Chapter 57

Some time before

As I was going to his house, on the way Byeol stopped the car suddenly in the middle of the street and thought 'Ah, but what if he goes over to the house? … I better go somewhere else! …But where?…'

After some time thinking about where he should go, and with the car in the middle of Byeol Street he received a call "Hello! Sir, what do you want? "

"Come here now!"

Answered the person on the phone.

"…Yes sir! I'm going right now! "

Replied Byeol with a huge smile on his face!

As he ended the call, Byeol thought 'But of course! … Where else could I go, if not to the guild headquarters? He wouldn't attack me there, would he? … No, that's impossible. '

And after convincing herself of that, she stepped on the gas and headed for the Scarlet guild headquarters. However, a few seconds after he stepped on the accelerator, a question arose in Byeol's head 'But why is he so mad at me?' He asked himself as he stopped the car again.

But without bothering to find a reason, she just stepped on the car's accelerator again and headed towards the guild headquarters. But again, a question arose 'Is it because of those monsters? … It's not possible… is it? '

She pulled her hair forward for a few seconds, took a deep breath and again stepped on the accelerator '… But what if it's because of the girl? ... No, it's more likely because of the monsters. It can only be that! 'Thought Byeol, stopping the car again after having only walked a few meters, and wondering what was the cause of Hye's anger.


While Byeol stayed in that car and does not go with his car, in a foreign dessert store that at that time there were only 4 customers in total, having only one separated from the 3 others who were sitting at the table next to the entrance door of the store, being this 4 client a child of about 8 years old who was sitting at the table next to the window in a custom made white suit, with straight hair and blue neatly arranged, and blue eyes as clear as the water that was watching all that with a calm look and serene, asked "Um? … Does that person have a problem? " to a woman who was beside her, while she chose what she would order from the store's menu.

"… I want that, sir!"

She exclaimed the child, while looking at the attendant with mouth watering, after having already chosen what she would ask for.

"Of course! I already bring your order! "

"… And then Liz. Do you think that person has a problem? "

Asked the child, while looking at the car that stopped again after having gone only a few steps forward.

(Liz Evans, an American woman who speaks English, Korean and French perfectly, also knowing a little Chinese and Japanese, she is also a former high-ranking hunter of rank A, who stopped entering the dungeons and became a bodyguard.)

"… I don't know, sir!"

Replied the blond-haired woman, tied in the shape of a bun, and dressed in a black skirt and suit, while she looked at the car and arranged her glasses with her index finger on her right hand.

"Then you will find out! Daddy said that I must help those in need. "

Says the child, looking at the car, through the window of the establishment, and with a small smile on his face, as he rests his chin on the back of his right hand.

"…Yes sir! I'm going to go right now. "

Liz replied, as she bowed to the child.

"And you two, don't let him out of your sight! Do you understand !? "

She spoke the same, but now in English, looking from the corner, to the two guards who were behind her as she emitted strong pressure.

"Yes ma'am!"

They responded in English, the two guards sweating in the cold.

She then disappeared and the two guards stayed there looking after the child.

(One of the guards was Mark Cooper, a man with dual citizenship, American, and African, knowing only the language of the city from which he was born, English, and also being a former rank B hunter, who decided to become a bodyguard when he stopped to enter the dungeons.

And the other was Tyler Ross, a man born in England and able to speak English perfectly, and a little Korean thanks to his time in Korea, like Mark, he is also a former rank B hunter who decided to become a guard back after stopping dungeons, as well as several other hunters around the world.)


After a few seconds had passed, Liz had already reached the left side of the car, which was again stopping after walking just a few steps forward, and while gently tapping on the car window she asked, "Excuse me, do you need help with something?"

Right after hearing the person tapping on the glass of his car and talking outside, Byeol, who was about to step on the accelerator again, stopped, turned off the car and slowly opened the window, and said "Oh! Ms Liz? What is she doing here? " surprise with whoever was on the other side.

Also surprised by that, Liz asked, "Ah, so it was you Miss Byeol. Do you have any problems? "

Without understanding why she asked that question, Byeol said "… No, no problem, why?" trying to hide her despair.

Looking back Liz says "It's just that you are practically in the same place, it's been awhile, Miss Byeol."

As he looked back through the car window, Byeol said, "Oh, really? I thought I had walked a lot. … But tell me, why are you here? I thought you worked as a security guard for his son. "

Looking inside the store, and seeing the boy sitting in the same way as when she left there and still giving her a little thau, Liz replied "The son of the lord is also here! To tell you the truth, it was he who sent me to see if the person inside the car was having a problem. "

After hearing Liz's response, Byeol gaped and said, "Really, did that little bugger do that? Watch out for that plague, he's not that good, he certainly has a plan. "

Looking again at the store window, and checking that the boy was still there, Liz said, "I know what that boy is like. … And then Miss Byeol, do you have a problem that I can help you with? "

After sadly placing his arms over the steering wheel, and just after his head over the arms, Byeol said, "Help me? I find it kind of difficult. " as she turned her head down and tears slowly started to stream down her face.

