Chapter 67

In front of the entrance, Hye came across Laila, Karma and Senka, along with all the other shadows. Who were there, kneeling, as they waited for him. And seeing the bruise on Hye's chest, Laila, who was to Senka's left, lowered her head and asked, "Are you alright, sir?"

-I am. This little cut is not a problem. - Hye spoke, as she ran her index finger over the wound, and wiped the little blood that had come out of it.

And on hearing what Hye said, Senka, she also lowered her head, and said -But sir, those spiders were...-

-Spiders? - Asked Hye, who was already confused, because that strange being had simply disappeared into the air, after having received only a few blows. He approached their shadows, which upon noticing the approach, quickly all lowered their heads -Tell me, what were the monsters you faced?-

–Giant spiders, sir… Giant and poisonous. And we brought the bodies that were still there, to be carried, for you. - Laila replied.

'Giant spiders?...' thought Hye -And where are the...- He looked around, and couldn't see anything but the shadows that were in front of him.

– Come back everyone! And just stay with you. - Hye said, while looking at Laila.

After all the shadows returned to him, Hye then looked around again. But, as before, he couldn't see anything different -So where are the bodies?-

Still kneeling. But, raising her head, and pointing to the other three paths, Laila showed Hye where the monsters' bodies were. He then turned and walked to the entrance on his left.

'Actually, they are spiders... But then, what was that? ...Is this a double dungeon? ...But why, only the boss was changed? And on top of that, for something so strange... 'Thought Hye, as he looked at the amount of giant spider bodies, which was right in front of him.

-I almost forgot to tell you, sir. But apparently the dungeon boss had already been killed.–

-What?!- Hye was even more confused. And after turning towards Laila, he asked -What do you mean he had already been killed? By any chance, were you the ones who killed him?

-No sir! Apparently, when Karma reached the other shadows, at what would be the end of that entrance. Unlike me, and Senka, for some reason they arrived in what looked like an underground cavern. And in that cave, it was the place, where they found, the huge body of the boss. - Laila replied, lowering her head again.

'What the fuck is going on in this place... But what... was it really like this before?' Hye wondered, after having looked at the message on the air, which said he had completed the dungeon, and read [Congratulations! You completed the spiders' den!]

[Dungeon portal will close in 10 minutes!]

'Has it really been so long that I'm here?'

After staring at that message for a few seconds, Hye told Laila to come back, walked to the front of the portal. And after turning around, he said, “Stand up!” Causing all the dead spiders, including the boss, to turn into shadows, come out of the tunnel they were in, and huddle in front of Hye.

[Choose the name of your shadows!]

Sending every shadow he named back, Hye quickly arrived at shadow number 146. And looking up, he immediately realized that, that being in front of him, was definitely the boss of that dungeon.

For in front of him was a gigantic black spider, which almost didn't fit in that place, and made the other spiders, which he had caught before, look like simple chicks.


[Name your shadow.]


[Your shadow has been named!]

[The shadow evolved into, the mother of all spiders!]

[This shadow will have virtually absolute control over other monsters of its kind.]

With a huge red crystal on his forehead, and four other big blue crystals on his lower body. The spider in front of Hye didn't fit in that place anymore. She had her several legs bent, with her head being practically crushed by the ceiling. And Hye sent her back when he realized that.

Looking up again, Hye saw the counter [00:40] And with no more time to stay in that place, he immediately passed through the portal. And on the other side, the glare that came from the cameras of several journalists who were in that place, was enough to make, for some reason, Hye fell into the river.

-Did you see that?!- Asked one of the reporters, who ran to the riverbank, to look at the person who had fallen there.

-What are you doing?! Get out of the way! - Shouted a man, who was wearing a black jacket, a white shirt, gray pants and white sneakers. Meanwhile, he ran past those reporters and jumped into the river, after throwing his jacket aside.

It's been a while since that man had jumped into the River. And worried, several reporters began to ask themselves -What happened?-

-Are they okay? And why, was that person inside the dungeon?

-So it is. I thought the Dragons guild would be responsible for closing this portal.

-Me too.-

-Stop talking! Looks like they're coming back.” Exclaimed a reporter, pointing to the river, because he saw something stirring under the water.

-Serious?! Where?-

Out of breath any longer. The man who had previously had his hair perfectly combed forward came out of the water with it completely disheveled, and was greeted with the following question, which was asked by virtually every reporter present there.

-What happened?! Where is that person who fell into the river?

-He... There was nothing there... - The man replied, while looking completely confused, to the waters of the river, which reflected his blue eyes.