Ehen morning comes, KAYDO woke up and found out his book of stories empty with nothing but the cover and the KONAI above it, kaydo asks him self: where is the papers? Where are my stories? KONAI you disappointed me. Then he asked his mother who was cutting papers in the paper cutter: mom my stories are gone did you see it or... Maybe destroyed it? His mom answered: i didn't see your papers dear boy. Kaydo comment: Mmmmmm... That weird, no problem. Then iko called: kaydo there is a crime in AKIKABARA suburb. Kaydo respond: on my way. Kaydo arrive in crime scence and IKO was reading her notebook, when she saw kaydo: get ready you and your stomach, the victim is 50 years old men with his scalp removed with sharp object. Kaydo comment: it is clean shoot, and they cut his throat. DETECTIVE ALASO said: kaydo you said they is there more than one killer. Iko respond: look on his wrists and his legs there is traces of tightening so there more. Kaydo continue: so one killer holding victim's legs and one holding the wrists and one making the finale steps, they torture him then cut his throat. Kaydo talking to himself: this looking familiar like j did see this scense before. Iko and kaydo spend hours asking people until the last women comment: i didn't see anything weird except homeless JOE, who lives in the alley, everyone loves him and helping him, this morning he keep saying weird staff maybe that help you. When kaydo and iko finds the homeless he was very old and have signs of insanity. He faces iko and said with his body shivering: i don't know their names, the clowns changes... are no longer funny but killers who take on the joy and happiness they see. Then he cover his face with his knees and start crying. Kaydo and iko looked at each others, iko: i don't believe in fairy tales and you kaydo? Kaydo was terrified and nervous: in fact i do believe in them, please tell will not stay here tonight. Iko looked at him with angry look [ she mean by this look kaydo you idiot]. Midnight has arrived, kaydo and iko in the car waiting, kaydo still have signs of fear, iko said: have some courage see those guys in the street hanging out there are more brave than you, i need some air and it is dangerous in this time i will tell them to leave, she left the car and went to them and greeted: hello people, it seem you are not afraid from crime series going on thus area. One of them respond in terrefing voice: we are not afraid because...... Then kaydo drive the car near iko the Car lights lighting the alley and iko shocked by seeing a clowns covered in blood and their eyes are black and empty like the night and there are a dead body beside them and his scalp removed, kaydo point the gun toward the clowns: don't move or i will shoot. One of them attack iko and kaydo shoot him in the face but No effect he didn't react, the second jumb on kaydo but kaydo swap his shoot gun and hit him, kaydo says: iko run to the cars i will distract them. Iko nod and run to the opposite direction and kaydo start running: you will never catch me you freaks. Then one of clowns jumb on kaydo and barely stab him but defend him self and grab clown' hands and said with fear: maybe you can catch me. The other clowns swap their knifes and run fast to catch kaydo meanwhile he was still grabing clown' hands and look of fear in kaydo face: i can't die here i have to stop them, i have to help people ...... In flash of light iko driving the car hit 2 clowns and the third distracted so kaydo take the chance and hit him with his shotgun and start running to the car when he enter it, he start yelling: iko go go go !!!! The clowns stop and watch the car leaving. After while kaydo: iko slow down they will not following us. Iko and kaydo were in shock and their faces were in very deep fear. Kaydo break the silence: iko do you believe in fairy tales now? Iko in angry voice: WHAT DID WE SEE BACK THERE?!! kaydo In a dramatic moment: THEY ARE ZOMBIE CLOWNS.

the following morning begin with police shief yelling on kaydo and iko: kaydo two more people died yesterday on your guarding and you blame some silly story like zombie and clowns i expected this from you kaydo but you iko? I never see that coming, get out of my office. When they get out from office the shief slam the door behind them. Iko: what we will do? We will not remain idle while people die. Kaydo said: it is part of my stories that i write them and it appeared in a strange way to our world, We have to destroy them all, one of police men greeted kaydo and reported him that his car is fixed, kaydo said: finally, iko we have to go home, come with me we will pass your house and bring all your weapons and swords we will need them very mush now. When they arrive in iko house iko take some time and she get out her house with big bag and put it in the car, when they arrive in kaydo house and enter his room kaydo start Drawing on paper, iko interrupt him: what are you doing. Kaydo respond: in my stories there are few weak point we can use it one of them are those seals than make the weapons have effect on this monsters and with this we can kill it and heal our self if we get injured and this konai

It has a lot to do with the problem, kaydo hold the seal and grab the konai and touched the seal, konai start to enlighten and the seal follow and kaydo said: it worked with this we will win iko and kill every last one of them.