
Bring Me To Life

"How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb..." - Bring Me To Life By Evanescence ft Paul McCoy.


I felt numb.

I didn't know what to do or say. I just continued to stare at the official stamped death certificate. My death certificate.

I kept blinking hoping with everything within me that it was all a big fat joke. However, it wasn't. This was all real. I could see the befuddlement in her eyes as to how in the world do I have a death certificate when I'm very much alive.

"You do realize that we have to inform the police about this, right?" Silver's voice cut right through my train of thought.

"But how-?" I began, before she cut me off.

"I know this is all too overwhelming and confusing to you. You have to know that this needs to be reported to the police as soon as possible. This was done in Florida, so whoever did this is going to be facing severe charges. This is a a third-degree felony, I mean they did forge an official document." She said all at once before sighing. "Harmony, I know this is too much for you, but this is very very serious."

"How is this real? I mean who in the world would fake my death certificate?" I desperately questioned knowing that she of all people is just as confused as I am.

"I really don't know, but I want you to listen to me very carefully" She pulled both my hands into hers. "You can't tell anybody and I mean anybody about this until I speak to the police. Okay? My brother is the chief of the Manhattan precinct. I'm going to show him all of this, and until he knows about this and allows you to talk about it, you can't tell a soul. Do you understand?"

"But why can't I tell anyone about this? Don't my parents need to know?" I continued to fire back.

"Harmony, when we had our first meeting your Grandmother made it clear that she doesn't want anyone to know about this. Especially your parents. After she told me why I have to say she made some very logical explanations and you can ask her later about that. You have to understand that telling them that you have a death certificate will without a doubt raise questions as to how I found out about it. They will know about you wanting me to find your biological father. Do you really want any of them to know about all of this now and put a stop to it?" She quickly asked.

Did I want them to know? Grandma said my mother can't know. That if she knew about this she will find a way to stop me from finding out the truth. But I wanted to know the truth.


I needed to know the truth.

"Fine. I won't tell anyone. I just want to know the truth," I repeated exactly what my heart told me to say.

"Of course Harmony. I'm going to speak to my brother today, and I'll call you as soon as I can. Okay?" She softly said.

"Okay," I whispered, looking down at my hands that were now resting on my lap.

"Hey, look at me," I obeyed. "I am going to find your father and I'm going to find the bastard that forged your death certificate. When I do, believe me when I say I'll make them pay for doing this. You hear me?"

"Yes," I sighed. "Thank you." I continued.

"Don't mention it, sweetie." Giving me a smile, she gathered her things including the death certificate, got up and left. I subconsciously raised my hand and pinched the bridge of my nose.

When did my life become all about private investigators and detectives? I asked myself. Not long after I answered my question.

Ever since I found out I have a father out there just waiting to be found. Whether he was alive or dead. Right at that moment a flame sparked on within me. Determination. That's what it was.

I was so determined to find my father, that I didn't even care whether or not he wanted me. I just wanted to try, because I knew I would regret never trying for the rest of my life.


I was walking on the beach, listening to music. I was finally able to breath properly. I didn't know what to do, I was so overwhelmed and confused. All I knew is that I certainly didn't want to go home.

Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold...

Until you find it there and lead it back home...

Call my name and save me from the dark...

I don't think anybody can save me this time. I have to keep everything that's happening from everyone. I have to keep them in the dark. I really don't know what will happen if my mother found out about this.

Grandma said that my mother would definitely without a doubt stop me. I really don't understand why my mother would even do that. She's never shown any interest in me. The only time she looks at me is when she's scolding me infront of everyone.

At that point I started to think of how they would feel when I'm gone. I know it's ludicrous to even think about it, but the naive part of me wanted to believe that they would want me to stay. I laughed out loud at that bogus thought. Yeah right!

Suddenly my phone began to scream? Who in the world put that ringtone on my phone. I sighed knowing without a doubt that it was Tyler.

"Hello?" I answered, annoyed by the fact that someone decided it was okay to disturb my peace and quiet time.

"Someone seems happy to talk to me." Carter sarcastically spoke. His voice sent goosebumps filling up my body.

"Sorry," I muttered, not know what else to say. His number was already saved on my phone, but stupid me didn't even look before answering.

"Oh no don't be. I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"You're not. I'm at the beach."

"Oh, with who?" He asked.

"Oh with Enzo." I don't know what made me say it but I did. Why Harmony?

"Wait who?"

"I'm here with Enzo. What you suddenly forgot your brother?" This was suddenly starting to get amusing. He didn't say a word for a minute or two. I actually thought he hung up.

"Why?" That one simple question made me smile.

"What do you mean why? Last I heard this was a free country." Again, he didn't respond back. I don't know what he had against his own brother but he it seems that they aren't really on good terms.

"I'm kidding Carter. God you make me feel like hanging out with your brother is considered a crime." I chuckled. I could have sworn I heard him sigh in relief.

"So you're there alone?"

"Yup, just enjoying sunny day.You sure do sound relieved."

"I sure am. Listen Harmony I called to say I'm sorry I haven't called sooner. I would have but I've been so busy with closing up business deals with my father. I also wanted to ask if you'd like to go out again sometime. Like on another date?" He finished off with a question.

I needed a distraction, I really did. This was all too much to take in I didn't want to even think about it anymore until silver called me back again.

I don't know why this was just coming to me, but my mind suddenly replayed a conversation I had with Chloe at school, about how girls should play hard to get when asked again after the first date. I took her advice to heart and did just that.

"HA! You think that simply asking me over the phone would get me to say yes to a second date with you. Let me tell you something you sure are funny. First time's a charm, Carter. If you really want me to go out on a second date with you, you're going to have to try a little bit harder than that," With that I hung up on him.

My eyes widened as I couldn't believe what I just did. I soon started to laugh as I just realized what just happened. For the first time ever I felt proud that I had the courage to reject someone. It never happened before and it certainly felt good.

Ever since my eyes fell on that certificate, I felt like someone kept punching my heart. I felt scared, agitated and confused. But the moment I heard his voice he made my feel like I was on cloud nine. Even though I basically hung up on him, he made me forget. Most importantly He literally in a way brought me back to life.


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