Chapter 60

'Well, I thought it was strange for a child to be walking in the streets in a suit.

Mina thought after hearing who the boy was, and looking him up and down completely.

Ryan was in doubt wondering 'How come they have a Korean who doesn't know who my father is? Is this really possible? ’Whether that was really true or not.

“No, this is a lie! Snif! Of course, you know my father! Snif! ”

Exclaimed Ryan, starting to cry with Cat on his lap.

“Hey look what you did! Stop it now!"

He whispered to Mina as she pinched Hye's left arm.

"Ouch! Okay, okay, I already stopped. ”

Hye said because she didn't want Mina to be mad at him.


Ryan started to cry.

“Look what you did! Make it stop! ”

He whispered Mina, pinching Hye's left arm again.

"Ouch! … And how do you want me to stop him? ”

Hye asked as he ran his hand over the place Mina had pinched.

"I don't know, if you apologize to him, do anything to stop him, people will think that we are doing something with this child, even more being in an alley and I don't want to be reputed as a pedophile!"

He exclaimed Mina, pinching Hye's left arm again.

"Ouch! Why did you do that again? ”

Hye asked as he again ran his hand over the spot where he was pinched.

“Now that I've noticed this, but pinching other people is strangely good. Because you do not like?"

Mina asked looking at Hye with those beautiful bright blue eyes.

"If you don't like it, I can ..."

Looking at those eyes, Hye's pain disappeared immediately, and without being able to say no to Mina, he said "No, it's not okay, it's just that I was just a little surprised!" as he walked towards Ryan and crouched down.

'You fool, you don't always have to do whatever I want.'

He thought Mina with a smile of the purest happiness when he realized that Hye would do basically anything for her, even in pain.

And after crouching and thinking about what he was going to say, Hye said, "Hey boy, didn't you say that you are the son of the strongest man in Korea?"

“Snif! … Uhun. Snif! …What's the matter?"

Asked Ryan trying to stop crying.

"Do you think the son of the strongest man in Korea should be crying in front of others like that?"

Hye asked trying to make him stop crying on his own.

“Snif! …Not! Snif! …Should not!"

Exclaimed Ryan as he wiped the tears that were streaming down his face slowly.

"No, of course not! In my opinion the son of the strongest man in Korea must be brave, strong, smart, agile and intelligent, are you that !? ”

Hye asked in a serious voice.

“Snif! Yes! Snif! ”

Ryan replied, wiping away all his tears.

"You're? So why are you crying? ”

Hye asked in a serious voice.

"…I'm not crying!"

Ryan replied wiping away the last 3 tears that came from his eyes.

"Very good boy, you are much better than me, when I was your age."

Hye said while running his right hand gently over Ryan's head.

“Ryan, right? … So Ryan, are you lost or separated from someone? ”

Mina asked after she saw that Hye had managed to stop him from crying.

“Ah, yes, pretty girl, I'm lost. And that I ran away from my guards, and now I don't know where they have a place that I can have fun. ”

Ryan replied, looking at Mina and gently stroking Cat's hair.

'Pretty girl?'

Mina thought because she found that way of calling her, very strange.

“How about you come with us? We are going to eat and then we can take you somewhere to have fun, and of course home. ”

Mina asked looking at Ryan smiling, and with her body slightly bent forward as she rested her hands on her knees.

"Of course, i would love!"

Ryan replied with a smile on his face as he continued to caress Cat gently.

"Go ahead and we'll be right behind."

He spoke to Mina, getting up and placing his left hand in the left pocket of the back of his black pants. And when Ryan walked away from them a little, Mina asked whispering, “Courageous, smart, strong, agile and smart? Does the son of the strongest have to be all of this? ” in Hye's ears.

"Sure, why not? At least I think so. ”

Hye replied in a low voice.

"Oh yes? And your son, how will it be? ”

Asked Mina whispering and smiling as she walked a little faster and stood in front of Hye looking at him.

Hye smiled and said, “I don't have to worry about him. Since with such a mother, he will certainly be better than my expectations, going well beyond. ” quietly in Mina's ears.

Mina felt a slight shiver when Hye said that, took a deep breath and kept walking beside her, and while she walked beside Hye she thought ‘Sons? Has he thought this far? Am I the only one who is holding on to the progress of our relationship? ’Looking secretly at his face as they walked.

And after walking for a few minutes they finally arrived at the place where now, Mina wanted to go "This is ... this is that store from before!" exclaimed Ryan as he looked around and realized that the store he is in is the same one he had run away from some time ago.

"Hmm? Have you been here before? ”

Mina asked when she saw Ryan's reaction, just entering the store.

"Ahem, it was from that same store that I ran away before."

Ryan replied, nodding his head.

"Ah, so your guards must be around right?"

Asked Mina looking around, while she looked for anyone with clothes that don't quite fit the environment in which they are.

"No, by now they must be looking for me out there."

Ryan replied, shaking his head sideways.

“And how are these your guards? I will try to find them. ”

Hye spoke as he sat at the empty table next to the entrance door.

“Eh, let me see… I remember Miss Liz since she is as beautiful as the beautiful girl. She has blonde hair, is wearing a skirt and a black suit, there is and from what I heard from my father, she is also a former A-rank hunter. ”

Ryan replied as he sat in the chair in front of Hye.

‘Ex rank A? Well, did you hear that right? Go and find her! And remember to bring it in the most polite way possible! Now, go! ’

Hye thought as he gave orders to Itzal, Amon and all his remaining shadows to find Liz and bring her to him.

After receiving the orders, all the shadows replied 'Yes, my lord!' As they knelt, and shortly after doing so, they separated into the shadows, going one to each side.

"And then, already?"

Mina asked as she waited for the waiter to come and answer them.

"Yes, soon she will be here."

Hye replied smiling and calling for the waiter.