The event start when kaydo finished his shower, And make sure to put the seals in the small hotel they living in because of the hell dog chasing after them. One of windows there were no seal and the hell dog entered, thefire was covering his body and his fangs were so big that he can smash car with it, kaydo wore clothes and: said clean and shiny. When he saw in the mirror the dog: ooo not again. Then when he took his gun and shoot the hell dog and was obvious that the bullets with seals hurt him, then kaydo start shooting but the gun run from bullets, kaydo said: what the.... but he remember that he was but the seals on bullets but the ink run out so he decided he will continue tomorow [ what a poor guy with poor luck ]. Then kaydo said with shaking smile on his face: what a lazy stupid guy i am? The dog jumb on kaydo but he dodge it and hit with his gun in the face, thr dog get angry and kaydo jumb Behind the sofa and grab his armor [ the armor is part of metal seperate in 6 pieces two protect the leg and two the arms and two protect the back and the chest and the armor have seals for protection from monsters ]. Kaydo grab his chest armor and hit it to the dog in his face and smash his left eye, the dog cried out in pain and then disappeared, kaydo saw his book and notice the The glow gone [ it mean that the monsters are not near]. Kaydo sit on the sofa, iko entered the room and saw the mess and kaydo said: what'up girl, any news? Iko respond: he attack you? Kaydo nodded: and we don't have seals for bullets. Iko saw the watch it was 11:32 and said: it almost midnight, time for our work. In front of the old lady house, kaydo and iko

They got out of the car and used the horn, the old lady looked in window and saw them and said: this is your last night ALIVE. Dozens of dogs appeared, iko with brave smile in her face: no bullets but we will do it. Kaydo grab his machete and iko grab her baseball bat[ both of weapons have seals on them], one of dogs run toward iko but she hit him so hard that his face crushed and died, iko impressed by how this seals powered the bat, iko and kaydo seperate, kaydo start running toward the old lady house and slice with his machete the dogs in his way, then he turn in one of the houses and entered the Backyard and two dogs chasing him, one of them jumb in the air but kaydo turn fast and slice him and the blood cover kaydo' hair and and kick the other dog with his armor, the dog hit the wall and try to get up but kaydo hit his head and smach his skull, when he got out the Backyard he saw a lot of dogs so kaydo decided it is time for crazy actions sp kaydo jumb on the dogs and start jumb on there heads until the last one and push with all his power the door of the house until he broke it and enter the house and he fond two dogs waiting him so he killed the first and smach the head of the second, when he went up the stairs and his pocket and notice that his gun is gone he went down the stairs and fond the hell dog ate the gun so kaydo hit him in the face and grab the gun from his mouth, the dog suddenly bite kaydo' hand but kaydo smash his head and said: it is like putting your hand in fire, it hurt me so mush AAAAAAAA.... kaydo was in second floor and opened the door. Iko was smashing the dogs and said: OH MY GOD, a lot of them, without the armor and this seals we are as good as dead. She entered the car and drive it to kill them: one by one i will let no one live. Kaydo broke the door and saw a lot of dogs and the old lady, the dogs transform into mist and grab kaydo and fix him in the wall, he was struggle to grab his gun but he succeed and point toward the old lady head, she lough: dear boy, your guns can't kill my dogs or me, and i have your machete, what will you do except been my children food for tonight HAHAHAHAHHAHA. Kaydo shoot and the bullet entered the skull of the old lady and her smile turn into sadness and she felt the pain goes into her body and the blood start running from her head, kaydo with smile: why did you think i was keeping this gun, that was the last bullet with seals HAHAHA. the old lady start crying with loud voice: NO!!!! DAMN YOU KAYDO HATCHIGI DAMN YOU!!!! then her head explode. Meanwhile, iko was driving the car but the dogs hit her car until it lost control and smash Street light and iko grab her head: this damn dogs, come on my dear car work, WORK. but no point, the car stop running and hell dogs jumb on the car and surrounded it, iko grab her bat and buried her fear: come on you damn dogs, i will take you all before i die. she grab the car'door and was moment from open it, but the dogs start glowing and Disappeared and iko breathe relief and put her head in the Steering wheel from fatigue. Kaydo slowly got out the house and the house and the remains of the dogs glowing and disappeared and the house transform into paper and fly directly into book and cling like it was never torn off, the glowing end, iko broke the silence: how are you after this? Kaydo holding his bleeding arm: am fine, just fine. Iko saw the ground where the house were standing and surprise there was little dog, iko: kaydo the dog from your story, it seem he didn't die with the old lady, so she was controling this poor little dog. Kaydo hold his machete: let's kill him before he disappear. Iko hold the dog and hug him: kaydo don't be mean, i love dogs and he is adorable. The dog barked in a beautiful voice, iko: ooooooo soo cute, kaydo what we will do with him? Where we taking him? I will not be able to take care of him because am fighting monsters with you. Kaydo with sigh: i have a plan. In the morning, kaydo knock on his house'door, his mom opened and was surprised: my dear son where have you been? Kaydo answer with smile: mom am in a lot of messions and don't have mush time sorry, but i fond this miserable and useless dog [ NOTE: KAYDO WAS HOLDING THE DOG WITH ONE HAND WITH DISGUSTING LOOK LIKE HE HOLD A STINKY GARBAGE] and i know you love dogs so take care of him for me. The mother felt very happy and said: kaydo what is his name? Kaydo respond: it is TCHU TCHU. the dog jumb on mother'chest and she hold him like she hold a little baby: we will have fun tchu tchu. When she turn to enter the house tchu tchu was facing kaydo who was swap his gun threatens the dog: if you do anything, i will kill you little bastard. Then the door close. Then kaydo enter his car, iko was driving then she said with the same smile as ever: where are we going? kaydo: where the adventure take as my friend.