Hello my name is [KAYDO HATCHIGI], i live in A suburb near Tokyo is the most corrupt city with widespread crime hhhh, My beautiful world, i live in a big house with my mother [AKI HATCHIGI], i am detective

Although I am 23 years old, I catch criminals and solve complex crimes. For a long time I have been trying to catch the drug dealer and the most insidious businessman [RINDAYMI RYO]

Who we could not find any evidence against him while I myself fell my dignity in many attempts to threaten or terrify him or attempt to precede him in his plans, one day kaydo was trying to spy on one of ryo'company big manager when the shief police interrupt him with phone call, kaydo said: i am little busy call later.the shief shouted at Kaido: to my office now, so Kaido said: Damn it.

In police station, the shief said with loudly voice: kaydo stop, you make yourself a farce.kaydo said: but. shief interrupts him, no buts, go to your house and relax, Ryo Rendami can't be touched and we can't even give him a traffic ticket. Kaydo get up and

He got up from the chair and went to the door, and then he looked at the president and said with all seriousness and a frightening face: When will you give me a new car my old one crashes in a chase. then the president’s face turning red and shouted: get the hell out of my office.kaydo went to police car' park and he wait for his policemen friend [AKIHITO], when kaydo saw him he screamed: akuhito my mother is in danger. Akihito responde: OH MY GOD, let hurry. They got in police car and used the police horn, when they arrived kaydo said: thank you for bringing me to the house you are verry generous, Akihito with shock in his face: how could you fool me like that, i believed that your mother was in danger. Kaudo responed: yes because

You have been hit by the same trick 13 time before, they lough together and kaydo enter his house and

his mom suddenly yelling in his ears: how are you my boy. kaydo said and his hand covering his ears: am fine but i wasn't able to catch him. his mother said : no problem my dear son this is life forget that and focuse in something else maybe you will find your destination. kaydo said with smile in his face: you are right mom .then they eat dinner and in his bed kaydo yelling: mooooooom good night. then his mother loaded the shotgun and said: good night my boy.

in the next morning kaydo got up. iko call him in his phone but he didn't answer and said: is time for renewal, i don't care i will write some stories on my book instead of waste my future on some miserable pitty man like ryo rindaymi, i will write a story, i love horror stories so i will write the most terrifying story, the readers will shiver, after weeks, iko arrive to kaydo'house and found his mother and said: how are you my aunt? is kaydo here? kaydo mother said: kaydo in his room from weeks and he did not get out of it and start loughing, iko said and she smile: no probleme, i will check on him. iko went up to his room and found it in a mess, and kaydo sleeping above his book and his saliva on it, iko screamed: idiot, what the you doing far away from your work?? Kaydo got up with suprise and fall to the ground. Kaydo get up and say : what is your probleme? I will not bother my self with more messions i will rest and start over from zero, iko interrupted him: last day he kill 2 mens, what is your probleme? kaydo point to his room' door: if you are done, get out of my room. iko goes to the door and said: i know your feeling and i assure you to give in is not a solution in this world, but this is your life, i will never bother you again. meanwhile, police shief enter police station and call detection team: boys we have a mession, RINDAYMI RYO the business man that kaydo tried to catch him is looking for something in tokyo nationale museum, we have to stop him. One of detectives said: what is this thing that he want badly. police shief answer: the spy couldn't get enough information because RYO is a discreet man, our job is to spy and impersonate a night cleaner, our mession is dangerous and we need kaydo, he is the best in this field, but where is kaydo? I didn't see him lately. he call kaydo in his phone and, kaydo answer: whaaaat? Why are you bothering me? the shief said: kaydo listen we have infermation about RINDAYMI RYO' movements. but kaydo interrupt him: let me think of it. but answer immediately: give me the details. after while kaydo leave the house and found iko waiting him and kaydo say: well done girl, how do you expecting me with soo precision? iko smile and said: my talent. after days of working as a night cleaner kaydo clean the second floor and dance forgeting his mession, then said: i cleaned this place but forget to put on scent freshener in the other rooms, then say in mind: wait a minute, what the hell am doing, i have impersonate night cleaner way too mush. then kaydo throw the cleaner equipment and start playing with historical weapons and his saw a beautiful KONAI and says: beautiful konai what is your secret. meanwhile RINDAYMI RYO with his men killed 3 guards, meanwhile kaydo hear noise when he went to check he found a dead guard and kaydo hide his self behind the wall he sees RYO RINDAYMI kill two more guards and order his mens to start searching about something then without kaydo' knowledge one of RYO' men saw kaydo hiding and start shouting on him, kaydo jumb away from the bullets and start running, RYO say with smile on his stupid face: kill the rest, i have to go to have an excuse of absence. meanwhile kaydo hide in weapons room and saw the KONAI again and said: you GIVE ME LUCK, then one of armed men appeared but kaydo swip his gun and end his life with one gun shout BANG!!! the rest of RYO' men heard the noise of the gun then kaydo run by one of emergency doors.