Question and answer

I looked at him a little grossed out. He just called dance a useless thing. He insulted the passion of thousand of kids out there. That crazy punk.

"Useless thing? Goddamit." How can someone be so lethargic?

He knows how much dance means to me. My late grandmother had always wanted me to be a great dancer.

She taught me to dance. It seems she was a trainee of a girl group but gave up on that as she wanted to become a fashion designer.

With all emotions flowing, I turned my head to the other side and thought, "You can wipe my tears, but you can't wipe my tears from my heart."

I mean, if he wants it so badly then he may just cut my heart out and do it, let's not be so literal.

Once I reached the school, I hurriedly got down from the car and rushed away, not wanting to even look at my brother.

But as I rushed with my heads low, I bumped into some wide chested man. Rock hard chest, man

I looked up and saw Jung Eon, smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and walked past him while hugging my books close to my chest.

Jung Eon smirked at my brother and winked with cute puppy eyes. "Stay away, Jung Eon. I warn you. You don't mess with my sister."

Jung Eon shrugged and walked away.

I was sitting in my class all alone as all my friends or classmates, I mean, had left for dance class.

"I am envious," I said slowly. I searched for Wade too, but he was absent.

The teacher was surprised, but he didn't dare to question me. "What a life? No one asks anything. All I get is fake respect and fake attention." I thought.

I know I am not much of an attention seeker, but I don't like to be treated invisible.

But my sadness didn't last long, I felt a presence around me.

The scent of expensive shampoo.

It was Jung Eon with a smile next to me.

He tilted his head a little, and I was showered by water from his hair.

Looks like he just bathed.

I felt really comfortable around him, but then my brain was jealous of me being happy, so it played a video of me getting scolded by my brother.

I remembered my brother who goes nuts if he sees me with Jung Eon, so I walked away from Jung Eon with a poker face.


I turned around and looked at him, smiling like a bunny, as result, I smiled back at him, showing off my neatly aligned neats which may get crooked if I continued smiling like that, and if somehow Park Jun saw that.

I flushed in embarrassment as I walked away, mentally cursing at me.

Jung Eon chuckled and sighed as he saw the cute yet confusing scene.

Little did they know they were being recorded the whole time. Crazy bastards. Are we some kind of celebrities are what?

After that day, I was in my mathematics class, when Kim Moon rushed towards me, asking no excuse to the sir who was teaching with his whole soul.

"Ci Ah!" He said in an angry tone.

"Frick me, what did I do this time?" That is what my face said that time.

Kim Moon held my hands and started dragging me out.

My poor mathematics sir tried saying something, but just a look from Kim Moon was enough for him to shut up.

My mathematics sir's face literally said, "I didn't sign up for this shit."

"God! Moon, what is wrong?" I asked. Kim Moon is like my friend.

Whenever my brother scolds me, he comes to my room and helps me calm down.

I am bad-tempered too. So he will come to my room and start scolding my brother saying he is childish, ruthless and many more.

He says it with a cute facial expression making me laugh.

But he isn't my friend as he does not hide anything from my brother. So I can't really tell him everything.

But this time, he looked quite angry.

He pushed me inside his car and drove fast.

I was low-key enjoying the ride as it was fast and bumpy.

But I started gulping once we reached the place where he was taking me.

An old, abandoned mansion.

Perfect for a horror film. It had crazy handprints with blood all over it.

I mean, I even saw dried black blood. I looked at Kim Moon.

"Is he really going to kill me?" I thought.

Guys, should I be happy that a handsome guy is killing me or sad that I wasn't able to date anyone before I die?

At that moment, I hoped Kim Moon has just lost a small part of his stable mind that differentiated him from my brother.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked, unconsciously as I was staring at not only drops of blood but also bones and flesh.

"Kim Moon-ah, I feel dizzy. Let's go- WADE?" I screamed as I saw him tied on to a chair with his face all red.

They had bet the crap out of him.

That is when I saw Park Jun, sitting opposite with his leg on top of his other leg.

"No" I screamed as I fell down next to my brother. This is insane.

I rushed towards Wade and tried to untie him but Kim Moon dragged me away.

I fell down again as I was feeling weak and dizzy.

Park Jun was not even looking at me as I begged him with all my might and tears.

Park Jun said with a cold face, "I will ask you some questions, Ci Ah.

If your answer is not pleasing me...I will inject this bullet each inside his head. Got it?"

"Oppa (older brother), why are you doing this? He just wanted to dance with me.

Leave him. I am scared."

I rushed towards Kim Moon and started begging him. I could see pity in his eye but he glared at Wade who wasn't speaking anything.

"Okay, my first question." Park Jun started. That was the worst day of my whole life. I am not kidding.