1. A prophesy in the holiday


Ugh, nobody will ever know how much I hate festivities…specially Christmas, everyone seems happy and loved, most of those are just masks. None of them really love each other if not…then why just show this type of environment once a year when you have a whole life with that people? Why just gather once a year when for gathering with loved ones should be more constantly? Hypocrites, I hate all these masked people called family, those fake smiles, that fake love, the fake interest they put in their repetitive stupid questions "how are you doing? Did you finally find a guy and still being that shy towards people? Why can't you smile? Why can't you have better grades?" blah, blah, blah.

-"Rose come here! I want to introduce you to your long distant uncle" my mother said after taking off one of my headphones off my ear.

-"mom can't I at least be at peace in my corner while listening to music? Everyone seems to ignore my existence, why don’t you do the same?" I said totally annoyed that my headphone was taken off my ear.

-"get up and meet with your uncle now, don’t be rude young lady" she said glaring at me

-"ugh I will do it but for the rest of the night please ignore my existence, deal?" I said looking at her even more annoyed by her insistence.

-"deal" she said with a fake wide smile, I wonder how she can handle so much Botox in her face and still smile without having half of it melting away by her exaggerated features, she started with a boob implant but apparently it wasn’t enough for her, she got her butt she fixed her nose…she's kind of like an exaggerated Barbie doll.

I quickly got up and started walking behind her over exaggerated guitar silhouette , literally swimming in the crowded sides of the locale my mother rented to make her stupid Christmas party. As I keep swimming my way to be able to follow my mother and not lose her, last thing I would need is have her screaming my name and scolding me like a child in front of all this people. As we walk into another corner I see several of my aunts and cousins crowding a very weak looking man, he look like he was literally 3 steps away from his tomb if not being exaggerated he looked like a mummy. His eyes looked very wrinkly and tired, his beard was so long that it had a braid made, almost reminding me of Dumbledore's long beard. The old man had waist length hair completely white just like his beard, as he looked our way I could tell he seemed to know me, his face brightened with a very warm and real happy face. He slowly got up and started walking to me on a turtle slow pace, I stared at him dumbfounded he could actually walk without a walker. In some time the man softly reached to my hands and looked into my eyes.

-"thanks to you is that I'm here my dear, I couldn’t ignore the voices demanding me to give you a warning" said the man while slightly pulling me to a corner and glaring at everyone making them to back away so we could have our own space

-"warning? What kind of warning and…what voices?" I asked while looking at him and wondering how many screws he might have lost due his age and looks.

-"ok dear, hear me out and later I will leave you to your comfort yes?" he looked at me while sitting with me on one of the rented plastic chairs. "another worlds salvation will be in your hands, depending on your choices it could be salved or can be doomed. You just need to do what you normally wouldn’t and you will be ok. Your decision making will decide if your values and bravery will grow up or would perish" he said while looking seriously into my eyes, he was starting to give me the creeps with all this, what world? There's only planet earth and no more freaking life…

-"what does that even mean? Other world?" I asked totally confused starting to even freak out by the old man, I barely know him and he's speaking of another world and voices demanding…I think this man needs a mental hospital ASAP.

-"it means what you just heard my dear, have the best of luck with your task" he softly smiled and hugged me " oh here" he said and got away from me, took something from his pocket and placed it on my hand "do not open it unless you are in a life or death matter ok?" he said while uncovering the wine colored pouch he just placed in my hand "oh and last advise" he softly got close to my ear "you will find real love in that world not necessarily just one love, it would be up to you to return here or stay there but beware, if you fall for the horned one do not make any contract, if its love he will break the rules" he said then drew away from me, quickly took some other things from his pockets and looked at me "I know you will have questions after your first trip there so here" he gives me a small circular mirror "you will know how to call me through it and here" he gave me a necklace, it had a beautiful blue tear "never, never ever take this off, put it on right now and forget you have it on ok?"

