Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Looking at the symbol marked on the card, the waiter asked "Hey, sorry but, ... why do you have the Dragon Night guild mark on your card?" doubting the veracity of that card.

The boy looked at the card and said, "Ah, this is my dad's card, but I don't think he will see any problem using it to pay for just that." smiling as he looked at the attendant in front of him.

After hearing the boy's response, the attendant looked at the card, and still doubting that it was really true, he asked “Are you sure this card is from your father? … Could you tell me his name? ” turning the card over to see what name had been engraved on it.

While the waiter asked the boy what his father's name was, since he was not believing in the least that the boy was the son of someone in the most powerful South Korean guild today, the attendant was turning the card over to see what was the name of the owner and while he was reading, the boy said “Oh my dad’s name? His name is Justin Kwon. ” answering the waiter's question as he looked out the window at the store, in the direction Liz was standing and again with his chin on his right hand.

(Justin Kwon, better known as The Strongest Man In All Korea, he won that title for being the only S rank in Korea that can clear an A rank dungeon on his own, he was also one of the first to be seen as S rank in the world, and by winning that title he created the Dragon Night guild, the current most powerful guild in Korea. He is a man who was born in the United States, but grew up since his childhood in Korea with his family.)

Upon turning the card over, the attendant was perplexed by what he was reading ‘Jus, Just, Just, Justin? The child's father is the leader of the Dragon Night guild !? ’thought the waiter, frightened by what he was reading. The attendant was so puzzled by that, that while looking at the distracted boy in front of him he started to shake, and trembling he struggled to pass the card that was in his hand, in the machine that he had placed on the table " Please, sir, please enter the card password here! ” said the attendant in a shaky voice, and showing where the boy should enter the password.

The boy typed with a smile on his face, the password on the machine's keyboard {The payment was successful!} It appeared on the small screen of the machine after the boy had Ok on the machine.

"Here is your card, sir!"

The waiter spoke, his voice still a little shaky as he bowed a little to hand the card to the child.

The boy took the card and put it back in the pocket on the right side of his suit, and after a few minutes had passed the boy spoke in English "... I think I want to go to the bathroom." while passing his left hand slowly over his belly to demonstrate to the guards that he was feeling a little bad.

The child got up and walked slowly towards the counter of the store "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?" asked the boy, still running a hand over his belly, when he arrived at the counter and an attendant passed by him.

A girl of about 19 years old with hair of slightly below average size, straight and dark was the one who was passing by the boy, and upon hearing his question she replied “Ah, of course! You just need to go straight in that direction and turn right, and there will be written where the bathroom is! ” with a sincere smile on his face, and pointing in which direction the child should go.

The child thanked the girl, and walked slowly in the direction she had informed him, and while walking the boy looked back and said "You don't have to follow me to the bathroom, do you?" asked the two guards behind him sarcastically.

The guards looked at each other for a brief moment and replied, "Sorry, sir, but this is our job!" a little shaky after they remembered what Liz had said.

Hearing their response, the boy looked at both of them for a moment and said “… I know that, but I don't need two guards following me just to be able to go to the bathroom! … Since there's no way, only you come! ” pointing at Tyler and continued walking towards the bathroom.

The two guards looked at each other for a moment and waved at each other, and soon after that Tyler followed the boy and Mark was waiting for them near the counter, after the two arrived at the bathroom door the child said "You can wait for me here ! Or will you want to come in too !? ” knowing what Tyler's answer would be.

Tyler turned and stood guard at the door while waiting for the boy to leave, the boy came in and went straight to the sink opening the faucet a little bit 'I won't be caught because of the improved hearing again!' on his face as he looked around looking for somewhere he could get out.

The boy looked everywhere but couldn't find a single place where he could use to get out of that place ‘No, it’s possible that…’ thought the apprehensive child.

The child thought he would not be able to get out of there as he could not find a place to escape, but when he opened the bathroom door and looked over the toilet, he saw that this was not the case. exclaimed the boy because of the happiness he was feeling ‘... Damn it!’ he thought the same after he realized his mistake.

'What is that boy doing inside?' Asked Tyler after hearing the child's scream coming from inside the bathroom.

After shouting the boy quickly turned off the tap, and went into the bathroom closing the door as well and being inside he thought ‘… Okay it looks like he won’t come.’ Realizing that the guard wouldn’t enter after a few seconds have passed.

The child opened the door, and looking both ways he saw that the guard had not really entered, after that he slowly closed the lid of the vase and climbed on top to try to jump out the window. But after having climbed on top of the vase, the child realized that even though he was on top of the vase he was still short to reach the window and unable to jump to reach it, because knowing that if he did that the guard outside would listen to him, stopped and started thinking to try to find a way to solve that problem.

