"They tell me I'm too young to understand, They say I'm caught up in a dream, Well life will pass me by if I don't open up my eyes, Well that's fine by me" - Wake me up by Avicii
Sitting down, through my last class of physics was unbearable, especially when it's the first time I'm looking forward to something, and that something my friends is this year's summer vacation.
I don't know why I'm even looking forward to it. Since I know for a fact all I'll do is either sit in my room all day listening to music, or find myself walking peacefully along the crashing waves of the ocean.
I guess I have an advantage here in Florida, because it's summer time and all. A smile found it's way to my face, a rush of anxiousness filled me even more as I looking at the time. A few minutes to go.
"Psst, Mony," Tyler whispered, Trying his best to get my attention away from the classroom clock that I didn't know I was staring at.
"What?" I frowned at the same nickname he still uses since the fifth grade.
"We’re Sleeping at Chloe's' tonight. We have the whole house to ourselves." He grinned.
"Not before stopping at the grill, because I'm starving."
"Aren't you always," He scoffed.
Tyler was my first and only guy friend. Ever since the fifth grade, Chloe, Tyler and I were inseparable. At one point during middle school, I realised I had a minor crush on him and did eventually end up telling him due to the fact that I’m an idiot. He tried his best to not hurt my feelings as he slowly turned me down with you’re on of the closest people to my heart and I don’t want to loose what we have as friends.
It did hurt, I did cry, I felt like that was one of hardest things I’ve ever had to get over. I am over it now. Or so I love telling myself that.
“Anyways, Chloe and I are picking you up at seven to feed you, after that it's party time." He whisper yelled. I rolled my eyes at his excitement, but nevertheless felt jubilant about tonight myself. As if we were actually going to do some partying, I knew we were either going to eat then watch movies and pass out or eat then pass out and wake up in the middle of the night to eat again.
"Okay, but please don't be late. The last thing I need is to have dinner with my family."
"Don't you do that everyday of the week?" He crunched up his face in agitation.
"Exactly" I finished.
"I see them everyday of the week, don't you think I need a break here?" I asked with my eyebrows raised, daring him to say no.
"Of course you do" He diffidently nodded.
"See that's why we're best friends, because you basically agree with everything I say."
"Not everything. Remember that one time you tried running away? I was the one to stop you. I without a doubt disagreed with you."
"And I hate you for it," He fake pouted the moment I said that. "But then again I love you." I sighed dramatically.
"I mean who doesn't, I'm that awesome." He smirked.
"Sure you are," At that, the bell finally rang signalling the end of the day. I quickly got up, with Tyler by my side. Making our way to the school's main doors.
Impatiently wanting to get out of this hellhole. Not that anything really happens to me here. My brothers were highschool superstars, before they graduated. So I guess I'm on the safe side of society at the moment, and so are my friends.
Waving a 'bye' to both Tyler and Chloe I quickly made my way to my bike. Yes people I ride a bike instead of a car. Its not that I don't want a car, it's just that I don't want to give my mother pleasure, about the fact that I asked her for something and her making me regret it. I bought my bike, all on my own. With the money I saved up since I was thirteen.
Anyways, home wasn't that far away. As a matter of fact it only takes me ten minutes to get to school and ten minutes back. The moment I reached I quickly put on my earphones, preparing myself for whatever there was to come.
"Harmony, Thank God you're here," My mother's relieved voice made me freeze. Wait, why did she sound so relieved? I slowly pulled out my left earphone to listen to what she has to say.
"What?" I coldly asked. Even though I was secretly praying, she'd tell me she was just worried about me or something.
"I want you to stay in tonight and pack up you're bags." Yeah, hoping for her to care was good while it lasted.
"Why?" Using the same tone, I frowned.
"Because we are going to spend our summer vacation at our beach house, with the whole family."
"What? Why can't we go somewhere else?" I groaned. Don’t get me wrong, I love that beach house, but not with the whole family.
