Chapter 6

Julia felt butterflies in her stomach from the hug. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating. She felt an immediate attraction towards him from their first meeting and she doesn't care if anyone calls her crazy, because, she has fallen in love with him and she couldn't deny it any longer.

She was still excited from the hug when she noticed how Craig's face suddenly dropped. She wondered if she had overstepped her boundaries. She shouldn't have acted on her emotions, now it's going to get her in trouble.

"What's wrong?" she asked in a concerned tone.

Craig forced a smile.

"It's nothing. Would you like to begin your lessons today?" he asked, changing the subject.

Julia knew there was something bothering him, but she decided not to press the issue any further since he said it was nothing.

"Yeah. Sure." she replied, struggling to hide the disappointment in her voice.

They made dinner together. Literally, Julia did everything. Craig only instructed her on what to do. She couldn't help but wonder how it was possible for a blind person to have learnt how to cook.

They made Spaghetti and tomato sauce with meatballs. Craig didn't want to scare her with a more difficult meal, that was why he settled for this one.

They were done with cooking and were already seated at dinning table, eating.

"It taste delicious. You see, it wasn't difficult at all." Craig said.

"That's not true." Julia countered.

"This is quite tasking for me... You know, I sometimes wonder how the chefs back at home manage to make several meals for lunch and dinner." she continued.

"Then, I guess you still have a lot to learn from me." he replied, feigning to be exhausted.

Julia laughed at his action. She was willing to take as much time as possible to learn how to cook, as long as Craig would be her instructor. He had no idea how hard it was for her to concentrate on the food she was making without getting lost in his voice.

They sat quietly in the living room after dinner. Julia couldn't help but stare at those beautiful blue eyes that always drew her to them. His stubble has grown a bit longer than the last time, making her want to have a feel of it, but that would be going way over the line.

'Control yourself' she mentally scolded herself, but her emotions were too strong for her to control. The only thing saving her at the moment was the fact that he couldn't see. If he could, she was certain her emotions would've given her away.

Craig, on the other hand was nervous. He doesn't know how Julia is going react to his request. He fought within himself if he should go ahead and ask, or just let it be. He was internally struggling and hoped it didn't reflect on his face.

"Julia, can I touch your face?" he blurted out, and immediately regretted asking the question.

Julia was astounded by his question. She never would've imagined that he'd ask that of her.

"Okay. Y-yeah." she quietly replied, the surprise still evident in her voice.

Craig slowly moved closer to her, lifting his hand to find her face. Julia assisted him in placing his hands on her face. He started with her hair. It was as soft and smooth as silk. He wished he could see its color. He slowly moved his hands from her hair to her forehead and then her eyebrows. They were long, moderate and perfectly carved. He then moved to her eyes. She closed them so he could touch them. Craig instantly regretted doing this because he couldn't see the color of her eyes and couldn't tell what her reaction was at the moment.

He dropped his hands, stopping himself from going any further. Julia felt sad by his sudden withdrawal. She was actually enjoying his touch. She loved the way his hands caressed her face, they were strong and masculine, yet gentle. She wasn't going to let him stop midway, so she took his hands and placed them back on her face so he'd continue from where he stopped.

Craig couldn't believe Julia was letting him do this, when in the end, it leads to nothing. The only thing he was sure not to ever forget was her beautiful voice. He had no choice but to continue.

He moved his hands to her perfectly pointed nose, then to her cheeks. He could tell she'd look really beautiful when she smiles. He finally got to her lips. They were so soft and delicate. They were small and plump. He let his hands caress them longer, wishing he could see them.

He was now convinced beyond doubt that Julia was really beautiful, making him hate himself even more for causing his own blindness.

Julia could see the sadness in Craig's eyes. She could tell he was feeling that way because of his inability to see. Seeing him hurt saddened her heart. She didn't care if he could see or not, all she cared about was being with him, but how was she going to prove that to him without him thinking that she only felt pity for him and not love. It would've been a lot easier if he could see, that way he would have been able to see her emotions bursting all over.

Julia had to take the bold step. She didn't want to hold back anymore before she goes crazy. She pressed her lips on his and noticed him go stiff. She immediately wanted to withdraw, but his lips stopped hers. She wasted no time in giving him entrance when his tongue coaxed her lips apart. She had always dreamt of this moment, yet her dreams couldn't compare to what his lips were doing to her right now.

The kiss was gentle yet passionate and consuming. She melted into the kiss, tangling her fingers in his hair. They were much softer than they looked. She had always known that his touch would make her feel ecstatic.

He slowly ended the kiss, wishing he didn't have to. Their foreheads were pressed together as they tried to catch their breaths. With closed eyes, Craig inhaled deeply.

"I wish I could see you." he murmured, cupping her face in his hands.

There was much pain behind those words, Julia could feel it.

"Craig. I've fallen in love with you." she whispered in a voice much to low for his hearing.

She couldn't keep it to herself anymore. She needed him to know how she feels.

Craig heard her confession clearly. He removed his hands from her face, moving away from her.

Julia noticed a frown appear on his face. She was expecting such a reaction.

"You don't love me. You only feel sorry for me." he said with sadness in his voice.

Julia shook her head in disagreement before realizing that he couldn't see her. She desperately fought back the tears that had already welled up in her eyes.

"That's not true, Craig. I fell in love with you from the moment I saw you. I had no idea then that you were blind." she tried to convince him of her feelings.

"That's impossible." he countered, not believing a word she said.

He knew he was slowly beginning to have feelings for her over the short period of time they've been acquainted, as he couldn't think of anything besides her, which wasn't right, because he barely knew her, and she must have a life out there before she met him.

For her to say she was in love with him was impossible. No woman would fall in love with a blind man. He realized that the hard way when his supposed friends and girlfriend abandoned him after the accident.

How could she now claim to love him? Even if she felt something for him, it was pity and nothing more.

"I thought so too, but the thoughts of you kept evading my mind... I was never one to believe in love at first sight, but now I do." she explained as her tears betrayed her.

Craig noticed her voice was shaky. He wondered if she was crying. Does this mean she is telling the truth? He mentally asked himself.

Julia noticed the confused look on Craig's face. She knew he was finding it hard to believe her. He had every right to doubt her feelings, but she was willing to prove herself, if only he lets her into his life.

"I know this may seem to sudden and hard to believe, but please, give me a chance to prove myself... please."