I quickly nodded my head and started putting the necklace on "can you explain me what is the pouch and why I can't take the necklace off" I asked worried while looking at him

-"the blue drop is a magical elven tear, if you die you will come back to life but it has its own limit, the more you die the quick the tear will run out and if you happen to die and not have the elven tear on …you will actually die, like for real die in both worlds" he said slightly sad while looking down "I'm sorry I know all this is scary but I just want you to be prepared, the spirits kept demanding me to warn their worlds savior" he said softly patting my head as if I were a cute puppy "oh and the pouch don’t ever lose it, if you truly want to save someone and haven't been dead more than 24 hours it should bring that person back as a graveyard ally or as its own regular self, depending of which type of stone you use" he softly smiled and hugged me "well, warning and preparation complete please live a long life and say hi to the kings for me" he said and smiled to me wrinkling his small eyes even more "now I will take my leave dear" he softly bowed his head to me and turned around

I looked down at the pouch in my hands and then looked at the direction the old uncle turned to walk to but he was no longer in sight, I looked around and got up, started walking around looking for him but not successful to find him. I sighed and gave up after noticing that I wouldn’t find him if he doesn’t want me to so I just walked to my car, I was done with this fake "happy family" party.


The holidays have passed already and I was again attending to school, it was hard for me to wake up early to make it to class, specially to the one that I hated the most…MATH…which I was running late again, I was running through the hallway cursing at myself several more times, today we have a test and I can assure anyone Mrs. Rogers will not let me take it for being late again, just as I was arriving to the classroom I saw the door closed. I knew what that meant, detention room for a whole week and a minus 10 in the damn test. As soon as I opened the door of the classroom and quietly started to walk to my desk I heard her voice saying what everyone already knew.

-"you're late again Mrs. Matthews" I rolled my eyes then turned around to see her stupid poker face

-"I know Mrs. Rogers and I totally apologize for that, I didn’t hear my alarm but I can swear it will never happen again" I promised and tried to look as promising as any politician would look to win the elections.

-"sure, I know it won't happen again, here " she said handing me a red card with two holes in it "two weeks in detention so you won't forget to listen to your alarm next time and minus ten points to reinforce that friendly reminder" she said then motioned me to go to my desk

"Oh how I hate this teacher" I thought, I did my test as quick as possible I was the first one to turn it in, walked away from the classroom and skipped the whole rest of the classes, I wasn’t in the humor of taking classes of shit I already knew. At two o'clock I went to detention room, which was on the back if the school near the track and football field. I don’t know why it had to be so damn far from the normal classrooms. I opened the screeching door and entered, it had a few desks scattered around and a chalk board in the back of the teacher's desk. I sat on the back of the room far from the door. A few minutes later a male young teacher entered, he was really handsome.

-"you must be Rosalie Matthews, right?" he said while looking at me, I nodded in response "I need to take care of some stuff, I trust you to stay in here. I will be back in about thirty minutes, ok?" he said, I nodded again in response. He seemed really nice and cool, also his panty dropping smile kind of made me blush "in the desk there's some paper and pencils, if you get bored you can grab some" he pointed at the desk then took some papers from it and looked at my eyes, I noticed a gray one and a red one "well see you in thirty" he said and winked at me while smirking then walked away

A very handsome representation of heterochromia if you may ask. Time passed and I was just totally getting bored of doing nothing, I looked straight ahead and saw the teacher's desk then remembered what the handsome teacher told me. I stood up and went toward the desk. There was nothing on top so I searched the drawers, there were scissors, a pen, sharpener, some lead, paper scraps, but no paper or pencil on sight. I noticed a box under the desk, "maybe I can find paper inside" I thought. I grabbed the box and laid it on the desk to get a better look. It was dusty and pretty heavy. It looked like some kind of wooden chest, it actually smelled like wood and dust which caused me to sneeze making me blow a cloud of dust of the top of the box. I tried to clear the air with my hand then got back on my paper scavenger hunt. I opened the chest twisting a little knob that it had, inside there was paper…FINALLY PAPER! But there was something it already. I took it out and noticed some sketches in pencil, there was a girl in a forest, she was wearing a long dress and was totally barefoot, "this is really beautiful I love it" I thought. I looked inside the chest again and saw a golden quill. I took a closer look, it had blue sparkles all over it. The tip looked like a normal pen though, I looked at the drawing then carefully traced a line over the previously sketched lines. Black ink came out of the pen, to me that simple line looked beautiful so I kept tracing lines all over the drawing until I finished. The girl had no face because her face was not sketched in, all of a sudden I see the pen start glowing. I looked at it dumbfounded then looked back at the drawing that seconds ago I finished tracing, it was glowing too and beautiful live colors began to fill the white parts of the drawing little by little.

-"what the hell?" I asked out loud to myself then looked around thinking I was going crazy

Before I knew it the whole room was filled with a colorful light, I felt something pulling me into the drawing, I tried to back away but the force pulling me was too strong. I screamed while closed my eyes completely scared of what could happen next but then everything seemed calm and oddly cold.