"Because I said so, now you better stay here all night packing. It's going to be a long summer." She sighed.
"Nope I'm not doing it tonight. I'm doing it tomorrow." I stubbornly said.
"Harmony," She pinched the bridge of her nose. "It wasn't a question. I am ordering you to do it so we can all move on with our lives."
"Oh I'm taking orders now? Well just so you know, I'm going to Chloe's house tonight and I'm sleeping over." I stated, not even bothering to ask.
"You're sister is sleeping over at May's house, because tomorrow afternoon she'll come with us too. So to end this conversation you're not going."
Kill me now please. May is coming too? I mean how many idiots can a house take in? Cameron was enough, now we have another one? Oh God!
"Watch me," I gave her my biggest fake grin, as I stomped my way up to my room. Ignoring every word she was throwing at me, I put my earphone, as the song came blasting through my ears. I was finally able to breathe again.
I quickly made my way to the my closet, to pack an overnight bag for the sleepover.
Life's a game made for everyone, And love is the prize. The song played on.
Excluding Tyler, Chloe and grandma Cherry. The only love I've got right now is from music. It is the only thing that is always there for me. No matter what, I always feel safe and sound.
For me knowing the lyrics isn't enough. Understanding the meaning behind every word to each song is what I love to do.
"-And so she told me to not come here, but of course me being me, I ignored her and came. So here I am." I said, filling up my mouth with popcorn.
"Girl, you better slow down before you choke on one." Chloe disgustedly said.
"No matter what you tell her, she still won't listen to you. I don't know why you bother," Tyler rolled his eyes. "By the way Chlo-Chlo you have the best kitchen ever” looking through the boxes of chocolates and candy her mother always keeps.
"I know right. Mom got some new stuff last week, they're in that cupboard." She pointed.
"Mony, I just don't see why you're upset about this, I mean you're going to go see your grandma and you love that beach house." Tyler frowned, as he kept looking for his favourite chocolate bars.
"Oh no, I’m not upset about going to see Grandma. It's just being in the same house with May and Cameron is like asking God to torture you in earth's little own hell."
"I know babe, but I'm sure you'll survive. Think of the beach you'll be walking on, while listening to every song you love. How about that huh?" Chloe said, trying to cheer me up.
"That about the only thought that’s actually keeping me sane.” I huffed."I just don't know why I even looked forward to this vacation. I should have known it was going to be a stupid one."
"Don't you dare call the beach house stupid," Tyler gasped. "Chlo-Chlo is right again. You should be happy. I mean think about how many celebrities you can bump into, knowing the area your beach house is in. Oh and I heard the boys over there are to die for." I laughed when he fanned himself making me choke and Chloe laugh. I love his craziness no matter what. If only he were actually gay.
"That's not the problem here,” I continued to rant. “I don't see why Cameron can-" My eyes widened as an idea ran through my head. "Oh My God!" I screamed, once I realised how amazing my idea was.
"What?" They screamed in a unison.
"Guys the greatest idea just pop into my head." I jumped up to my feet.
"Tell us," They screamed again.
"Guys?" I grinned.
"What?" They narrowed their eyes, taking a large step back suspicious about what I'll do next.
"How would you like to spend your summer vacation at our beach house?" The moment the words left my mouth, they both looked at each other and began to jump up and down like two kindergardeners.
"Are you sure about this, Mony?" Chloe asked again, just to make sure she heard me correctly.
"I've never been so sure in my life," Thinking about how crazy this would drive my mom only made my grin widen. "I know you guys won't be doing much this Summer, and I'm sure you're parents would let you come with me. So pack your bags, because this summer is only getting started."
"Hell yeah! But right now," Tyler said, turning up the volume to the current song playing out of the iHome speakers. "It's party time." He screamed yet again. I laughed once he pulled me up to dance with him. Damn I really don't know what I'd do without these two.
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