturally warm so it wasn't bothering him much. They had their things set up for bedtime, they had set up camp by a nearby lake, so Luna was the first to go take a bath, she was the only lady so it was bet for her to go by herself. Luna was finding it easier to manage since she had short hair now. Meanwhile, the men were chatting while waiting on her.
"So who put the idea of giving Luna a new look?" Daisuke asked as he rested his head in his hand. "No one, it just sort of happened," Ezekiel replied, "well I don't her being all rebellious she needs to look like a woman, not some tomboy," Daisuke replied. "well, if that's what you think, it's your opinion, but no one asked you to express it and frankly, no one wanted to hear it, we like her new look, and if you don't like it then try not to acknowledge it." Kai replied. Ezekiel didn't even try to say anything because he felt everything that needed to be said was said. "Why don't you understand that everyone changes, if you like her then you need to learn to accept her!" Kai said, added on. "She looks beautiful," Kai said, while just thinking of the sight of her. "It's useless if you try to get with her either way, she has to marry someone of of royalty or of at least nobility, she can't marry a commoner such as yourself." Daisuke Practically insulted him. Kai looked like he was about to say something to him, but he stopped and looked at something more interesting to him. Daisuke got a confused look on his face and felt a shiver run down his back when he felt something pointy drag up his spine. "Come again?" It was Luna's voice, 'crap, I'm screwed now-' Daisuke thought in his head.
Kai sighed and stood up, "alright it's been nice knowing you sir, I'll be going to take my ba- wait, where's Ezekiel?" Kai asked noticing that he wasn't anywhere in sight, "he left to take a bath before both of you so he wouldn't have to deal with the drama. now tell me Daisuke, what gives you the right to tell me who I can and can't marry?" Luna asked as she put more pressure on his spine with her rapier. "Y-you're royalty, you need to marry someone of at least nobility, not a commoner that's the been the rules since the land was ever founded. Luna pulled the rapier away, "either way I'm not marry anyone of that status because I'm not marrying until I'm ready and that won't be for a long time, and when I'm ready, I'll be marrying who I want, I will amend the rules. I will be ruling MY way!" Luna said. "do I make myself CLEAR?!" Luna added, she was obviously angry. Daisuke nodded his head really fast, "Alright, I'm ready for who ever wants to bath next," Ezekiel said. "I'll go," Kai said practically leaping at the chance to leave all that tension that was building up. Luna was just sitting there glaring at Daisuke for the time being. When Kai finally got back, Daisuke left quickly, Luna got up and grabbed Kai's arm. "what is it?" Kai asked, "Can we talk in private?" Luna asked, Kai nodded and then took her hand and led her into the woods.
"what did you want to ask?" Kai asked as let her go and then turned around to face her. "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry for what Daisuke told you," Luna said, "It's fine, but you're not the one that needed to say sorry," Kai said and patted her head. "Even so, I'm practically responsible for him, by the way, I heard the things you said too, and I'd like to say thank you, I think your handsome, but you don't have to keep standing up for me," Luna complimented and assured him. "thank you, but I don't mind, I'd protect you any day," Kai said, Luna blushed, "then, I promise to protect you as well, I promise the same to you," Luna said smiling happily, "don't do that," Kai said, his heart was aching. "If you do, I wont be able stop myself," Kai muttered under his breath. Luna smiled softly while blushing immensely then grabbed either sides of his cheeks and leaned in placed a small kiss on his lips. Kai blushed and slightly pulled away, "d-don't! If you do, I'll get attached," Kai said. Luna started to place soft kisses on his lips until he started to calm down, he started to kiss back and turned it into a long kiss, two pulled away from the kiss, both were blushing extremely red, they felt so alive, "now I have to protect you," Kai said, "I will do the same for you, my love," Luna said smiling happily.
"Hey, should we keep this a secret? you know, incase of Daisuke saying all that, 'You're royalty, you shouldn't be with a commoner!' crap or whatever?" Kai asked. "No, I don't want to, if he has something to say about our relationship, he can take it up with me, but as far as we're concerned we're not affected anyone. "alright then, well, do you want to go back, or do you have anything else in mind?" Kai asked. "one more kiss? just a kiss good night?~" Luna asked, teasingly. Kai blushed deeper then placed a small soft kiss on her fore head. "I'm not sure, you know what I mean by a kiss good night, let me show you~" Luna said and then placed a soft kiss on his lips. Kai blushed and then nodded, "alright, it's time to head back now," Kai said and grabbed her hand and led him back to the campsite, not as friends or strangers, but as lovers.
1025 word count