The boy thought that above the other vases there would also be windows, and he also thought that maybe he was lucky that one of these windows was a little lower than the one he was in, so he went down from the vase he was in and went into another 5 cabins in total and in this one that he had just entered the window was a little lower than the other, but it was still too high for him, seeing this the child went to another one, and in this one the window was a little higher than than the first one he had tried, making it practically impossible for him to think about using that window.

In the other booth, the window was literally at the same height as the first, so the boy gave up on that one and went quickly to the next one, and while he climbed on top of the vase to see if it would or would not allow him to leave, the guard asked outside " Are you quite young master? ” while he knocked on the door worried since he wasn’t listening to any sound coming from inside.

Hearing Tyler's question, the boy was startled and accidentally dropped a small glass of alcohol gel that was next to the vase, on top of a small shelf that had just a few other things besides the alcohol on top.

After dropping the alcohol the boy whispered "Damn!"

Soon after hearing the noise, Tyler exclaimed, “Young master! Are you very young master !? ” worried about the boy, but even more with his head.

"Yes I am! …I am leaving soon."

Replied the boy as he flushed to divert the guard's attention, picked up the glass of alcohol that fell on the floor and used it a little in his hands, rubbing each other.

After passing the alcohol in his hands, the boy put the glass back on the shelf, closed his eyes and slowly turned his head upwards asking God for that window to be lower than the others, with his head tilted upwards. he opened his eyes slowly and thought 'Thank you so much! Thank you very much! ’Thanking God that the window is actually much shorter than the others.

The boy opened the window, leaned with his hands on the wall while jumping towards the window hole, he managed to easily pass the upper part of his body, but when he went to pass the waist part for some reason he locked it there, and while he was locked in the window he thought 'Damn it because that is not ...' struggling to try to get through the window.

After struggling a few times the boy gradually slipped out the window, and the thirtieth time he struggled he really managed to break free and go through that little window, his luck was that on the other side there was a closed dumpster to which he fell on top.

The boy then descended from the bucket, left the alley to which he was, an alley where there was only him, a kitten abandoned a little ahead and a drunk man wearing rags and wiped on the floor a little beside him, the boy put his hand in his left pocket and took several banknotes of different values, some of ten thousand won and several others of fifty thousand, the boy took five notes of fifty thousand won and put it in the man's pocket and passed it after that.

Shortly after doing this, the boy walked a little further, and a little further ahead he took the abandoned cat in his lap smiled and said "From now on you will be called Cat!" as he walked towards the exit of the alley and gently stroked Cat's little head.


It had been a few minutes since the young master said he would come out of the bathroom and Justin worried about all that silence said “…Young master, I'm coming in! ” opening the door slowly and going through it.

And when entering the bathroom Tyler was completely shocked to realize that his young master was no longer there, while leaving the bathroom Justin screamed “Young master! Young master where are you !? ” in complete despair hoping that it was just a joke and that he would receive an answer when he called him. But that did not happen.

Tyler left the bathroom in despair and when he arrived at the store counter without the boy, Mark asked "Where's the young master !?" worried and wondering what had happened.

"I do not know! One hour he was there and the next he was completely gone! ”

Tyler replied a little shakily.

Upon hearing Tyler's response, Mark was shocked, but he still said, “Focus! Now we have to look for the young master! ” shaking but trying to stay calm and focus.

After Mark said that, the two started looking wildly for the boy inside the store. And so a few minutes had passed and they had already searched the entire store but found nothing, until Liz suddenly appeared behind Mark and asked "Where's the young man ... master !?" appearing to be concerned.

"We ... We don't ... We don't know!"

Mark replied, his voice and his whole body shaking.

Furious and releasing strong pressure, Liz said, “How come you don't know !? I didn't tell you… ”without realizing that I was hurting normal people around me.

After realizing that she was hurting normal people, Liz immediately stopped talking and also released that intention to put pressure on others, she took a deep breath and asked “… What was the last place the young master went?” trying to stay calm.

The two took her to the bathroom and said that there was the last place he had gone, she went into the bathroom and looked in every cabin she had there and realized that the lids of all the pots were closed but only one window was open , the window of the last cabin, which coincidentally was the lowest of all the others, and while running her right hand over her face Liz thought 'Did you do it again?' without showing so much concern now.

She turned around and said, "Go look around, he shouldn't be too far yet!" giving orders to the other two guards.