Kaydo run by one of emergency doors and active the alerm, kaydo search for his phone but he remember that he left it in the locker and said: stupid, idiot, what the hell maybe there is a phone somewhere for emergency. When kaydo found one it was out of service, the police respond the museum alerm and arrive when they see the museum in good sheap they call the manager he respond: hello i am verry sorry, i active the alerm by mistake there is no probleme. He lough with fear, the policemen say: no probleme have a nice day. When the manager end the call he said: please don't kill me. One of ryo'mens have a gun pointing in manager'head and hit him with his gun and knock out the manager. meanwhile one of mercenaries fellow kaydo and start searching for him, he said: we closed all doors to outside this road will led to another museum rooms, he will not gone far. Kaydo use the window

curtains to create Pistol silencer and hide Behind the door and waited until the mercenary appeared, when he show Kaydo threw one of the empty pistol stores, and the gunman dispersed, and when he turned around, kaydo pointed a pistol to his head and shoot, the body fall to the ground lifeless and kaydo said: another one down, still a way to go, thank you for AKM [assault rifle designed by Mikhail Kalashnikov], kaydo loaded the AKM but forget to bring the ammo box into the gun store, when he exit the room, the mercenaries were beside a giant Dinosaur skeleton and he sneak near and point the AKM toward them and said: stop, anyone move i will start shooting, You couldn't kill me and never will. The mercenaries drop their rifles then kaydo comment: now, you are not too tough right. Then the ammo box from kaydo'AKM fall to the ground kaydo face fall down and lough: guys i just was joking with you no need to. kaydo start running and mercenaries swap other pistols and start shooting, kaydo use the stears and go up in second floor and hide in one of the rooms and said i have to take that Dinosaur skeleton down to make a distraction so i can escape. Kaydo sneak near second floor balcony and see the mercenaries in the hall searching and skeleton with four large ropes carry it and he start shooting with his gun and perfectly cut the ropes but the dinosaur did not fall and kaydo notice that there is fifth rop holding the skeleton

Attached to the ceiling and said: great out of bullets. One of mercenaries sneak behind kaydo and point the AKM toward his back, kaydo surprised and raise his hand, the mercenaries said: 45076. Kaydo relief: you are our friend from inside, the spy respond: i will distract RYO'MEN and you take the chance to escape the museum. Meanwhile in the motel IKO speaking to her self: there were a false alerm, i feel something is wrong, kaydo you big idiot you will not work alone. Returning to kaydo who said: good work and amazing plan let's do this, the spy said: kaydo we.... a SHOOT to the head of the spy and his blood split in kaydo' face in slow motion, kaydo open his mouth in shock and see sthe sniper in the building opposite the museum and Quickly hide under the window, the sniper call RINDAYMI RYO: the spy is dead but kaydo hatchigi is alive, RYO respond: kill him if he escape i will not have another chance without being the main suspect, i have bussiness to do, never call me again. The spy delete all his calls and waiting for kaydo to show and mercenaries heard the shoot and get to upstears and kaydo say: i will not survive if i still here. Kaydo start running from the mercenaries and the sniper start shooting and kaydo barly escape and shout: this is not part of the plan, this is not part of the plan. And enter historical weapons and sniper call his men: i will kill him, start searching for the damn thing. Kaydo said i don't have a weapon just empty pistol. The mercenaries start looking in the gall way, kaydo saw the KONAI again and hold it with strong palm and said: you GIVE ME LUCK, when kaydo confirm that the sniper is not around he said: what the hell where is he. Kaydo saw the mercenaries from the balcony searching and they get near the Dinosaur skeleton, kaydo said with fear: please, please, please don't fail me. Then kaydo take a deep breath and with focus and study he throw the konai, in slow motion the konai goes left and right and kaydo open his eyes with fear: PLEASE!!! The konai cut the fifth rop and the skeleton fall on the mercenaries and they get buried, kaydo didn't belive what happen and he start walking but surprised that his left leg is hurting and said: With adrenaline, you won't feel a thing, but now aaaaa, kaydo start walking with one leg drag the other, when he get near the door one of the mercenaries get up, kaydo'heart stop but surprised with six bullets comming from IKO killed the mercenaries, she said: why did not call me you idiot. Kaydo respond: and let you take all the fun. Iko help help him, kaydo said: thank you for taking down the sniper. Iko comment: just be sife. Then kaydo found him self in the middle of applause and greetings from the detectives. After hours kaydo was in police station, the shief was with the museum manager and said: kaydo another success. Kaydo respond: thank you but what steel alive from RIO'MEN did not Did not admit the reason of there presence in the museum and we lost a good friend from our line. The shief comment: He died on duty, we will remember him always. Kaydo said: museum manager about this konai save my life so... The manager interrupt kaydo: this konai It has no value, it's fake you can take it. Kaydo thank the manager and said: you are mine now. Then kaydo return to his house and his mother hug him: did you mess me in your mession. Kaydo comment: every moment. Thene kaydo went to his room and after two hours said: finaly i finiched my stories now i can sleep after this exhausting week. He put the konai on above his book and said: from today, you will protect it from theft and damage like you protect me. In mednight when kaydo was in deep sleep the konai start radiates white light and then the book of stories start radiates white light too.