

"When she was just a girl, and she expected the world, but it flew away from her reach, and the bullets catch in her teeth" - Paradise by Coldplay.


Having your friends wake you up after a sleep is a very normal thing right? But since God himself, has blessed me with friends like Tyler and Chloe, the wake up call they made was worse than any other.

Chloe made Tyler dump his feet, into a bucket of Raw fish then sticked them right above my nose. I literally woke up screaming from that abhorrent smell, but of course me being me, I didnt waste anytime before slapping him senseless.

Now Chloe was a whole other story. She quickly pulled me of the bed, away from my amazing sleep and into the bathroom. Long story short they basically bossed sleepy me, around all morning.


"Harmony? What is Tyler doing here?" My mother narrowed her eyes at me. If I wasn't so busy packing up my bag, I would definitely give her a good answer.

"Now all I have left to put is my laptop." I said talking to myself. Making sure I wouldn't forget anything.

"Harmony!" She screamed.

"What?" Mocking her voice.

"Why is your friend Chloe?, in my room? Searching for the newest handbags I bought? While Tyler is eating in the living room" Yep, that's Chloe and Tyler for you. I’m not even surprised.

"Because they're coming with me." Flatly, I replied.

"I’m sorry I thought you said they’re coming”

"Chloe. And. Tyler. Are. Coming.” I repeated slowly.

"And who in the world invited them to come with us?" She raised her eyebrows, crossing her arms.

"I did," I confidently answered.

"Harmony, I told you the whole family is coming with us. There is no place for your so-called friends, and I'm sure their parents won't allow it-"

"Actually Tyler's mom and Chloe's father loved the idea about their kids, vacationing at our beach house, specifically with me." I fake smiled.

"I want you to go and tell both your friends to leave because they will not, I repeat not come with us."

"And I want to be the first one to find Bigfoot. I guess we're even."

"What have I done do deserve you, of all people as my daughter?" She spit out her venom words. I showed no emotion, all I did was stare at her. "Why can't you be like Cameron? Huh? I mean I know you can’t really be like her since-“ She cut herself of mid-sentence. Her face grew pale as if she wasn't supposed to say whatever she was going to.

She didn't utter another word after that, she just turned on her heels, and walked right out the door. What the hell just happened?

What have I done do deserve you, of all people as my daughter?

The same sentence repeated through my head, over and over again. Before I even actualised, tears began to sting my eyes. I looked at the ceiling. As if to stop the tears from falling.

This isn't the first time she referred to Cameron as the Golden child. It's always been like that. My mother barely acknowledges me, and when she does it's either to tell me how amazing Cameron is, or how awful and disrespectful of a daughter I am. Why can Cameron do anything she wants and not me? This isn't fair.

"Are you ready, Mony? Everybody in the house is already in the car." Tyler grinned.

"Oh yeah. I'm done." I nodded, Closing up my behemothic bag. I grabbed my necessities meaning Phone and headphones. Trying my best to forget what my mother just told me, I Speedily walked to the hallway, not before closing my bedroom door.

Reaching the car was even more tiring. Why the hell did I have to put everything in here? I regrettably asked myself.

Chloe was leaning against the car with a bored look on her face, I'm guessing she was waiting for both Tyler and I.

I noticed that there was only one car waiting for us. Does my mom really think we'll fit into one car? Hasn't she learned from experience?

I opened the car door, only to let out a groan of pure pain and I'm not talking about physical pain, people. Sitting there with all their glory were Cameron and May. Please note huge sarcasm.

Is this my Karma for finishing all the desert last week, before dinner was even served?

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" I glared at both of them. I really didn't want to stay in a car with them for less than day.

"Mom and the others left with the other car. There wasn't any place for us so that's why we were forced to come here." Cameron rolled her eyes, texting.

"I am not sitting with you two in the same car," I crossed my arms over my chest, stubbornly.

"Stop being a stupid brat, and get in the car. The faster we reach, the better." May glared at me.

"Who are you calling stupid, you dingbat?" I asked getting ready to jump in and beat to pulp. She screamed loudly, probably scared that I might hurt her. I was only a centimetre away, when Tyler quickly pulled me back, to stoping me.

