Chapter 5

Julia and Jeremy went out on a date at a fancy restaurant. She wasn't paying attention to what Jeremy was saying nor did she touch her food.

"Babe, why aren't you eating?" Jeremy asked, as he noticed that Julia had barely touched her meal.

"I told you I was in no mood for a date. I'm exhausted." she complained. Her answer got Jeremy angry.

"Why do you always do this?" he asked, not hiding the anger in his voice.

"Well, for starters I work everyday, so you can't blame me... It's not like I'm one of those fake Barbie dolls who have nothing to do other than hang out with you." she retorted.

"Oh, please babe, come up with a better excuse. You say it like I'm some kind of jobless asshole who has nothing to do with his time."

"You said it yourself." she murmured, setting him off.

"Look here Julia, I'm your fiancé and as that, I deserve your time and attention. So, if you're going to use your job as an excuse, then you had better start rearranging your priorities." he demanded with a low voice through clenched teeth, so as not to create a scene.

"Let's get things straight here, Jeremy, being your fiancée doesn't mean you own me. I'll give you some of my time when I want to... Read my lips... When. I. Want. To." she spat back, making sure to stress the last part before standing up from her seat and walked out of the restaurant.

Jeremy was beyond pissed. He angrily dropped his napkin, payed the bills before also following Julia's footsteps of stomping out of the restaurant.

The drive home was quiet as neither of them uttered a word. They were now parked outside Julia's home. She was about getting out of the car when Jeremy held her back.

"I'm sorry, okay? I don't want us saying goodbye like this." he admitted, gesturing at the awkward atmosphere between them.

Julia didn't say anything in reply.

Jeremy used that as an opportunity to close the gap between them, by locking his lips with hers in a gentle kiss.

"I'm sorry." he whispered before deepening the kiss, using his tongue to gain entrance inside her mouth. He had always wanted them to be this intimate but, Julia always made it difficult for him.

Julia let Jeremy kiss her because she was already tired of arguing with him but, she wasn't going to let him get anything more than a kiss, not until they get married, because Jeremy was one who always got into a lady's pant at the slightest opportunity given to him.

The kiss became demanding as he used his free hand to raise her dress and caress her thigh, causing Julia to stop the kiss before any other thing happens.

"Goodnight." she said, hurriedly leaving the car, not even waiting for his reply.

Jeremy slammed his hand on the steering wheel. He was angry and frustrated at Julia's constant rejection. This isn't the first time she had done this but, he had made a promise to himself that one day he would make her give in to him.

"You'll pay for this, Julia. When we get married, that's a promise." he muttered under his breath before angrily speeding off.

Julia walked into her room. She had lied about feeling tired during her date with Jeremy. The only thing on her mind was Craig, as she still couldn't get him out of her head even though it has been a week since they met. She dreamt about him every single night, exploring her body with his strong hands and his lips on hers. She had missed staring into those gorgeous blue eyes, rather than Jeremy's boring brown ones.

Thinking about Craig made her realize that she hasn't given him a call like she promised. She picked up her cellphone that was on her bed and dialled his number. She clicked the end call button before the line went through, deciding that she didn't just want to hear his voice, she also wanted to see her prince charming again.


Craig was in the living room when he heard the door bell. He wondered who that could be, because he wasn't expecting anyone today. Tyler had told him that he would be coming over tomorrow, being Saturday.

He decided not to overthink things and just go find out who it was at his door. He took careful steps so as not to collide with anything on his way to the door. When he opened it, he was instantly engulfed by the alluring perfume he could never forget.


"Wow! Am I that terrible at making surprises?.. How did you know it was me?" she curiously asked.

Craig could tell she was smiling from the sound of her voice. He didn't believe he would hear her beautiful voice again. She really meant it when she said she would come visit.

"I could tell it was you from the smell of your perfume. Please, come in." he said, gesturing for her to come in.

Julia felt blush rise to her cheeks at his compliment. She was glad he kept that tiny detail in mind.

She walked into the living room and made herself comfortable on the couch.

"What can I offer you?" he asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks." she replied.

"What I'd really like is, that we chat for a while." she cheerfully suggested.

"Okay." he said, as he followed her voice and joined her on the couch.

He couldn't quite figure out why she sounded so happy. Was she happy to be here? Or was she only trying to sound grateful because of the help he rendered her?

He really hoped that the latter wasn't the reason because honestly, he enjoyed her company. He couldn't get his mind off her ever since she left, the sound of her beautiful voice that he could listen to all day and never get tired of, as they were like music to his ears.

Craig knew she would be as beautiful as her voice. If only he could see her.

"You didn't call to let me know you'd be coming." he said.

"I actually wanted to surprise you. I'm sorry I never called like I promised. I was quite busy." she explained.

"You don't have to apologise, it's fine."

"Oh no, I have to. I promised I would but, I broke that promise." she insisted, sounding really apologetic.

"It's okay." Craig assured her with a warm smile. Julia felt relieved seeing his smile.

They talked for over an hour, when her phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me." she said before answering the call.

"Hello, Papa?"

"Hey princess, where are you? Jeremy is here and wants you two to spend some time together."

Julia knew it had to be Jeremy who wanted to know her whereabouts, her dad would never do that. She didn't let her parents know about her visit to Craig's because they'd kick against it if she had told them, with the excuse that Jeremy would be upset if he knew she was going to see another male, instead of spending her time with him.

"I'm sorry papa. I didn't inform you that I was going out. I'm with a friend right now." she replied.

"Okay princess. But, Jeremy is still waiting. Should he wait a while longer?"

"No papa, please tell him not to." she said, stealing a glance at Craig before making the next statement.

"I'd be spending the weekend with my friend." she continued, surprising Craig who wasn't aware of her plans.

"Alright princess. Take care of yourself, okay?"

"I will papa. Bye."

"Bye princess." her dad replied before the line went dead.

After the phone call, Julia didn't know how to continue her conversation with Craig because she just told her dad that she would be spending the weekend here, without first talking to him about it. She only hopes he won't get mad about it, considering the fact that the current situation was totally different from the last time. She nervously ran her fingers through her hair.

"Um, about the conversation with my dad... I'm sorry you had to find out in that manner. I wanted to tell you when I arrived but, I was too scared about how you'd take it... Do you mind if I spend the weekend here with you?" Julia quietly explained, asking the last part with a small voice.

Craig couldn't say no to that beautiful voice. He knew something other than the pity he had always felt for himself was developing inside of him and it was all thanks to Julia coming into his life. It was a positive feeling and he was ready to experience it, maybe that would help him stop wallowing in self pity.

"I wasn't expecting that. But, if you're fine by it, then it's not a problem... It would give me the opportunity to teach you the recipes like I promised."

Julia was really excited. She wouldn't have to deal with Jeremy's bad attitude this weekend.

"Thank you so much." she cheerfully said, giving Craig a hug.

He was astonished at first, but composed himself and returned the hug. Her skin was so soft and smooth like he had imagined it to be. It felt so perfect as she hugged him. He couldn't help but inhale the lovely scent coming from her hair.

Few moments passed before they ended the hug.

Craig didn't want the hug to end, as he wanted to take in every detail of her from the hug. But, it would be of no use even if he did. He couldn't see what she looked like, the thought of that made him realize that his hopes of not having any more self pity for himself was impossible. He was useless to himself and the people around him.