.the chapter begin with kaydo and iko in his room, kaydo: the seal i created in my stories became real and also his effects let me try. Kaydo grab a knife from the kitchen and cut his hand a small wound and hold a healing seal than in a moment the wound closed and the scar disappear. Iko in shock: like there are nothing happened we can heal diseases of this world. Kaydo interrupt her: first we live to the next morning is big goal, we have to work alone, are you sure of your choice? We will die if we fail. Iko respond: i don't care about my safety, i entered this field for protecting people and i will not stop here. This words make kaydo smile despite the situation upahead. Before 5 minute of midnight, iko and kaydo waiting in the car, kaydo check his watch and came out from the car, the zombie clowns in the end of street were watching kaydo and one of them used the hand signal [YOU..ARE....MINE] and kaydo respond with another hand signal [HELL NO] one of the clowns jumb in the air to catch kaydo but iko protected him and shoot the clown with the shotgun and the zombie hit the ground and start screaming with terrifing voice, kaydo loughing: you are not too tough now HHHHHH. kaydo and iko start running, in the alley they seperated and clown chase iko and two after kaydo, iko slow her speed when the zombie closed to her she said: you are very close clean shoot. She turned around and shoot him in the face and he fall to the ground when iko get near to the body to check he grab her leg and were going to stab her but iko shoot him again, the clown stop moving and iko turned her back to open kaydo' car that when the clown got up and start running to iko but she notice him and shoot him again when he fall to the ground iko drag the clown body to the car and placed his head where the car' door closed and start hitting him with car' door over and over until clown'head crushed and blood cover the car and iko comment: DIE ALREADY. Meanwhile kaydo keep running from two zombie clown and in the alley he make them seperate, kaydo was moving slowly when noise come from his back he turned and there is nothing when he turn back the clown stab him in his shoulder and kaydo force him self to accept the pain and shoot the clown in the chest and fall to the ground, then kaydo hold his shoulder and swap a knife from his pocket [the knife has a seal] the clown stab kaydo in his left leg but kaydo stab him in the stomach 6 times and the clown drop his knifes then kaydo stab him in his nick over and over in the end he cut of his head, kaydo breath and keep walking with his hand holding his shoulder and one healthy leg drag the other wounded leg, in the road he saw another clown waiting for him smiling, when kaydo saw him he start shooting but the clown avoid the bullets and got closed to kaydo when he was near kaydo iko drive the car and hit him the clown fall to the ground when he tried to get up iko shoot him with the shotgun the clown tried to move but iko shoot him again and again until his head crushed by the shotgun, kaydo: thank you saved my life. Iko smile to hear this words and she said with wondering: kaydo the konai. Kaydo notice that the konai start lighting and the dead clowns they turn into small balls of light then they assemble into when light and they turned into a paper and cling by kaydo'book, kaydo said: the nightmare is over, so that what happened to my book. After 2 hours the morning comes, kaydo and iko surprised that they keep fighting the clown all the night, when the police come, kaydo explain what happened about the zombie clowns but policemen start loughting and iko explain that they found suspicious activities and the gang members start shooting but they escape, kaydo no body will believe us, iko we have to destroy those things, the creaters I BROUGTH to this world, we have to find and finish this one and for all. Iko respond: no problem, we are togheter and capable so we wont have problems, what next kaydo. That when kaydo smile. Meanwhile the businessmen RYO RINDAYMI in his office and was very angry, one of the mercenaries from the museum attack was Shackled and bleeding, ryo said: you was have one job,ONE DAMN JOB, and it was just give me the konai, from a DAMN LOW SECURITY MUSEUM, THAT WAS ALL OF IT, and you fail me, you are no use to me. Then ryo swap his gun and shoot him in the head, when his men enter the office, ryo said: CLEAN THIS MESS AND FIND A WAY TO GET TO KONAI, FIND A WAY TO KILL KAYDO HATCHIGI, HE HAVE MY KONAI. After a 3 days, kaydo was in police station with iko and the police shief was happy to hear that the case are closed and there are no crimes, the shief said: i am happy by your success, you show the gang what police made of. Kaydo interrupt the shief: there was no gang in that night. The smile on the shief face disappear: but..... Kaydo continue: it was the zombie clowns and we barely made it alive that night. And kaydo' serious face make the shief listening carefully and kaydo said: my stories was brought to life because of this konai and i have to destroy them all, i need your permission to let me moving to all japan cities and villeges to kill those creaters. The shief keep silence and he look at kaydo and iko and focused on kaydo' face and said: i can't imagine this story you talk but i believe you, you are my best men and i will give you the permission. Kaydo respond: thank you shief but take this seal, when you see one of this creaters put this on your weapon and it will kill them or stop them if they are too powerfull. The shief said: be safe both of you and i will protect your mother from harm. Kaydo thank the shief and he entered the car with iko and said: let's go we have work to do.