I had fun eating ice cream, while bragging to some kids, passing me. "Yo! Barbie doll! Look here! Unnie has ice cream. Hehe."
Haha. It was fun to see these kids pout and call me in different not yet defined names.
After an hour or more, I got inside the car with my brother. I felt a little refreshed after nice ice cream.
But, sadly, it's didn't last long. My brother asked me as he looked at me with the corner of his eye, "Who gave you the ice cream?"
I gulped slowly and made up an immediate lie. I am good at making excuses. Take classes from me.
"Ahh! A kid gave it to me." I said as I smiled, randomly thinking of a kid who I teased hours ago.
"Show me that kid, tomorrow." He replied. Well, my perfectly covered detective-style lie never work under this guy. That is just sad.
I stammered and said, "Ah- well, he gave it to me and ran away, immediately. So I didn't see his face-"
But my voice was cracking and dancing. "STOP LYING, BITCH." he said, more like yelled at me.
Yeah, that is how you call your sister. Perfect.
I flinched pretty bad. The loud shout gave me a heart attack and immediately welcomed tears for a party.
Tears flowed slides down my cheeks, saying, "WHEEE", as they landed in my things, saying, "Thanks for the ride."
Oops- out of topic. Umm, well. Yeah. I started crying and yelled back, "WHY DO YOU CARE?!
I screamed real loud and started crying more, as I was more scared now. He is probably going to call an assassin to shoot me to death.
But thank goodness, the mansion arrived in a minute after that.
I immediately got down from the car and rushed to my room, while waddling like a duck, desperately escaping a fox.
But before, I could unlock my room and enter the safe spot. A charmingly calm voice called my name. "Ci Ah."
It was none other than my dear brother. He was walking at a fast pace towards me while his eye showing me who angry he was.
*This person is currently under her graveyard.*
I was shaking as I looked at him with a new set of tears for their party. *I am addicted to "tear" parties. Okay?*
He harshly slapped his hands across my door and asked, while controlling an anger outburst, "How dare you yell at me?
You think I wouldn't mind it and regret everything?"
I said, "Well, I am sorry, brother, but you are a rock and senseless, so how will you regret anything??"
You wish!
Lol. That is what my brain signalled my mouth to say, but my naughty little mouth closed sealed itself together.
He continued his yelling and said, "Do you know how much dignity I lost by sparing that Wade guy?
I did it because you begged Kim Moon, to let him live. I did for you but look at you! Stupid."
I was just looking down while controlling my tears. But what he said next, made me want to just chop his head off.
He said in a cold voice, "Forget it! Just remove your name from dance period and have a free period instead.”
I wanted to just go back on time and reject the ice cream I ate.
Everyone in the mansion knows how much I love dancing.
After losing my parents, my charming brother Park Jun who can never be rude to anyone, all I had was dance.
I looked at him and started to beg, but he just ignored me and walked away. Such a rock. How can someone be this cold?!
Y'all bring your juices, let's make it cold with the help of my brother's coldness. Okay?
As soon as he left, I crashed down on my door and sat on the floor.
The only thing that motivates me to go to school is the dance period.
I started to cry desperately. All the maids and guards looked at me with their sad eyes.
They aren't allowed to be close to me, like do any other things than cleaning and cooking.
Park Jun doesn't trust anyone, so.
I lived in a big mansion, I had more than 100 peoples around me, but I had no one to comfort me.
Everyone looked at me, and I am sure they had the temptation to comfort me, but before anyone did that, I rushed inside my room.
I didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of me. I locked my room and started crying loudly.
I am sure I looked ugly, but still, I sat next to my mirror as I cried.
I slowly fell asleep on my really spacious chair.
It was morning and I woke up with the loud knock on my room. I sighed and got up.
I remembered what happened yesterday as soon as I looked at my puffy eyes.
I got dressed up and went down to go to school. I didn't have the mood to eat breakfast.
But sadly, a loud voice ordered me to eat. I knew who it was, so I just walked back to the dining table, with no energy just like an emotionless person.
I sat next to Kim Moon as I started eating my pancakes. My brother was staring at me with a smile.
It made me really uncomfortable because he never was warm towards me after he reached his puberty.
Kim Moon looked confused too.
I was struggling to eat my salad, so I immediately dropped some lettuce and carrots on Kim Moon's bowl as soon as my brother looked away.
Kim Moon glared at me while I made some cute charms.
I had my pancakes and walked away to school, but my brother called me and said, "Wait inside my car. Don't make me angry again."
I gulped and nodded while walking towards his car.
I told myself to act cold and never remind him about cancelling my dance period.
I sat stiff as I saw him getting inside the car. I pretended like nothing ever happened.
But that ruthless, brutal, merciless, bad, rude, cold jerk asked me, “Did you cancel your dance period?”
I felt tears flowing down my cheeks as I scratched “dance” from my time table. Dance was the only period that had stars and hearts around it.
He sighed as he wiped my tears( let’s party another time) and said, “Stop crying for useless things. I hate it when peoples cry for useless things.”