in the motel, kaydo looked at iko smiling: good morning, here is your coffee. Iko: thank you, what next kaydo? Kaydo answer her: we drive and search of any crimes happened and take care of it. When kaydo and iko leave the motel and entered the car, kaydo turn on police radio and keep lestining for some time until the policemen broadcast about crime happened in KITASHIOBARA, FUKUSHIMA, the victim men 29 years have signs of claws and bits on his body or what left of it. Iko said: that our next destination. When they arrived to the crime scense, one of the policemen stop kaydo but kaydo show him his badge and the policemen said: kaydo hatchigi first time meet you, am ROUKO and nice to meet you one of tokyo best detectives, let me show you, this poor men torn apart by some animel and we found lint all over place like the crimes before, maybe bear or wolf. Kaydo: this place never repported about animel attacks, strange that in this scense was near neighborhoods and no one hear this screaming or something and all the vicims from other crimes were from 22 to 29. Time passed and the coroner [POLICE DOCTOR] came and said: this lint was belongs to the dog family. Kaydo in himself: i can't remember anything about dogs in my stories like it have been removed from my head. After questioning the people of nighborhood kaydo and iko found out that those victims were a group Bother people and create problems for fun but not very dangerous and they always bother lady nira an ild women live in small house up the hill by her self, kaydo: iko this is one my stories be carefull. After reaching the house, iko knocked the door and old women open it, iko: hello my lady, am detective iko and this is my partner can we ask you some questions. The old women respond: no problem, come in. When they sit on chairs, kaydo notice a lot of photos for the old women and her dog, the old lady said: i find you love my photos he is my beloved dog and i love him so mush. Kaydo answer: is he loves humans like me? Kaydo try to pet him but the dog snarled in his face and fled, kaydo Embarrassed: dogs don't love me anyway. The old lady lough and said: you are very good boys. Iko complete the questions: Are you bothered by recent crimes that happened in this village? The old lady: no in opposite i get used to it. Kaydo comment: if you don't mind, did you notice that most of the victims were bothering you and give you problems? The face of the old lady changes and she said: they deserve to die, i don't have pity for them, in fact their death was good. Iko said with confuse: so you don't know who has relationship with this crimes. That when the old lady said: of course i know it is my dog TCHU TCHU. Iko and kaydo hold their guns and the old lady said with cold voice: my dogs kill anyone bother me and torn them apart and you start to annoying me. Then the dog turn into big seize and jumb on kaydo and old lady continued: you are my next victims. Kaydo kick the dog and iko jumb on the window to out side and kaydo follow her and keep running in the street and the dog chasing, when the sunrise time has nearly come, the dog almost bit iko but kaydo grab him in the nick and drag him in the slope and they rolled over and the dog cut with his claws kaydo but he just cut his clothes, when sunrise come, the dog tchu tchu disappear, kaydo was having traces of claws on his face and his shirt and pants torn apart, iko run and found kaydo loughing: am a live, HHHH ALIVE!!!! iko breath with cheerful: thanks god, this is definitely one of your monsters, it was close one, if we were slow, we could end up his dinner. When they enter motel room, iko brought the healing seal and put it on the back and face of kaydo and he was felling some pain from the fight with the beast dog and iko: bear the pain, my friend be a men for once. Kaydo start loughing: be a men!! HHHHHH!!!Who was hit with the stick is not the same like who count the hits. Iko start loughing: you still joking with all this pain, what we have to do now? we need plan, a very good one. Kaydo said: you remember last year the serial killer who we take him down. Iko with Curious: yes, i hope he die in the prison, you want to use the same plan, very clever. Kaydo continue: we need two things, the first is prepare the weapons and put the seals on it and be ready, the second i have to take bath, i want to be ready to kick down some dog monster and that creepy old lady. Iko said: good talk let have some rest kaydo, tomorow we have a work to do. Kaydo said with confidence: we have to be ready, i will tell you the story about the old women and the dog of hell, she was lonely and one day find a beautiful dog and lived with him couple of years and name it tchu tchu, one day there was a fire in her house, the firemen save her but she told them that her dog still locked in the house, they respond that it just a dog and no one will risk to save him, that when she start running and entered the house and go up by the stairs to the second flour and open the door to her room and grab her dog but the fire eat every thing and the ground of the second flour collapse and she burn alive with her dog and she was screaming with those words: AAAAAA!!!! I WILL REVENGE, I WILL BURN EVERY ONE AND TORN APART EVERY...... Kaydo end his story and looked at iko: time to kill her one and for all.