"Harmony calm down. The faster we reach the place, the quicker they'll be away from us." He spoke seriously, making sure his words stamp into my mind.

I quickly composed myself, angrily pushing myself into the car. Cameron and May started to small talk with each other as if none of us were there. Which in my opinion is even better.

Taking out my phone from my pocket, I hit the play button after that. Not before placing the headphones from my neck to my ears.

Life goes on, It gets so heavy, The wheel breaks the butterfly.

Closing my eyes, to allow myself to drown into the alleviating lyrics. I sighed deeply, enjoying my few minutes in peace. That didn't even last before Chloe decided it was okay to unexpectedly pull my headphones down.

"Dude," She whined. "This is boring, talk to me." Tyler acting like his dramatic self, gasped out loudly.

"That is so rude," He pouted. "I've been talking to you for the past two minutes, and you basically ignored me?"

"Tyler, I love you, but I need both my besties to join into the conversation."

"Oh," He coughed. "I knew that."

"No you didn't," I laughed.

"Oh shut up, you midget,"

"I'm not short," I glared.

"To me you are," He grinned.

"Everybody is short to you," Chloe clarified.

"And I use it to my advantage every time," He smirked evilly.

"Anyways, guys I can wait to an explore the beach there," Chloe dreamily sighed.

"Uh Chlo-chlo? You do realize we have beaches here right?" Tyler asked.

"Oh I know," She nonchalantly answered.

"Then why would you just want to go to the beach there?" I asked.

"Because I want to see if the beach there is any different, Duh! Why else?"

"But it isn't different. All beaches are the same. Everywhere." I frowned.

"How would you know? Did you see every beach and made sure that it's exactly the same?" Childishly, she raised her voice.

"I don't need to see every beach, to put my statement out there," I raised my voice even louder than hers. She was about to say something, but Tyler stopped her.

"Oh God! You girls drive me insane, literally." He shook his head, already annoyed.

"Don't act like you're all innocent now," Chloe began to argue. Now like very other argument they had, it didn't stop there. It escalated to the point where they both started to wrestle. In the fucking car. Oh My God, my friends are insane.

"Ouch! You fucking broke my nail," Chloe cried. In the middle of the fight.

"Because, you pulled my hair first. You know how I feel about my beautiful hair" He fired back.

Even though they annoy the fuck out of me, I wanted to Thank God that I didn't end up in the same car with my parents or over the fact that my best friends are here to keep me company. Because all I ever used to do on these family vacations is sit there quietly in the corner, avoiding everything and everyone.

Except for Music. That I can never let go.

Tyler and Chloe followed me, in keeping their mouths shut and keeping themselves entertained with whatever they had with them.

"Cam, you're never going to believe this. You're mother just told me, that she is inviting 'The Moretti' family to dinner in two days." May's stupid voice started. I tried to ignore her, but for some reason felt intrigued by the conversation.

"No way, do you think their son Carter will be there?" My sister squealed.

"Of course he will. The last time we saw him, you tried talking to him, but he looked busy, yet he totally couldn't keep his eyes off you. I'm sure he wouldn't miss another chance to talk to you again," May Giggled.

Carter? Where have I heard that name before? I remmber hearing that name, before this moment, but I couldn't place where exactly.

"I mean I know there are many rumours about him not liking anyone to approach or talk to him, but I’m sure I’ll be the only exception”. My sister continued.

"When we get there, we have to go shopping. I seriously need a new dress." I stopped eavesdropping, the minute she dropped the word 'dress' into the conversation.

Not that I don't wear dresses, but her definition of a 'dress' is very different from mine. I would never wear what my sister normally does. Ever.

I guess you could say I don't have the guts to show that much skin. I feel that people would laugh at how ugly I'd look.

I didn't wait for anything or anyone. Making sure to firmly place my headphones on this time.

I closed my eyes, escaping this world.

And onto my own little Paradise.

Hoping that for just once, this summer might turn out to be different.

little did I know.


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