Chapter 59

Chapter 59

After Liz gave the order, Mark quickly went to Tyler to look for the boy on the south side of town, in the same direction as the Scarlet guild headquarters. While Liz went looking for him in the north direction.

‘… Where are you kid?…’

He spoke to Liz at the end of one of the tallest buildings in the region where they are.


While the three of them were looking wildly for the boy, he was happily walking out of a pet store and asking "How does it feel to be white now Cat?" to your newest pet cat, while lifting it just above your head.


"It is I know that you are very well now that you are showered."

Said the boy as he smiled placing the cat in his arms again.

When the young master found the kitten, it was not possible to know what its color really was since when he looked at it, he clearly saw it as a black and not white kitten, being all that black dirt that had been accumulating for a long time.

The boy ran away with the simple aim of having fun without anyone following him or even limiting his actions, but he never went out alone, so he didn't know where the fun places were, and thinking about it he asked himself in thought ' … Let's see… where can we go to have fun? ”While looking at people hurriedly passing him on the sidewalk.

Having no idea what to do or where to go for fun, the boy just kept walking down the sidewalks without having a fixed destination.


Mina was sent back by Hye, and went out after a gap that was in front of an alley, and next to that gap, she was waiting for him in front of the alley.

And using her skills, when he went back to the surface, Hye went back to one of the walls behind Mina and said "... Come on?" while he smiled and hugged her from behind.

"We will? Where are we going? Home?"

Mina asked as she turned and looked Hye in the eye.

“Eh, no! Today we are going on a date. ”

Hye replied smiling and giving her a quick kiss.

“A serious meeting? … Okay, so where are we going? ”

Mina asked smiling, already knowing the answer.

"Where? Eh…"

Hye said embarrassed.

"There is! There is! Ha!… Oh, oh, let me choose the place. ”

He said Mina wiping the tears that fell from her eyes while laughing, and pulling Hye by the hand while without knowing it did what he most likes to see when he is with her, gave another beautiful smile.

‘How can she be so…’

Hye thought as he looked at Mina and admired her beautiful smile.

Mina was walking while holding Hye's hand, until they realized it was past and much of lunchtime when they heard their bellies snoring, they looked at each other for a moment and started laughing in the middle of the sidewalk, soon after that, without even calling the place where they were, they kissed.

All the people around began to look and comment to each other “What a beautiful couple!” said a woman who was talking to her friend.

"But they are not acting kind of ..."

Said the friend of the previous woman.

"Oh, stop, it's not like you've never done that before on a date."

The woman spoke again.

Another woman who was also watching that said “Look at the bunch of shameless young people!” to the husband who was beside her carrying several bags.

"Yeah, right ..."

Replied the man without showing an ounce of interest in what was happening.

While looking behind Mina a young man said "Wow, this girl is ..." while he looked at her body from the bottom up.

"She sure is ..."

Said another young man who was beside him paralyzed while he looked at Mina.

Hye opened his eye for a moment during the kiss and when he saw what those two were doing, he thought “But these sons of…” and without controlling himself, he used telekinesis and ended up breaking unintentionally, wanting to, both their legs turning over- sideways.


They both cried, crying because they were in absurd pain.

Upon hearing the screams, Mina looked back and seeing that she took Hye by the arm and quickly left, and when they were in an alley far enough Mina asked "What did you do !?"

"And that they were ..."

When Hye was talking, Mina told him to wait and walked past him saying “Hey buddy, are you okay? Or did you get lost? ” with a child who was walking alone, just with a kitten in his arms, in front of the alley they were in.

When looking at Mina, the boy was thinking ‘My God!’, Paralyzed.

"Hi! …What happened to him?"

Mina asked without understanding what was happening to the boy.

"It is not obvious? It was the same thing that happened to those two guys before. ”

Hye replied as she approached the boy.

After hearing Hye's words, Mina said, “What? What are you talking about, he's just a little boy… what are you doing !? ” while she tried to get the boy back to normal by waving in front of him.

Seeing that the boy was totally immersed in Mina's beauty, Hye approached the child and gave him a weak touch on the forehead.

"Ouch! …Hey, what are you doing? Do you happen to know who I am, to keep hitting me like that? ”

She spoke the boy running his hand where Hye hit his forehead because he was feeling a little pain.

"Who are you? I don't know who you are. Can you tell me sir? ”

Said Hye wanting to play a little with the boy's face.

"I'm Ryan Kwon, son of Justin Kwon, the strongest man in Korea!"