Taking a deep breath because she knew deep down that it was something she shouldn't ask, but going against her intuition, Liz asked "What could be so bad, that even for an S rank it is impossible to deal with?"

With more and more tears falling from her eyes, Byeol replied "It is not something, but someone."

Startled by Byeol's response, Liz exclaimed, "What do you mean, is that even possible? You are an S rank! What kind of monster could make you stay that way? "

As he lifted his head and dried the tears on his face, Byeol said "You better hope you don't know him, and if you do, just apologize and walk away before you can do this anymore!" realizing later that it didn't matter how many times she dried her tears, since a few seconds later they always fell more.

Frightened, and thinking that under no circumstances should she let the little master get close to this person, Liz asked "And do you know what that person's name is?"

As he started the car again, Byeol replied "The name I don't know, but if you see a man with completely black eyes, and a look as cold and serene as his boss's, seeming indifferent to everything and everyone, and with a apparently messy black hair, you can be sure it's him. So get away! " talking about some of the characteristics she uses to identify Hye, since she still didn't know her name.

After hearing Byeol's words, Liz said "Okay miss, you can be sure that I will remember that!" scared and thinking to herself 'How scary should this man be? No, it is better to really go without knowing. 'Having a struggle between her fear and her curiosity.

Byeol finally stopped crying and was about to leave, but before she left she said "Also remember not to say anything if you see him looking like monsters, just forget it and move on as if you haven't seen anything! Now I say goodbye because I have to go now, send him a hug and say that anytime I will visit him. " giving her the last warning.

And after saying that, she just stepped on the gas and drove off to the Scarlet guild headquarters as she crossed her mind 'That is, if I survive of course.'

Liz who stood looking at Byeol's car leaving, thought 'I have to keep the young master away from this man!' As she turned and looked at the table where the child was.

"Young master!"

She screamed the same, after looking into the store and not seeing the child anywhere, but only the two guards searching him madly for the store.


A bit before

"Here is your request, sir!"

As she lifted her head, which was resting on the back of her hand, the child said, "Great! I was dying to be able to eat this again! … And that cheesecake looks delicious! "

With a smile on his face, the child happily ate the cheesecake he had ordered "This is really delicious!" said the child, after having already eaten two small pieces, using the spoon that was brought with the cheesecake by the waiter.

With a happy smile on his face, the attendant said "Thank you very much for your words, sir, this is a great incentive for us!" bowing a little bit.

Seeing that the attendant was not leaving his side, the boy wondered 'What does this gentleman want? ...' mentally, while continuing to eat and enjoy that wonderful dessert. And after thinking for a few seconds, the boy found that the most plausible answer to the question that was on his mind was money "Oh I'm sorry, I forgot to pay!" said the child, just before putting the spoon in his mouth and smiling.

The boy put the spoon in his mouth and took his left hand, which was unoccupied, to the pocket on the right side of his suit. And seeing what the boy was about to do, the attendant quickly explained, "Oh no, it wasn't that! I'm just here to see if you would like anything else, not least because we don't have that many customers at the moment. " showing the boy that at that time they were really short on customers.

But even with the attendant explaining himself, the boy put his hand in his pocket and slowly took out a black card while asking "Here, do you accept a card right?" after you have just taken the spoon out of your mouth as well.

Seeing the card the child had taken from his pocket, the attendant gaped and said, "Sure sir, just give me a second!" as he bowed and left thinking 'A black card! A child with a black card! Who could be the father of that child? 'Impressed by what he had just seen.

As the waiter walked away, the boy turned his head and placed it again on the back of his right hand, and stood looking at Liz who was outside while eating what was missing from her cheesecake on the table. Shortly after a few minutes with him looking at Liz outside, she looked at him, and he was thinking "Thau! Thau Liz! " he smiled, and waved his left hand next to his forearm giving Liz thau.

The child had already finished eating and now wanted to leave, so he had a normal posture and said "Hey Mark, please call that attendant for me." in English.

The two guards were puzzled to see a child who was speaking Korean a few minutes ago, speaking English so perfectly, so perfectly that it scared him. And after a few seconds had passed, Tyler, who was also perplexed beside Mark, gave him a small touch on the arm so that he remembered to answer the young master.

Right after Tyler touched his arm, Mark said, "Right now, young master." bowing a little bit.

And as he passed Tyler, Mark said, "Thanks for that." thanking you for your touch before.

"No problem, man."

Tyler replied.

After a few minutes passed, Mark returned to the attendant with the card machine "Please, sir, pass your card here!" says the attendant, while showing the child where he should pass the card.

The boy looked at the attendant, and with a smile said, "Could you do this for me?" handing the card over to the waiter.

The waiter took the card and said "Sure!" while he turned it to the correct position.

The moment the waiter turned the card over, he saw a small dragon-shaped symbol on it, and after seeing that symbol the attendant thought 'This symbol is very similar to the symbol of ...' while comparing the symbol on the card, with another one that he knew.